Why Blogging Is Important In Education

Why blogging is important in education. In the United States, we value education. Education is so important that to get into many of the top careers we require a degree.

When we think of education we think about kids this time of year we think about little ones going to kindergarten for the first time in just a few months, getting ready to graduate from high school, or having their college graduation.

That includes trade schools as well as colleges and universities. It includes going to classes offline, but it also includes online education degrees as well.

In this article I want you to think outside of the box and consider a different kind of education. One that could allow you to work anywhere in the world and literally become a millionaire if you choose!

Sound hard to believe?

I am talking about getting an online education in online marketing and using a blog to make money. This is an education that is so powerful that you become a professional Internet marketer and make money online with nothing more than an Internet connection and a device to connect with.

direct sellingSell Something

A wise old Internet marketer once said something very profound. I do not remember it exactly, but it went something like this.

Making money online is not hard to do, just find something someone needs and sell it to them. Sounds easy enough until you try to do it.

The first thing you realize is making money online requires a website or blog with a way to make money and a way to get paid. If you cannot get past this first requirement you may as well give up right now.

What I figured out was a product online today could be physical, or digital, or it could be ME providing my time to get leads or get traffic to click on advertising sold by businesses such as Google.

Once I understood this a whole new world opened up in terms of the limitless ways to use the Internet to make money. There was one problem for me and I imagine for you as well.

How do you get people to your website or blog? I am a blogger so we will refer to that in the rest of the article.

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Traffic Is The Hard Part

Do you know the #1 people fail to make money online? It is not a bad product. It is not a bad blog or even a way to collect money.

The #1 reason you and I do not make money is we do not get people to our money-making site. On the world wide web, these people are known as traffic and millions of words have been written on the best ways to get them to your blog.

Here is what most people do as it pertains to getting blog traffic. At first, they try and do it for free. Everyone says to build a list so they get an autoresponder and attempt to do list building. This is major league slow and in most cases, people never get more than a few people on their list.

Then they start a blog and join a few social sites. They hang out in these and it may be fun or it may be torture depending on your point of view.

The bottom line is they do not get meaningful traffic and end up quitting Internet marketing adding to a long list of millions of casualties who end up going back to work offline.

Is there a better way?

Why Blogging Is Important

Join an Internet Marketing Education Program

I am not talking about buying an eBook that teaches you how to make money online. I am talking about investing in an Internet marketing education in a way that makes it almost impossible to fail.

In his best-selling book “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill talks about the importance of being part of a mastermind group if you want to be successful. I personally think this is the most important thing you can do when it comes to making money online.

Final Thoughts

You need to be part of a program that gives you the education to do Internet marketing correctly. However, you also need to be involved in a mastermind group for a number of reasons.

The biggest reason of all is the support that you get from other people who are attempting to do exactly what you’re doing. Internet marketing is a lonely world and when trying to do it alone you end up reinventing the wheel, making mistakes that you don’t need to, and wasting time and money that ends up costing you your dream.

I like the Wealthy Affiliate program because it combines not only education on how to build your own affiliate marketing business, but also gives you access to a community of other Internet marketers who are building their own businesses using the affiliate marketing business model.

When you’re part of a mastermind group like this you are kept up to date on what’s happening in the world of Internet marketing and all the changes that seem to pop up almost every day. This makes your online education ongoing which is important if you want to make money today and tomorrow.

In Wealthy Affiliate Community, we learn how to use a blog to make money online. You can take that in so many different directions, but it all starts with becoming educated on what is the best way to get your blogging education.

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