Wood Profits Review – Is Wood Profits A scam?

Our Wood Profits Review looks at the business opportunity available on the Internet for people looking to start their own woodworking business.

Here are the basics…

  • Name: Wood Profits
  • Website: https://www.WoodProfits.com/
  • Price: $37 plus down and upsells that come after membership
  • Owners: Jim Morgan
  • Overall Rank: 95 out of 100

If there ever were a niche business opportunity, Wood Profits would be it. That is one of the big things being taught online when it comes to starting your own business.

If possible, choose a niche you have a passion for. If you get into something you know about or are an expert in those same lines.

Why do Wood Profits fall into one or more of these?

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Wood Profits Product Overview

What Wood Profits markets are, a 53-page guidebook that helps people start their own woodworking shop for less than $1,000 and with no experience. Their landing page goes into the hype, letting you know that you do not have to be a good woodworker to start this business.

The owner, Jim Morgan, says he perfected the technique in 1994 and launched his business selling his secrets in 2012. Since then, Wood Profit has been marketing this guide, helping others to start their own woodworking business.

For a low $37 price tag, there are huge upsells that come later; you can do the same thing as Jim Morgan and make $90,000 to 150,000 dollars a year. Of course, anyone can throw figures out like these, but it does point out that the woodworking niche is a very profitable one if you know what you are doing.

The Good & the Bad of Wood Profits

I’ve been doing Internet marketing long enough to know nothing is perfect, and often things are not as bad as they seem either. This is true for Wood Profits as well.

The Good:

  • There is a training available
  • 60-day money-back guarantee
  • Helps people get their sales up
  • Easy to follow woodworking strategies

The Bad:

  • Pay to play
  • More up and down sells to pay for
  • Fake testimonials
  • Wood Profits is a Scam according to Affiliate Networks.
  • False citations concerning news outlets

If you choose to buy Wood Profits, you will be able to make your own determination. When it comes to online eBooks, people often buy them and forget about them. Those that actually put into practice what they are being taught benefit the most!

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Who is Wood Profits forWho is Wood Profits For?

Some people think that Wood Profits is better for more experienced woodworkers who already have their shops up and running. The reason for that is because the guide is supposed to help boost sales and gives easy-to-follow instructions.

If the program works, Wood Profits is for those men and women who like to work with their hands, like working with wood and want to start their own business. Getting a motivational start helps a lot of people take that first step in being their own boss.

Of course, those who try this program will need to be patient and dedicated as it may take a little time to get your new business off the ground.

I suspect you need to be a little technically oriented for this to work for you. At the very least, you need to hire someone who is and has some management skills if you do.

Wood Profits Review: Tools & Training

This is one of the more positive aspects we found about this company. Not only does Wood Profits give you training, but they also do it in 2 ways. First, you get written instruction, and second, you get audiotapes or tapes with legitimate training information as content.

That means the owner of this company does provide some legitimacy to this business and helps people get prepared to do woodworking. You are paying 37 dollars for the book, so it better come with some good information.

The upsells you are asked to purchase after signing up provide more advanced information you can use in your new business. So you are not left at the beginning stages of this new woodworking enterprise. You do get some help and some useful information to use.

what do you learn in wood profitsWood Profits Review: What Do You Learn?

Before you buy, you want to know what you are getting. More specifically, what will you learn?

1. Instructions. For starters, you are given step-by-step instructions like a blueprint to follow.

You will learn how to make money selling crafts and wood projects. If you need ideas on what is making money and what is not, you will get them.

2. Business Costs. You will also learn how to literally start a business of your own for less than $1,000. Does that seem like a lot to you?

You are getting a business model with instructions. If you were to start a Mcdonald’s, you would spend over 1 Million Dollars. I understand these are different models, but it does present costs to see $1k is low.

3. Internet marketing methods. The sales page for Wood Profits says little-known marketing methods.

I guess these are little known to you, but not to people who do affiliate marketing for a living. However, learning how to market beyond word of mouth is important in today’s economy.

4. high-margin niche crafts. Would it be important to know niches to get into that are easier to sell in than others?

Wood Profits teaches these profitable easy to sell in niches. High margins mean your costs are low compared to the market price you can sell in.

Wood Profits Review: More Of What You Will Learn

5. How to get testimonials. This becomes a key thing as you begin to do work.

6. Where to save money. When you buy tools and materials for a job getting the best price possible can be the difference in turning a profit or not.

7. Case studies. I love this one because you will see people just like you making money with what they have learned from Wood Profits.

8. Outsourcing. This is also known as contracting out your work.

Perhaps the idea of having a woodworking business without doing the actual labour appeals to you. You will learn the best ways to get started doing that.

9. Legal advice. Let legal experts provide advice on licensing, taxes, setting your business up and so on. This is the part most of us do not care about but is very important.

And much more…..

Wood Profits supportWood Profits Support

We had to go to the bottom of the page to find the support pages. A product support page has FAQs the owner wants you to read before contacting the company.

Then there is an order support page that takes you to Clickbank. That page asks if you need help with an order or to contact them directly. As for training to sell the book, there was no help.

There is an affiliate page giving those affiliate marketers wanting to market this product the affiliate links they need, but no real training is mentioned.

Wood Profits & Clickbank

The fact that it is a ClickBank-approved product is positive in my viewpoint as well. Affiliates are always looking for things to sell.

Getting into the woodworking niche is a very targeted niche. Making money selling an ebook that is already written makes it easier for you to get started.

If you are a Clickbank affiliate, all you do is insert your Hoplink id name into the Wood Profits URL, and you are ready to start selling.

Jim Morgan provides banners, images, PPC ads, keywords, email templates, and articles you can use to begin marketing right away from what I could see.

More On Affiliate Marketing

We have spent a little time establishing that woodworking is a good niche to get into. Let me mention why affiliate marketing is a good way to get into that niche, specifically with Wood Profits.

As an affiliate, you can earn commissions in a variety of ways. One of those is to sell a product.
Wood Profits is sold as an information product online, so the commission rate is a very healthy 75%.

You’re not going to reach this high commission structure or percentage when dealing with physical products. The Wood Profits project is an affiliate product that you sell that teaches the buyer how to make money in this specific niche.

Clickbank is great because they can get more into the specifics of selling with them as the affiliate merchant. You’re going to make additional money when you begin to make wood products, and you want to learn how to sell those, possibly even with your own affiliate program. Affiliate marketing is a great business model to be in, and a specific product that pays a high 75% commission is a great way for you to get started making money.

is Wood profits a scam or legitWood Profits Review: Price

The cost of the guidebook is no secret. The company says that if you do not act right away, the price will go from $37 to $97 to $197 but generally, that never happens. The cost remains at the low $37 value.

After you purchase the initial guide, you are treated to further upsells offers. There are 3 of them, which go from $29.97 to $39.00 to $49.00. And if you take their $10 discount, you can save that money on the $39 and $49 offers.

There is a big recruitment page asking affiliate marketers to sign up and represent their products. The company pays about a 75% commission on the front end and about 50% on the back end, with a total of about $80 per sale.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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My Final Opinion of Wood Profits

If you are good with your hands and can make many creative woodworking products, you may enjoy starting your business and doing it the Wood Profit way. It does provide you with some legitimate information to help you get started and on the road to success.

Since you are not asked to recruit after signing up, Wood Profits is not a pyramid scheme, nor is it a scam. It is an affiliate product sold through the Clickbank affiliate network.

People do get the product they are paying for. If they didn’t, they would be scammed, according to the legal definition of the word scam.

Another good aspect is that you have 60 days in which you can get your money back. That means if you are not happy with your purchase, no harm, no foul. Your money is returned through Clickbank.

wood profits is legitWood Profits at a Glance

Learn some woodworking techniques
Get guidance to start your own woodworking company
You are paying for a guidebook
You are not signing up to sell or recruit other members
Its product is the book and some upsells
Works well with affiliate marketers

Wood Profits Review: Summary

Wood Profits exists to give you a hand in starting your own woodworking company. It provides a little guidebook that you can pick up for $37 to help you get started on your path to success.

Be prepared to spend more money as more advanced training is found in the 3 upsell offers available after you become a member. The good news is at least you get some training.

A support page and a contact form are on their website, so if you need extra help, you can read the FAQs or contact the company directly. There is a ticket page if you need more detailed help.

Get into affiliate marketing if you want to make money selling the guide to other potential woodworkers.

This is a way to expand beyond earning on wood projects and crafts you make. It gives you another income stream.

Join An Affiliate University

Becoming an Affiliate Marketer should be your main concern. Once to get the knowledge and have the ability to create your own website, then you would be able to market any product you desire, whether that product stays on the market or not.

The path to riches is controlled products, and what you do not want is a product that is here today and gone tomorrow. Fill in yourself knowing Affiliate marketing and promoting products from big companies like Amazon and Commission junction etc.

If you are interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

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18 thoughts on “Wood Profits Review – Is Wood Profits A scam?”

  1. Everything is not for everybody. If you don’t have the personal inclination to do things with your hands, you don’t like to use tools and hate getting dirty the first type of model proposal wouldn’t be for you. The second one, merchandising the same product to others may be a better idea. I dislike the idea of not having a trial, but it’s obvious why not: Once you get access to the battery of blue-prints you got them and done deal!

    Thanks for a great product review!

    • You have to understand the product and if it is falling on your territory, then it would be a winner. And this is what I believe that Jim morgan had in mind. some may deem it as a scam because of the upsells, but after a closer investigation and can safely say that I do not believe it is.

      I am a big fan of trial membership, but this Wood Profits business would be difficult to implement because of the nature of the business. But keep in mind he has a 60-day money-back guarantee which will fall right under that trial membership umbrella. Thank you for the feedback.

  2. A very interesting and thorough review of Wood Profits. It sounds like a legit way to make money from starting your own woodworking company but it does concern me how many cons there are. 

    From your high ranking, I’m guessing this isn’t too much of a concern for you though? Do you know anyone that has taken the course and found it useful?

    • Wood Profits is a good business because of the training that Jim provides. I believe that if this business had set-up right differently, then the fake testimonials and the upsells would not have been a problem. Jim Morgan should have approached it on a personal note, and have more key people involved. I don’t believe it should have been a Clickbank product. Just my thoughts on this.

  3. Hi! I like that you have been balanced in your review. This is something I’ve wanted for some weeks, to join Wood Profits. But I didn’t dare to join before I read enough reviews. And I feel your review has answered my final questions.

    I like Wood Profits has training available. I’ll start today! Thanks!

    • Abel, I am happy I was able to help you make a decision on joining Wood Profits. I believe it is a good product and that you can be successful if you have the right approach. I will go on to build a website and use that strategy to build my business. You can do that by joining Wealthy Affiliate for free and utilize their resources for maximum exposure.

      All the best!

  4. I had seen an advertisement for this Wood Profits course and wanted to do some research prior to making a decision on whether or not to buy it. That is how I landed on your review page and I must say, based on the detailed review you have provided, I agree with your assessment.

    There are those people that feel comfortable doing this kind of work over online work, and such a business might just be the thing that they would enjoy and excel at. The $1000 start-up cost is not much compared to most businesses, as you point out. 

    For those that may have skills using both their hands and with the laptop and internet, leveraging the training through affiliate marketing might be a good source of some additional income for setting things up one time, i.e. a website, content, etc. This niche may not be for everyone, but for those that are interested and have a few skills, it may be a good one to try.  

    • It amazes me when I look at the amount of opportunity that exists, and why people are not taking advantage of these opportunities. There are different types of people all over the world and what works for some may not work for others.

      I have friends that this business model would appeal to and others would rather join Wealthy Affiliate to gain all the knowledge that they would need to build a successful online business. I personally believe is the best approach because everyone is beginning to buy online, and this form of transaction is increasing tremendously.

      to find any business, we all search online for the results. so even if your business is offline and runs the oldfashioned way, it would not hurt to explore it online as well. and that can be simple by building a website and sharing it on all social media and online media. It was great chatting with you, dave. thank you for stopping by.

  5. Great review! I have been looking into arts/crafts and woodworking was one of my choices.  I am definitely interested in starting something but on a smaller scale.  I am definitely interested in checking this out because it looks like I have two possible avenues to create income 1-wood crafts and 2-affiliate marketing.  Both of these would be beneficial.  I will definitely check this out! Thanks for the information!

    • hi Jeannie, you made the right choice by wanting to try out this product. I believe it can create a different income stream for you, and if you know how Affiliate marketing works, you would be far advance with your success. Wish you all the best.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing with us such a beautiful article. I’ve been thinking about a business like this for a long time. However, I did not know how to start and how to make a good profit. He wants to do something online at home. From your article, I realized that I cannot start with something very good at first, move slowly and take tactics to attract people. 

    And of course, I will collect the related book, collect the programs, learn the details and execute the strategy. And the book I’ve heard too many is very informative which will be very helpful to me. And after signing up I will definitely collect information from the upsells. Besides, you have some tips and tricks here, tips, business expenses, internet marketing methods, high margin niche crafts, testimonials, case studies, outsourcing, legal advice that will definitely help me do a lot of good things and especially a great article for doing something online at home. 

    I will definitely follow them and I think I can attract more customers if you follow these tips. Affiliate Marketing Click Bank will also be able to build a strong position in this business which will make the path ahead very well and I hope to do many good things in the future. To build a business you need to have the right skills training, as well as some tips, all of which you have presented to us in your article. So I would like to thank you for your article and hope to find more articles in the future. 

    And I know a little before then read your article and found that his profit is a really great business. If the techniques can be exported, there is certainly a chance of something better. And if I had not read your article which is such a great place to work online, I would not have known it so I would pass it on to my other friends. 

    • Shanta all the points that you have made are valid ones. You have read my article in its entirety and I am happy that you did. It does not matter what business you are building, you need marketing experience because of the way that the industry is changing.

      This is one reason I recommend that people who are searching to build a business online, start with Wealthy Affiliate and get all the experience that you would ever need the same way I did. this will put you in a position to market any products for success.

      Affiliate marketing is the best business model that anyone can leverage to build a comfortable full-time income from home. and once you find that passion that you possess, you can turn that passion into a business. the community at wealthy affiliate will work with you, plus you have me to show you what is working for me so that you can implement the same strategy in your business and get the same results.

      Please feel free and contact me if you need a hand with building your business. I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others get the same success. I hope to talk to you soon.

  7. Great review of this product. If I was into woodworking, this would sound like a great idea for starting an online woodworking business. Instead, I like your idea of becoming an affiliate marketing expert. That sounds like a more profitable and interesting adventure.

    Did you get the eBook yourself and if so, was it worth the money?

    • This product is well received by many because of the nature of the work. Although it may not appeal to everyone, it will capture the hearts fo those who have a passion for woodworking.

      No, I did not get the ebook, but I know people who did and all I hear is positive affirmations about this ebook that they purchase. They also went on to purchase the upsells as well. I hope that I have answered your question.

  8. Your approach to the public is very enticing and unique. I can tell you know the art of persuasion well. You are upbeat and a cool man. You have experience as a people person—-excellent. I am so excited that you and your son (David Jr.) have teamed up together to learn and earn. This is wonderful.

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    Fascinating that the title “Wood Profits Review: More Of What You Will Learn” generates over 90 million results, yet if I use this title (just 3 dashes) “Wood Profits Review—More Of What You Will Learn” it only generates 10 Google results, hm….

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    Wow, you did your homework well, very well. You blew away the competition using some simple symbol techniques and unique wording—including your name at times.

    I wonder if you could direct the youtube page to its own separate page.

    You have built yourself an intriguing site there, David. Keep up the good work. I got caught up in your content. Very nice.

    Go for it, and I wish you well in your endeavors.

    Lots of love
    Audrey J.

    • This is a very unique feedback. I thank you for following me and my website. This is the reason that I build it so that people would go to it and learn all the necessary strategies to build a successful business online.

      I am happy that Wealthy Affiliate found me to fulfill my dreams and to help as many people to do the same by following my lead.

      Thank you for being a regular follower, and I appreciate the kind words and analysis. If I can help in any way please feel free to contact me, I would be happy to lend a helping hand. I take this business seriously and I will do whatever it takes to see others have the same success.


  9. Hello Bishop, nice to see you share this review of Wood Profits. I have a friend that is into woodworking and I even discussed this woodworking business with him last week. I told him he could do really well if he could get some courses online and even take his business further by building a website for it. 

    This course is just a confirmation of what we discussed. I really love it and the value it will provide. Although I don’t like upsells, these upsells are cool because they’re not expensive, moreover, one will get value for the money spent.


    • I am happy that you get some value here and that this post would help your friend make a constructive decision on building a website and following his passion for woodworking.

      I agree with you not liking upsells, I am the same way. But these upsells are different and very much worth the money because of the value in them.


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