Work Online From Home – Are You Out Of Your Mind?

I say that tongue in cheek, but you need to come into your work online from home search with eyes wide open and reasonable expectations.

Yes, millions of people do it every day.

Yes, millions more try and fail.

Yes, you could succeed, but the decisions you make right now will at the very least control your activities towards success in the coming months.

So what working online from home can you do?

Flex Jobs is a paid membership website that matches employers with employees. Ten years ago the site was known as, which was an abbreviation for telecommute jobs.

Telecommuting is still a way that you can work online from home. The key is being found by employers that are looking to hire people who want to work from home and are qualified to do so.

Let me repeat these two primary things.

1. Want to work from home.
2. Qualified to do so.

When you get hired as a telecommuter, you need skills your employer is looking for. This means that you’re going to apply for a job just like you would if you are searching for a job off-line.

One of the great things flex jobs does for $15 a month is filled their site up with employers who are looking for people who want to work a flexible schedule. Many of these are people who will telecommute and have the qualifications and requirements to work online from home.

Often this means having a USB headset, hardwired Internet, possibly a separate landline, and certainly the necessary skills to do the job. The good news is there are thousands of jobs like this that companies need employees for right now, and that number only expects to grow in the coming years.

working from home as a virtual assistantVirtual Assistant

How about starting your own business as a virtual assistant? You’re not an employee of the company, but you do specific tasks for them from the comfort of your home.

When you start your own business, you can work for multiple companies, or if someone’s going to pay you enough, you can focus on one business.

What does a virtual assistant do?

Anything that a business needs to be done! Examples would include typing, follow-up email, answering the phone, writing sales proposals, making blog posts, doing online advertising, participating in social media, and so on.

The nice thing about this type of work online from home is you can be as busy as you want to be, and you can make as much money as your time allows. You can also set your customers on a contract basis, so you know every month what your income is going to be.

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Get Paid To Programs

I have written about this in the past. Get paid to programs include; get paid to take surveys, get paid to read email, get paid to enter data, get paid to write, and so on.

This is not a get rich type of way to work from home online. As a matter of fact, outside of getting paid to write articles, you’re probably not even going to earn minimum wage.

As an example, you might take a survey that makes $.50 and can be done in 15 minutes. Basic math would show you that in one hour you could earn $2 if you completed four surveys.

For this reason, many people focus on recruiting people to take surveys as a way to supplement their income or even their primary income stream. If you’re earning a commission on surveys being taken, it is possible to exceed the minimum hourly rate, or once you have enough people taking surveys, you may be making money every month without working.

Getting paid to write is a better approach. You can do it for sites such as Fiverr or Crowd Content. You could even start your own blog writing business and freelance writer for other Internet business owners or blogs.

Biz Opps

working my business from home online

There are numerous business opportunities you can join and work from home online.

The network marketing business model is especially good for this.

When you join an MLM company you are going to be in business for yourself, but they provide everything for you such as products, product fulfilment, marketing materials, and they pay you according to the compensation plan.

Working Online From Home As An Affiliate Marketer

My favourite business model, however, is affiliate marketing, and this is an excellent way to work home online. I said this in another post, but I feel you should join the Wealthy Affiliate and take their training courses on how to do affiliate marketing the right way.

You will be given choices as to what type of affiliate marketing you want to do. Initially, you will focus on one such as pay per click, pay per lead, or pay per sale!

As you can see on my blog, I’m in the pay-per-sale affiliate marketing business. I actually sell the Wealthy Affiliate membership in a residual income on every sale that I made.

Many blogs are set up with Google ads on them, and affiliate marketers are getting paid by the click. These are information websites or information blogs that target a specific niche.

The blogger makes money when their visitor clicks on an ad that Google sells. In this type of work from home online your focus is on content creation, so if you like to write, or work with freelance writers, this can be a way to make money.

Final thoughts on Work Online From Home

Let me wrap up this article on work from home online by saying that it’s important to decide whether you want to be a worker or an entrepreneur. Workers trade time for money. Entrepreneurs are interested in building something for the future. They understand they may or may not always have a consistent paycheck coming in.

If you can decide this quickly upfront, you won’t waste time trying to be an entrepreneur when you want to be a worker, or trying to be a worker when you really would rather be in business for yourself!

If you are really interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on how to build a successful business. You’ll get plenty of support, training, websites, and access to 24/7 live chat where people are always online to help you. And I will be your private coach until success finds you. Get started for FREE today.

PS: No credit card needed!

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