Zyn Travel MLM Review – Is Zyn Travel Legit Or A Scam?

This is my unbiased Zyn Travel MLM Review where I will give you all the facts about this company and why you should think twice about joining or referring others to this business model.

Full product Overview Of Zyn Travel MLM

  • Name: Zyn Travel
  • Founder: Robert O’Brien & Anthony Powell
  • Product: Multi-Level Business (MLM)
  • Price: $19.99
  • Rating: 2
  • Recommended: No

Please keep in mind as you read my Zyn Travel Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Zyn Travel. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might even be helpful to read other Zyn Travel Reviews.

What is Zyn Travel?

ZynTravel like other MLM companies sells travel products and services to its members, who are referred to as “Independent Business Owners” (IBOs). The IBOs sell the products and services of their sponsor companies in exchange for commissions on sales they make.

The company was founded by Robert G. Johnson, an American entrepreneur who has been involved with several other businesses since he was 18 years old. He started his first business at the age of 19 selling magazine subscriptions. In 1980, he launched his first direct-response advertising firm, which eventually became one of the largest such firms in the United States.

In 1992, Johnson decided to launch another business venture when he noticed that there were many people looking for ways to earn extra income through home-based businesses. He came up with the idea of starting a business that would help others find jobs online. This new business venture was called ClickBank, which eventually grew into a multi-million dollar company.

In 1998, Johnson left his job as CEO of Clickbank to found Zynetix Corporation. It was then renamed to ZynTravel after acquiring the rights to the name from a former employee. The company’s headquarters are located in San Diego, California.

How do I Make Money with Zyn Travel?

There are two main reasons how to make money and why you should join Zyn Travel:

1) You can build your own team of IBOs and start making money right away.

2) You will be able to work from anywhere in the world.

If you have never worked with a network marketing company before, it might seem like a good opportunity to get rich quickly. However, this is not always true. Many network marketing companies are scams or pyramid schemes. They promise big returns but don’t deliver. If you do decide to join Zyn Travel, here are some things you need to know about them:

How Does Zyn Travel Work?

You must become an independent business owner (IBO), which means that you will be responsible for recruiting other IBOs to promote the company’s products and services. Your compensation depends on how much revenue you generate.

Zyn Travel MLM Review - How much money I can make with this company?

How Much Money Can You Make With Zyn Travel?

It all depends on how hard you work and how well you recruit. Some people make thousands of dollars per month while others only make $50-$100 per month.

What Are The Requirements To Join Zyn Travel?

To qualify to become an IBO, you must meet certain requirements. These include having a valid email address, being at least 18 years old, and owning a computer.

Who is Anthony Powell?

Anthony Powell is the founder and president of Zyn Travel. He has been working with network marketing companies since 1995. He has also been featured in various publications including Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc., Forbes, USA Today, and CNN.

Who is Robert O’Brien?

Robert Obrien is the vice president of sales and operations of Zyn Travel. Prior to joining Zyn Travel, he spent more than 20 years in the financial industry.

How Do I Get Started As An IBO?

Once you have met these basic qualifications, you will receive an invitation to join Zyn Travel. When you accept the invitation, you will be asked to provide personal information including your full name, phone number, mailing address, and email address. After you complete this form, you will receive a welcome kit containing a business card, brochure, and product catalog.

How Long Will It Take For Me To Start Making Money?

This varies depending on how many people you recruit. Generally speaking, if you recruit 10 people, you could expect to make around $500 per month within the first few months.

How Do I Recruit Other People?

The best way to recruit other people is to tell them about Zyn Travel. You can contact potential recruits using the business cards included in the welcome kit. Once they agree to join, you will be given their names and email addresses so that you can send them more information about Zyn Travel.

Can I Afford To Become An IBO?

The cost of joining Zyn Travel is very low. There is a monthly fee and no upfront costs. All you pay is a one-time set-up fee of $ 29.99 and your monthly fee. As you move forward with this business there are additional costs as I would show you in this review.

Are There Any Fees Associated With Joining Zyn Travel?

Yes, there are fees associated with becoming an IBO. You will be charged a monthly recruitment fee of $29.95 plus taxes. This amount goes towards paying commissions to those who sign up under you. Additionally, you will be required to purchase a minimum of $499 worth of products each month.

Are There Any Products That I Need To Purchase Before Becoming An IBO?

No, you do not need to buy any products before becoming an IBO. However, once you become an IBO, your commission rate may change based on what type of products you sell.

Is Zyn Travel A Pyramid Scheme?

There is no such thing as a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes involve making money by selling memberships to other people. In contrast, Zyn Travel does not require anyone to buy anything from it. Instead, you earn money by recruiting other people into the program.

Does Zyn Travel Have A Refund Policy?

There is no refund policy. If you decide to leave Zyn Travel after signing up, you will lose all of your earnings. Zyn Travel is legal because it has been approved by the Better Business Bureau.

Anyone looking for quick cash should avoid Zyn Travel. While some people are able to make good money through Zyn Travel, most people fail because they don’t put enough effort into the program.

Is Zyn Travel A Good Business Opportunity?

It’s difficult to say whether or not Zyn Travel is a good business opportunity. On the one hand, it has been around since 2005 and has made millions of dollars for its owners. On the other hand, it has also been criticized for being a Ponzi scheme.

Zyndio pays commissions to affiliates based on how many people they personally recruit into their network. If you want to make money with Zyndio, it helps to know what kinds of people make good recruits.

The more people you personally recruit, the more commissions you earn. You can choose to pay yourself a personal referral fee or offer a lower commission to others.

For example, let’s say you personally recruit 5 people into your network. Your personal referral fee is $10.00 per person. This gives you a total referral fee of $50.00. However, let’s assume that each of those people you personally recruited spent $20.00 on their affiliate membership. In this case, you would receive $40.00 in commissions.

If you decide to pay another $10.00 commission to someone else, you would still receive $30.00 in commissions. Let’s say you recruit 10 people into your network. You would then receive $100.00 in commissions. And if you recruit 20 people, you would receive $200.00 in commissions. As you can see, recruiting more people does not necessarily mean earning more commissions.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Zyn Travel

The Advantages: 

  • As an IBO, you get paid every month regardless of whether or not you recruited new members. 
  • You have access to training materials that teach you how to build a successful online business.
  • You get travel discounts
  • You can choose which products you want to promote.
  • You can work at home without having to travel anywhere.
  • Potentially earn residual income

The Disadvantages:

  • Being an IBO with Zyn Travel comes with a lot of responsibility. As an IBO, you are responsible for promoting the company and recruiting new members.
  • If you don’t recruit enough people, you won’t receive any payments.
  • You have to spend a significant portion of your income buying products.

What Is The Best Way To Make Money Online?

If you’re looking for the fastest way to make money online, then affiliate marketing could be a great option for you. It doesn’t matter how small or big your audience is, if you can write a few articles and drive traffic to them, you’ll start earning within just a couple of hours.

How Much Does It Cost To Join Zyn Travel?

You can join Zyn Travel for 49.95 including a set-up fee of (29.99), and a monthly fee of 19.99. There are also different levels you have to pay from being a bronze ($50) to becoming a Black Diamond ($999.99). There are some bonuses like customer travel commissions, customer travel referral programs, customer cycle bonuses, and Zyn premium travel packages.

The average person stays at Zyn Travel for about 3 months. And that is normal with any MLM company because of their business model. you have to recruit people that recruit people if ever you want to see your business grow for you to make a passive income from home.

ZynTravel MLM Review

Is Zyn Travel a Scam Or Legit?

No, Zyn Travel is not a scam. After doing my research about this company, I’m confident that it is legit. They have been in operation since 2005 and have already made over 20 million dollars.

Where Can I Find More Information About Zyn Travel?

Our recommendation: Save yourself time and don’t get scammed!

Final thoughts

I hope this review helped you understand more about Zyn Travel. We recommend that you stay away from this MLM opportunity because it is difficult to build a full-time income by recruiting people into this business.

MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) is a legitimate business model used by many companies to build their brand name and customer base. There are many different types of MLMs including direct sales, network marketing, multi-level referral programs, and others.

In order to determine if an MLM is right for you, we suggest you do your research and find out what type of product or service you would like to sell. You may want to consider starting your own business instead.

We’ve created this site to help you learn more about the benefits of becoming an Independent Business Owner and to learn about programs that are looking to get your hard-earned money without any significant training or income.

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PS: Wealthy Affiliate Review, (My  #1 recommendation in detail).

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4 thoughts on “Zyn Travel MLM Review – Is Zyn Travel Legit Or A Scam?”

  1. Not everyone is good for MLM. I mean, I had the opportunity to try this business model and I was really eager to learn and work hard, but in the end, I felt like there was something that didn’t fit me. I don’t like to impose anything on other people and that’s exactly how I saw MLM. It doesn’t have to be that way, but most MLM companies force that kind of approach. If someone is good at it, then just go for it.

    • I agree with you Alisa, although I had some success with the MLM industry, the members I recruited could not do the same, and that is the same case with Zyn Travel, that is why most members stay around only for three months.

  2. I have not heard about Zyn travel MLM before, so it was very interesting to read this review on the multilevel marketing company. As with other MLM companies, one needs to incur costs to join them and then sell their products. One also has to recruit others and convince them to also spend a lot of money on Zyn Travel. 

    I am shocked though to see that one has to pay $29.95 plus taxes every month to cover commission payments for your recruits, as well as spend $499 every month on products that one has to buy. This to me is ludicrous and I cannot see anybody making money, apart from the owners that are smiling all the way to the bank. 

    • The MLM industry is very difficult for newbies who trying to make money working from home, that is why the failure rate is so high, and the average person stays with Zyn Travel for three months.

      Most MLM owners seldom fail because everyone that joins pays into the company before they start to make any money. so if most of the members leave s  every 3 months, the company still earns revenue from those members. I personally believe that most MLM is designed for the owners rather than the members.


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