5 Affiliate Marketing Tips – To Skyrocket Your Earnings!

I was an affiliate marketer years ago when I started with Internet marketing. Here I am going to give you 5 Affiliate Marketing Tips that would skyrocket your online earnings, and increase your conversion rate.

Of course, a lot has changed since then.

However, one advantage you have today if you are new to affiliate marketing is learning proven tips that work based on facts and personal experiences. My 5 Affiliate marketing tips work if you follow a proven system that many are using and getting the same results as they put the formula to work.

This is an advantage to you if you do not try and re-invent the wheel. Just follow what is working for experienced affiliate marketers such as myself and you can be successful faster yourself.

With that in mind let me just give you five newbie affiliate marketing tips that work!

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5 Affiliating Marketing Tips for Affiliate Marketers

1. Using the product is good practice.

If you’re going to sell an affiliate product buy it and learn everything about it. Become a user of your product and you will find it easier to sell.

I don’t know real-time statistics on this, but I am sure at least half of all affiliates never buy the products they sell. That number is probably way higher than that.

If you think about how referring to something has worked in the past it always involved someone telling someone else about something based on their positive experience. You have no doubt done that in your life so use it in your affiliate marketing business as well.

If you’re doing other types of affiliate marketing this still works as well. For example, if you are using the cost per action affiliate model fill out the lead form and understand what happens after your prospects fill it out.

If you’re going to use the pay-per-click affiliate model never click on your own ads if you join Google AdSense. However, learn everything you can about Google AdSense so you can be successful in promoting it.

2. Do not promote your affiliate link directly.

This is a replicated affiliate site and every other affiliate is using the exact same pages as you. A better approach is to start your own blog and promote it and then add your affiliate links and banners to your blog.

When you use this approach you can pre-sell the products you are selling. Most affiliate sales pages are very well written, but they lack one important thing.

You are not on it telling your personal experience with the product you are selling. Because you do not host the replicated affiliate page you can not make any changes to it and this is bad for you!

3. Build an email list.

Get traffic to your blog and invite them to join your email list so you can follow up in the future. This can easily be done by adding a sign-up box on the right-hand side of your blog above the fold.

Make it easy for people to join your email list and more of them will do it.

You can also create a landing page specifically for the purpose of building your list. Promote it and after someone signs up they will start hearing from you immediately.

To do this you will an autoresponder and a valuable free giveaway. There are many PLR products you can find online for free that will work for your giveaway. Join Aweber or Get Response for your autoresponder.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

If your niche is in an evergreen market you can set up follow-up messages and pretty much forget about them. This lets you focus on getting more subscribers.

If you are in a niche that is always changing you should look at publishing an email newsletter. Keep in touch with your subscribers on a regular basis and build up your credibility this way.

4. Do not sell at first.

This is kind of like the saying “can we date first”? If you spend all your time selling your new prospects you are not going to sell as much.

Use your blog content and email list to build credibility and then sell. Just focus on quality content and use passive methods to sell such as banners and text links.

5. Create videos of your affiliate products or programs.

This is a proven strategy that does work. Use a program such as Animoto to create videos and publish them on YouTube. Make the videos pre-sell or information in nature. Then add them to your blog and let them help you make sales.

I can tell you from previous experience that most affiliates will never purchase the product they are selling. If you do this you have a big advantage when blogging about your product because you are speaking from a position of experience.

You can even create review articles and videos. However, rather than just rehashing information from the product sales page or somebody else’s review blog article, you can actually talk about what your product or program did for you personally.

This is more believable, especially when you include both the pros and cons of a product. You can also create review articles and add them to your email messages. Then redirect your subscribers from the email message back to your blog where you give a more detailed review of the product.

Why choose Affiliate Programs To Join?

Affiliate Programs are a great way to make money online by promoting other people’s products and services. As long as you have some knowledge in SEO, you can easily find a profitable niche market. There are many different types of affiliate programs. My number one recommendation is mentioned at the end of this Blog Post.

Final thoughts on 5 Affiliate Marketing Tips

There are my 5 Affiliate Marketing Tips that anyone can use to create earnings online when starting out on their business.

Affiliate marketing is a 20-year business model and it has grown in terms of sales and the number of people earning money from it. However, sometimes I think people overthink it.

Keep it simple and focus on these 5 tips and you really will earn money. Of course, do not forget the work hard and work smart aspects of affiliate marketing.

Because most programs are free to join millions do it every day, but they never get past the sign-up phase. Be willing to put in an effort and you will see positive results!

If you are really interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on how to build a successful business. You’ll get plenty of support, training, websites, and access to 24/7 live chat where people are always online to help you.

PS: No credit card needed!

Related Video: Affiliate marketing for beginners 7 steps tutorial 2017 to get faster results

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2 thoughts on “5 Affiliate Marketing Tips – To Skyrocket Your Earnings!”

  1. Wow,, Very good information! Affiliate marketing is so complex and learning all the ways to market can be so exhausting.. Nice to see a breakdown that’s easy to read and follow.. I liked the video too.. It appears the tips are precise and helpful..

    I was engaged in the Content and found it easy to digest..

    Jeff Ball

    • Hey Jeff, thank you for dropping by and leaving such a positive comment on my five tips. Glad you see some value in this article and that it was easy to follow. Affiliate Marketing like you said can be exhausting if there is no clarity and what need to be done.

      I have spent time reading ways to build my business but I did not get bthe information that I ws looking for. So I started to search for a program that would have all the answers. I did find such a company and I am happy to promote that company so that others will have the same information that I came accross. 

      Wealthy Affiliate is that company, and it would did for others what it has done and still doing for me. i am so glad that i can share something that others will feel comfortable joining. Thank you and I wish you all the best going forward with whatsoever you put your hands on.



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