How to do Affiliate Marketing On Youtube – How Easy Is It?

One thing that’s always impressed me, is affiliate marketing on Youtube and how easy it is for the average person to do.

Certainly, some marketing strategies might be a little harder than others, but none of this is rocket science!

Because there are so many different ways to make money online in this article I want to focus on how easily you can do affiliate marketing on YouTube!

1. Links in the video. When you make a YouTube video you’re going to be able to put your URL in the body of that video.

What you want to do is put it at the very beginning of the video and then again at the end. Here’s what you don’t want to do!

Don’t promote your affiliate URL in the body of the video. All people are going to do is look at the first part of the URL and go to the company website.

You are not going to get credit for that. Affiliate websites have cookies on them, and once somebody has landed on another affiliate’s website they are going to get credit for the sale.

How to do Affiliate Marketing On Youtube - start with a lap top

So what’s the alternative?

Buy a memorable domain name and redirect it to your affiliate page. This may cost a little money, but in reality, it’s less than $15 a year, and if you’re not selling at least that much from that URL you’re probably in the wrong affiliate program.

2. Put your new domain name in the description box. Be sure to hyperlink your new domain name in the description box of the video so people can click on it in be taken directly to your affiliate sales page.

If you have any videos online right now go add your new domain name to them which is to create backlinks to your affiliate sales page.

3. Link to your blog. I personally like this strategy better.

In the video use your memorable domain name to link back to a blog post where you are pre-selling that specific affiliate product. This is a good way to drive traffic to your blog.

Ways to do this include getting them to join your mailing list, bookmark your blog site or do some other action item you would like them to do.

When you drive traffic back to your affiliate sales page you’re just playing the numbers that people are going to purchase when they’re there. In reality, most people don’t buy on the first visit so that’s why you want to get them back to your blog.

4. Build your email list. Use your YouTube videos to drive traffic to a landing page. On the landing page, you’re asking somebody to join your mailing list.

You not selling your affiliate products on the landing page, but your whole focus is to get your visitor’s name and email address for future follow-up. This is probably the best long-term strategy for YouTube marketing and affiliate marketing.

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how to do Affiliate Marketing On Youtube Youtube for business

5. Build a product channel.

One mistake affiliate marketers make is they try and combine branding themselves and all of their affiliate products on one YouTube channel.

This may be okay if you are trying to build your brand, but generally, that’s not what you’re trying to do with affiliate marketing sales.

A better approach is to start a specific YouTube channel around the niche your affiliate product is in.

Then you can promote your affiliate product or other products relating to that niche. This makes more sense to both the people visiting your YouTube channel, as well as Google when they decide if they’re going to rank your videos in the organic searches or not.

6. Keyword focus. One easy way to do affiliate marketing on YouTube is to focus on targeted keyword phrases for your video.

Put those in the title of the video, and again prominently in the description box. Google owns YouTube, and when they spider your videos they may rank them in their organic results which can lead to a tremendous amount of traffic for you.

7. YouTube Partner Program. Once you get your channel up and running join the YouTube partner program and earn money when people click on ads that show up in your videos. This is a good way to profit from advertising on YouTube.

8. Build your brand. I already mentioned creating a channel specifically for an affiliate marketing product category.

When you’re building your brand you are the focus. You can still sell affiliate marketing products, but you’re going to do that back on your blog or in your email marketing follow-up.

Affiliate marketers who brand themselves as an expert are those who become super affiliates and can access a high amount of traffic because of the number of followers they’ve already created. These can come from YouTube, your blog, or other social media marketing that you branding yourself.

9. Animoto. This is a great way to make videos and quickly upload them to YouTube. However, did you know they also have an affiliate program? My favourite one because of the price is Vidnami. You can start with their 14-day free trial here.

What you can do is show samples of your videos to sell the Animoto program to people who want to make their own videos, and you earn affiliate commissions from it.

creating a YouTube channelMy Final Thoughts

YouTube is the third most visited website in the world every month with over 1 billion visitors. That’s a lot of people and this is what I call a clue!

Oftentimes affiliate marketers get hung up on how hard it is to create a video and they don’t even try. This doesn’t have to be the case thanks to smartphones and tools such as Animoto.

Like anything online, once you learn how to do it then it becomes easy. You quickly become hooked on seeing your videos online.

You will also get hooked on the amount of traffic that can come from a quality video. And of course, you become hooked on how easy it is to do affiliate marketing on YouTube and make money.

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