How To Build My Own Website For Free

Many internet marketers start with the simple question saying to themselves how to build my own website for free? In this article, I will show you how. Even if you are joining a specific program in affiliate marketing or network marketing, having your website is a great thing to do.

With that in mind, here are some simple and accessible ways you can build your website, and it will not take you very long to get started. You do not need the technical ability and can always make updates and changes in the future, so do not be scared to jump in with both feet!

There are many ways you can get your website off the ground for free. One uses a blog-building template and free hosting with Blogger, which Google or WordPress owns. Both have millions of users who have gone this route.

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However, in this example……

  1. We are going to use WIX as the provider for your free website. You can find them at
  2. Pre-made template. One of the big advantages Wix offers is over 520 professional templates to choose from.
    Many of these are very professional in appearance. You do not need to be a creative person when you choose a website template.
    You also do not need any technical ability when you use a template. This is one of the big advantages Wix offers people and partly explains why so many Internet marketers around the world build their free websites with them.
  3. Content. A website is only as good as the content you put on it. Wix offers a real drop and drags feature for adding content.
    You can create your content in a text or word document, and after you have it ready you just copy and paste it into a new page.

It is also easy to add images, graphics, and videos to your website. For example, adding a video is as easy as going to YouTube and copying the embedded code for the video you choose. You then paste it on your site, hit publish, and your video is live. Wix offers excellent support, as do other free website builders, so if you get hung up, you will have a place to go to get your questions answered.

Build My Own Website For Free - join a learning platform

Other Free Website Building Resources

If you are willing to buy a domain name for around $15 a year and spend $5-$10 a month on website hosting, you can build an authoritative website in any niche you want. Check out Go Daddy to get started.

I suggest you use a blogging template from WordPress and start thinking about how your website could become the go-to authority site whenever anyone looks for information on what you provide.

Take a look at what some of your competitors are doing and using because these are the people you need to beat in the marketplace for attention and money. Use as many of the great free resources available to you to do this, such as.

  1.  WordPress themes –Go to and find a responsive theme that appeals to you. I think you will be surprised at the high quality you can get for free.
  2.  Pixabay – This is a great site for free pictures and images. I personally do not use images with the Shutterstock watermark on them. You can almost always find a suitable high-quality image without that for free and it looks more professional.
  3.  YouTube – This is an underused free resource and I have never understood why. YouTube is a free shared video website.
    You have permission to use these videos. I have added a YouTube video on how to use Wix at the end of this article. I think you should add videos to your blog posts to offer a better experience for your visitor. Just copy the embed code and place it in your blog post. Since Google owns YouTube they are spidering it non-stop around the clock and they will find the link from the video on your blog and come to visit it.
  4.  Free articles – Don’t copy articles from directories like Ezine Articles and paste them on your blog. A better solution is to ask guest bloggers to write for you.
    Offer to let the writer include a resource box at the end of the article with 2 links to their blog and products. Let them know you are using Copyscape to check the article to make sure it is 100% unique. Copyscape costs .10 cents an article to check and is worth using to be sure you are not getting duplicate content on your blog.
  5. Free autoresponder – If there is one thing I will pay for it is my autoresponder. The free ones run ads in your messages and are a distraction. If you have to use a free autoresponder Mail Chimp is used by over 15 million customers and is worth a look.

How To Build My Own Website For Free: Final thoughts

A note of caution on free website builders, including Wix. One of the reasons they are free is you will have ads displayed on your site that you are not making money from. You can avoid this by using a paid version of their program, including hosting and buying your domain name. This is at least worth exploring before you get started.

Let me mention something else in terms of using an autoresponder to build your list. If your website or blog was to go out of business, you could always make money as long as you have your mailing list. To me, it is worth spending $20 a month for a perfect autoresponder such as Aweber or Get-Response, and I encourage you to do that as soon as you can!

My No.1 Recommendation

Build My Own Website For Free - using wealthy affiliate membership

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8 thoughts on “How To Build My Own Website For Free”

  1. Hi David, what a really honest review of WIX. It sounds a good contender against WA but I don’t doubt there are enough people wanting to do it to utilise both companies! It’s great that there are so many services which you are clearly outlining which makes it possible to build a website for nothing. Although, I’m sure to actually be able to not spend a penny and have a very successful site you need a bit of basic knowledge. I haven’t heard of Blogger until today so that’s one I’m going to look into but great article David, very interesting reading. Sammi

  2. Some top advice on how to build out your own website without having to hit up your wallet anytime soon! Love your approach. I will definitely take a look at you no.1 recommendation.

    I noticed though that you are highlighting Wix a lot – a builder I have had a lot of experience with over the past. You are right about the adverts. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Mr. Bishop,

    I have to say, I just checked out wix and it looks, sounds and priced better than WA in my opinion. My question is does it offer the type of training that WA provides and ongoing training that WA provides?

    I think Wix is definitely something that should not be ignored but at the same time it’s hard to let go of WA because of the trust I have built in them.

    What would you personally recommend?

    • Chris,

      Wealthy Affiliate is definitely the way to go, because of the training and the courses that will help you grow your business. I use Wix to set up articles and point it to my Wealthy Affiliate website. This is good for backlinks. So you can use both to give you business a boost in the search engine. Hope that helps.


  4. Hi David

    I really like your breakdown on how to get a free website. It is always a good idea to try something for free to test drive the opportunity before paying for it.

    I have used Wix in the past but I do not like the fact that they advertise on your website if it is free. I would go for your No1 recommendation.

    • he best thingThank you for your honest comment. you are right about Wix, it depends on what you using it for. I use mainly for backlinks, the same way I use blogger.

      Asking someone to join for free with any program is always the best thing. I shows that you business speaks for itself, and it takes the pressure off the individual. Wish you all the best with your business and thanks again.


  5. I have been looking in to ways to getting my own free website and there are so many platforms out there that I don’t know what to do.

    WIX is a website builder I have heard of but it doesn’t really appeal to me or my online business needs.

    However, your #1 recommendation of Wealthy Affiliate does look really tempting, so I’m about to check it out for my free website.


    • Neil,

      We have to be very careful when choosing a platform to build our website. There are so many out there, but Wealthy bAffiliate has proven to be the best. not only do you get two websites for free, the training and support is added as well.

      As the Internet keep changing regularly, we need to be informed about those changes so that our website can remain updated and keep their rankings, Wealthy Affiliate do assist in those areas. So nyou have made the right choice by choosing this platform to build your website. Please feel free to contact me if you need help or further clarification. All the best.



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