Building An Online Community Website

However, building an online community website does take a certain amount of skill and patience. If you are serious about getting started you can start today by looking here.

You do not have to be Mark Zuckerberg to start your own online community. He already is and he already has! 🙂

Getting Started

The good news is you do not need technical ability to get your own website off of the ground. The best way to do it is to start a blog in a targeted niche you have an interest in, or maybe even a passion for.

There are many different blog themes you can choose from. I am using a WordPress theme as my blogging platform. I have my own domain name which helps in building an online community.

Using your own name helps in branding your community as you are going to be the leader of it. Your blog is serving as a landing place for people to join you in your journey on whatever your niche is about.

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learn how to blog create contentContent

The primary piece to building an online community after your blog is set up will be focusing on adding quality content to it. This content will come in the form of text, videos, graphics, and audio.

If you’re not comfortable writing your own articles you can hire a blog writer. If you don’t know how to create a video you can go to YouTube and find popular videos in your niche and just copy the embed code and paste them into your blog.

If you focus on quality content and volume of content it will help you build your brand and your image. The volume of content is nothing more than adding content all of the time regardless of how good it is.

Quality content takes a different approach. For example, instead of trying to add one article of 200-400 words every day, you shoot for adding one article of 1000 to 2000 words every week.

This takes more effort on your part and is one of the reasons you do not see very many bloggers do it. I like the quality content approach of building an online community website so much that I am now going back to my shorter articles and updating them to 1000 words or more for virtually everyone.

I think this is better for my audience and I know Google likes this better as well. Especially in competitive niches, they are ranking longer content over shorter content in their organic results.

Sharing my business - Building An Online Community Website


Your goal with every piece of content you add is to get people to share it online on their own various social accounts. Content that is shared gives you the opportunity to develop viral marketing without doing all of the work yourself.

Hopefully, people will be commenting on some of your blog posts which give you a chance to interact with them. Never miss the opportunity to build relationships that are important when developing your online community.

Be Active Yourself

Don’t just post content and hope that somebody’s going to find it. Go out and promote your blog in multiple ways.

There are many excellent articles online about how to promote a blog post. Find a handful of those that you have time to do and spend an equal amount of time promoting your content the way they describe.

Neil Patel offers some excellent tips on blog promotion and building your online community here:

I like this simple approach myself.

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1. Make a blog post.
2. Bookmark it on Facebook, and Twitter, and Stay Keen.
3. Add a video from YouTube to the blog post as well. It can be one you create or a shared one you copy the embed code and post on your blog. This gets Google to come to your blog more since they own YouTube.

These are a few tips on building an online website. The Internet is structured today to reward you when you use the tips I have provided in this article.

Do not think of your community as a forum where everyone hangs out, but think of it as a blog where you keep people informed of information they would want, need, or desire. Your job in the community is to give it to them!

If this seems overwhelming try outsourcing some or even all of the work. Check out sites like to find people who will do just about anything you need to be done for $5.

how to build an online community by working together

Join A Community That Teaches You.

There are lots of blogs that teach you how to build a community website, but why not join a community of networkers that shows you exactly what they do on a daily basis?

Internet changes regularly, so the content you read today may not be practical for you to use tomorrow. So it would be better if you get the information firsthand. My No 1 Recommendation would be Wealthy Affiliate.

You can join for free and test drive this program yourself before you decide this would be a good fit for you. I have been with them for going on over 9 years now full-time, and I have no regrets. Is the best financial decision I have ever made.

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15 thoughts on “Building An Online Community Website”

  1. Hi!
    I think your article is spot on.
    Today all one needs is a step by step training program to follow and success is almost guaranteed.
    I like the program you have pointed out here, and I just so happen to be a member there and their program works, as I now have a full-time online business I have built using their program.
    How about a good article on the training there?


    • Shawn, thank you for your comment and kind words. When starting out or even for some seasoned people, having a training program is necessary for building a business online. especially the way the Internet keep changing ever so often.

      I am glad that I am involved with one, and will recommend it to everyone because of the community here at Wealthy Affiliate eager to see you succeed. Take care.

  2. This is such a great introduction to building an online community! I’m a rep for an all natural, organic health and wellness company and I’ve been building a website, a blog, and social media presence. I had NO idea about any of this when I started! It’s totally doable with the right guidance and perseverance.

    • Hi Rebecca, you hit the nail on the head when you mention guidance. This is why we fail, lack of guidance. With a system in place, that would be eliminated, and we all can move forward building out our website the proper way. Being involve with this Wealthy Affiliate Community, allows you to do exactly that. Thank you for your feedback.

  3. I like your post, its very informative and well organized. I am just starting out, but I think I am starting to get better with creating quality content, most of the time I actually enjoy working on that. Now I need to start promoting my blog more. I guess I have my work cut out for me.


    • Yes, Stefanie, work has to be done. the good thing about it, you can have it out planned out for you within Wealthy Affiliate so that it takes away most of the hard and tedious setting up. Hope that helps.

  4. Hi David
    I like the way to point out steps by steps what needs to be done to establish an online Communuty. I have a question about that: What would be a good idea to start some kind of club through Facebook, Google+ or is it better to build a website? If you could suggest the best way I would appreciate. Thanks

    • Daniel, thank you for getting value in this article and leaving a comment. Starting a club is all good if your intentions are to educate your audience, so yes, that is fine.

      Building a website is the very first thing you need to do. You need one to communicate over the Internet, whether it be through Facebook or Google plus. your website is where you will be sending people to for them to take action on whatever you are conveying to them. Hope that helps and that my response was on time. Lol. Take care my friend.

  5. Hi David, I like the point you made about not needing to be Mark Zuckerberg to start an online community and you are right about needing a website. One needs a website to do business online for any niche. Newsletter subscription websites are popular and profitable and are usually paired with a blog that includes a paid access area for members. All the best, Gina

  6. Hello Bishop Nice clean four points to get started building an online community website. I liked the Mark Zuckerberg (Founder of Facebook) quip. Great opening and attention grabber.

    You made the process seem simple and straightforward and they will be inspiring for your readers and give them motivation that they can do this also.

    Good to see you are providing quality content for your visitors, keep up the good work 🙂

    • Hi Peter, glad you see the value that is presented here. I see a lot of people sharing valuable information in the wrong places, I thought I should give them some direction on how building a online community website should be shared, and what should be their focus.

      At first I used to create my website and just advertise it in all places I can. But being here at Wealthy Affiliate showed me that is not the case. A website should be engaging and should be of value to your audience. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my site, wishing you all the best with your online business.

  7. Hi David, I have made many attempts to start my own online business/websites and I have failed every single time.

    However, joining Wealthy Affiliate has allowed me to overcome many of the technical barriers – such as website creation and SEO implementation.

    Unless you have professional marketing/IT experience the journey to online success is going to be a very difficult one, and I agree completely that you need a knowledgeable community to support you.

    I am able to ask WA members whenever I get suck (pretty often) and get a quick and efficient response.


    • Dan,

      You are on the right track, and I am glad that you see the value on building an online community website that will have your visitors interacting on the value you are giving. Thank you for your feedback and good luck with your online endeavors with your business.


  8. Great article, man. For those who don’t know much about Wealthy Affiliate, it is the best and, possibly, the ONLY way to successfully start and develop your business. I’ve been with WA for 3 months so far. I know that’s not much, but it already proved that it is trustworthy. Do not ever give up.

    • Glad that you see my point and that you are building your business through Wealthy Affiliate as well. Feel free to contact me if you need a hand with anything or just to say hello. All the best.


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