Disabled Work At Home Jobs – Where Should You Get Started!

When we talk about disabled work-at-home jobs, we talk about work that pays from home, like telecommuting.

The major plus to this is that you have the convenience of working from home both as an employer and for yourself.

There are millions of jobs like this, and as long as you have the necessary skills, whether you’re disabled or not is relevant. This is a crucial point to understand.

You must have the skills necessary for the job that you’re applying for. This is true for anybody that’s working from home. You can join a community of people online to develop these skills. You will learn about different businesses that you can start with training videos showing step-by-step.


Therefore when you consider the type of jobs that telecommuting companies are hiring for, you have to look at primarily four things.

  • 1. What do you have skills for?
  • 2. What can you physically do, or are you limited because of your disability?
  • 3. What kind of jobs are we talking about?
  • 4. Who is hiring for these types of jobs?

Some of the work-at-home categories do not care if you are disabled, but they do care if you can do the job,

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Disabled Work At Home Jobs - home business

Real Work At Home Jobs For The Disabled. 

  • Inbound Customer Service
  • Outbound Customer Service
  • Sales
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Blogger
  • Tech Support
  • Medical Transcription
  • Data Entry
  • Typing

Telecommuting is also referred to as flex jobs. These are jobs that are flexible in that you can work around your schedule. For an excellent list of Flex Jobs, go here:

Get Paid To Programs

What if you don’t have a specific skill that an employer would be hiring disabled people for? One avenue to look at is what is known as getting paid for programs.

These programs don’t take any specific skill, You work when you want, and you get paid strictly based on your effort.

You’re not necessarily going to make a lot of money from getting paid to program, but often you can sit on your couch with your tablet or laptop computer and go to work.

What type of work are we talking about?

Many people supplement their income to the tune of hundreds of dollars every month by taking paid surveys. Websites such as Cash Crate and Inbox Dollars match workers with companies that have surveys that need to be taken.

Cash Crate is attractive in that you not only get paid for taking surveys, but you can also refer people to take surveys and make money whenever they do. Cash Crate pays weekly and monthly based on the amount of money you’ve earned, and you will need either a PayPal account or a checking or savings account for direct deposit.

Disabled Work At Home JobsAffiliate Marketing

This is my favorite way to make money working from home, and I recommend a specific program for getting started called Wealthy Affiliate—more on it at the bottom of this article.

Twenty years ago, Internet genius Jeff Bezos started one of the first affiliate programs to generate sales for Amazon. At that time, it was simple; you got paid to sell books on the Internet or offline by referring people to your affiliate website. You joined the Amazon affiliate program for free and were given your affiliate account and marketing tools.

In the last 20 years, affiliate marketing has progressed to the point that virtually every industry and almost every company has an affiliate program. This includes big companies such as Walmart and online giants such as Google with their Google AdSense program.

I’m not going to go into all the details of affiliate marketing except to say that all of the benefits of working at home for a disabled person are there for affiliate marketers, except you are not an employee.

You work for yourself, and you can make as much money as you want based on your effort and skillset. At the bottom of the article, I mentioned a link to learn more about affiliate marketing with Wealthy Affiliate, and I highly suggest you do that.

Start A Home Based Business

Use the Internet and start your own online home-based business. There are multiple ways you can do this, and many of them don’t cost a lot of money to get started.

One way that is popular and does work is to join a direct sales company. The difference doesn’t think of selling in terms of going out face-to-face in public.

You may or may not be able to do that with your disability anyway. The trick to working from home and making money when you’re disabled with your own business is to use the Internet to sell products on your website.

Network marketing is a business model that works very well for this. When you join a network marketing company, you will get marketing materials, including your retail website and your website, to sponsor or recruit new members.

This is optional, but you can make a lot of money with network marketing companies today selling their products. One bit of advice here would be to find a product that you like, use it yourself, and then make money selling it. There are many other sources for finding information on home-based businesses in direct sales, including Home Business Magazine and the Business For Home website.

My Final Thoughts

Work for the Disabled is there, and thanks to the Internet are easy to research. Determine if you have specific skill sets that would allow you to work from home at a job where a company hires you and pays you wages and benefits.

If you don’t have those skills are they something you could get?

If not, look at other avenues such as getting paid to programs, affiliate marketing, or starting your own business in network marketing or other direct sales outlet.

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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