Do This Before You Apply For Jobs Online For success!

Thanks to the Internet it’s common to apply for jobs online before you get into the actual interview and hire process.

There are certain things you should do before you know how to apply for jobs online, and that is what we are going to go over in this article.

My 15 Ways To Apply For Jobs Online

1. Be sure your contact information is up to date.

You need a professional email address and a phone number so you can be reached.

Get a Gmail address if you do not have one. This is more professional than a yahoo or hot mail email address.

Sign up for Skype and get a phone number if you do not have a smartphone. Skype works great to separate your calls from your phone as well.

2. Update your resume.

If you do not have a resume, you need to get one. You can hire this done for you, or do it yourself. There are many templates on the Internet to choose from, and it is not hard to complete them.

3. Do individual cover letters.

Customize your cover letter so it applies to the job you are applying for. This is important!

Look at sample cover letters to get an idea of how to write yours. This is often your first impression so make it a good one.

4. Employment history.

Your potential employer is going to look at your work experience so make sure it is up-to-date and honest.

You will want to include the companies you used to work for, job titles, employment dates, and wages or salary earned. Be factual and do not stretch the truth as it could be verified and reflect poorly on you,

5. Practice the application form.

There are job application form templates online you can practice with. Download one and practice filling it out before you do it live on your job application. This way you will have everything you need when you start applying online.

looking to apply for jobs online

6. Online job sites.

These can be great for finding jobs and applying online for them.

To start with you will want to set up an account with each of them. Some job sites are unique to the industry your career is in, so find the best ones for you and set up an account with them.

In some instances, you may be able to log in from a social site such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

7. Join social sites.

Almost everyone has a Facebook account, but you can create a page just for your work history.

LinkedIn is considered the go-to social site for making business contacts. Study how to create a winning profile and get that done.

Here is an important tip regarding social sites. Be cautious about what you are posting online because employers are looking at these social sites and can use anything negative you have on them against you, even if it is not work-related.

8. Job search engine.

jobs board

These are great for finding jobs without going to a job search site such as Monster.

Simply Hired and Link-Up is two examples of job search engines. If this gets overwhelming, do a Google search for niche job search engines and find one or two relating to the industry you are looking for in your field

9. Company websites.

Sometimes you can go directly to the employer’s website and apply for a job if they have them listed.

This is great if you have a target company in mind that you want to work for. Carefully read the job description before you apply, so you are not wasting each other’s time.

10. Job search keywords.

Google does an excellent job of listing organic search results as well as paid search results as they relate to job search keywords.

You can start with the generic search and then narrow it down to a particular area. Some jobs are looking for people to telecommute and are listed with the keyword phrase nationwide if you’re looking for work-at-home jobs.

11. Follow up.

Once you have filled out an online job application, allow some time, and do not be overly eager when following up.

If you’ve received an automatic email from a company after you apply, refer to it. See when they might be contacting you or when they will be making a decision.

12. Skype interview.

If you are applying for a job outside of the area where you live, many companies are now doing Skype interviews.

Often this will come after an email follow-up, or possibly even a phone interview first. However, handle your Skype interview just like you would an in-person interview and be professional and dress for success, so you make a good first impression.

13. Telecommute.

This has become a popular way for companies to cut their overhead while still hiring qualified applicants for jobs that you can do without coming to an office.

This is also great for the employee because you can work from the comfort of your home. Many of these online jobs come with guaranteed wages and employment benefits.

You need to be qualified to apply for these jobs just as you would if you were applying in person. They take a particular skill set for the type of job that you are hired to do.

14. Get paid-to-programs.

Some people are not specifically looking for a job, but rather for things they can do to make money online.

If you’re researching online, you’re probably going to come across get paid-to-programs. These include getting paid to do data entry, type at home, take paid surveys, and so on.

15. Provide a service.

Start your own online business and provide a service for other firms, both offline and online businesses.

Virtual assistants are in demand. So are blog writers, and website designers. These are several tips on what to do when applying for a job online. As with many things on the Internet, it becomes a numbers game to a certain extent.

Final Thoughts

The more resumes you get out, the better chance you have to connect with someone. Initially, this may seem overwhelming, or even impossible, but stick with it!

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