Does Blogging Make Money? Check Out These Statistics!

Does blogging make money? You may find it interesting that I started my blog with money-making tips as the theme, and while doing that I make money blogging myself.

Kind of cool, huh? 🙂

What about you? Do you make money blogging right now? Would you like to in the future?

I came across some fascinating statistics that clearly answer the question of you can get money blogging! I thought I would share them with you, so you can see where you fit in.

5 Types Of Bloggers

There is no one-size-fits-all when you describe bloggers and blogging. When researching, I found out there are five types of bloggers.

1. Part-timer. Blogs when they have time hoping to earn supplemental income.
2. Hobby blogger. Blogs for fun, or with a purpose, and are not trying to make money.
3. Full-timer. This can be a job and pays the bills.
4. Corporate blogger. Works for a company often full-time blogging.
5. The Entrepreneur. Owns their own business.

60% of all bloggers spend less than 3 hours a week blogging. 13% are entrepreneurs. 8% are corporate bloggers.

I fall into a part-time blogger right now with a goal of being full-time with my own Internet business making me an entrepreneur.

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How about?

blogging makes you money

What Do You Need To Make Money

I have studied blogging for quite a while now and have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn’t work. When it comes to making money as a blogger, you need three primary things.

1. Content

I favor quality content that is added on a consistent basis. I like to publish a couple of times a week usually on a Tuesday and Thursday.

When I say quality content, I want my content to be better than the average blog. I’m not trying to be Neil Patel, but then who is?

Quality content is useful and serves a purpose. It identifies a problem and provides a solution.

Where most people fail is they start a blog with high excitement, often with the goal to make money. When the money’s not coming in fast enough, they lose interest and eventually they just give up.

Another type of blogger is somebody who blogs gung-ho for a while, maybe adding several posts in one week, then taking the rest of the month off. Then come back and blog for a day or two a week and then lose interest again.

Don’t let that be you!

Related Video: On Blogging

2. Marketing

Another thing I’ve often seen is people have really high-quality blogs, but they are never spending time promoting them. I’ve never really understood that because if people are not coming to your blog, and reading it, how do you expect to make any money?

Here’s a simple strategy. Blog a couple of times a week and create high-quality posts. Then spend the rest of your day marketing those posts.

You may as well get used to the idea that social media marketing is the primary driver of traffic for blogs. Over 12 million people read a blog, and 77% of all Internet users read blogs. 23% of a person’s online time is spent on blogs and social networks.

If you’re not using social media marketing, including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and others, you are not marketing where people will find you.

3. Monetization

Does blogging Make Money

The average blogger earns less than $2000 a year. However, individuals who blog with the goal of making money, even on a part-time basis, are going to make more money than others doing Internet Marketing part-time who don’t blog.

As an example, the average network marketer does not earn $200 a month. In fact, statistics have shown that the average network marketer loses money every month, and that is the number one reason that they quit.

1. Adsense. Blogger is the top blogging platform with over 46 million people using it. Google owns Adsense, and they make it very easy to add Google AdSense ads to your blog. Many people earn money through the pay-per-click business model and the Google affiliate program.

2. Salary. 14% of all bloggers earn a salary as their primary source of making money with a blog. Often they are writing for other bloggers either as an employee or by setting up their blog writing business.

3. Affiliate marketing. Many bloggers incorporate affiliate marketing into their income sources. The beautiful thing about affiliate marketing is you can make money blogging through pay-per-click advertising, cost-per-action programs, or by selling products for the affiliate merchant.

4. Banner ads. Once your blog reaches a level of authority and is getting enough traffic, you can sell banner advertising to advertisers who are looking for places to promote their products and business. This is an easy way to monetize a blog because you know exactly how much you are earning every month, and you can focus your time on adding fresh content and marketing your blog.


Does blogging make money? I spent quite a bit of time researching this very topic to come up with some statistics that I’ve given you in this article.

The bottom line is any blogger who is willing to add consistently fresh content, market their blog, and monetize it is going to make money. How much you make simply comes down to how hard you want to work, and how much traffic you get to your blog that you can convert into income for yourself.

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