Finding A Reputable Home-Based Business

How many reputable home-based business opportunities there are in the marketplace today? 1,000, 10,000, 100,000. 1 million, 10 million, or more?

Who knows, and even more importantly who cares! The bottom line is you only need one reputable home-based business to join or start.

The Internet can be your friend here. In the old days, we used to use the Yellow Pages, and they had the slogan “let your fingers do the walking”.

Today we could change that to let your mouse do the clicking, or let your smartphone apps help you research. You can find many reputable home-based businesses and opportunities online.

Here are some tips to help you do that.

What Does Home-Based Mean?

A home-based business could mean that you run your business 100% out of your home. However, it could also suggest that you run your business out of your home, but you go out in the marketplace to conduct business.

For example, a hairstylist could have a home-based business where people come to her house, and she cuts their hair. A carpet cleaning company could start a business out of their house, but go out into the marketplace and make money cleaning carpets of residences and businesses.

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What About Franchising?

You may think of franchises as brick-and-mortar businesses such as McDonald’s, Subway, and so on. However, there are many home-based business opportunities available to people who would like to start their own businesses by investing in a franchise.

For example, you could start your own Chem-Dry carpet cleaning business. Your business could be operated out of your home, but your customers would be out in the marketplace as we mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Franchise Direct has a great website for finding home-based business franchise opportunities. They have a section just for home business franchises to look closer.

One thing you could do is search for Internet-based franchises. Think about the possibilities that this presents for you.

An Internet-based franchise means you can run your business no matter where you’re at as long as you have an Internet connection. My Business Venture would be an example of this.

My Business Venture gives you the ability to start an online business from the comfort of your home, featuring over 10,000 top-selling products and mark-ups of up to 200% on each sale! The cash upfront is $3995 to get started.

Before you do that, think about this……

What Interests You

Reputable Home-Based Business - What's your passion c

You have the opportunity to start your own home-based business around something that interests you if that’s your choice. One way to do that is to become an affiliate marketer and choose a business model that people are currently making money with affiliate marketing.

For example, the pay-per-click business model with Google Adsense can earn you income every time somebody clicks on an ad that Google sells for you. Google is one of the most reliable companies in the world, and its PPC affiliate program is extremely reputable.

They have announced in the past that they pay out over $1 billion a year in commissions to their affiliates. So how can you get your share of that?

The easiest way is to start a blog in a niche you have an interest in. For example, if you love bird watching create a blog and write about your activities.

Let Google sell the ads to people who would like to advertise the content of your blog. Your job is to create the content and publish it on your blog and then learn how to market your blog, so people come and read what you are writing. You can even outsource content creation if you do not want to write!

There are other ways you can monetize a blog with affiliate programs. You can get leads for other affiliate merchants. Check out Offer Vault for tips on how to do that.

You can get paid by the sale. Amazon has a terrific affiliate program for that.

I promote the Wealthy Affiliate training program. If affiliate marketing interests you, I suggest you check them out.

It is a fantastic resource for learning everything about making money in affiliate marketing and creating your own reputable home-based business doing it. They have been around for over ten years and have an excellent reputation.

Reputable Home-Based Business - make a decision

Due Diligence

Before you invest any of your hard-earned money into a home-based business opportunity, you want to check thoroughly out everything about the franchise or business opportunity that is appealing to you. In the business world, this is known as doing your due diligence.

It’s better to find out something upfront than later in the process after you’ve already invested your time and money. Here is an excellent article titled “What is Due Diligence and How do You Perform it” to understand more about due diligence.

Final Thoughts

Let me summarize finding a reputable home-based business this way. You have an opportunity right now to do something that many people only dream about daily.

You don’t have to settle for a home-based business just for the money or to fill a need in the marketplace. Although there’s nothing wrong with that, why not approach it from an angle of getting into business doing something that you would enjoy?

From a cost and time standpoint, it’s pretty hard to be an Internet-based business. You certainly can do it from home, but the flexibility provided by this type of business opportunity is worth more than you can summarize in a dollar value.

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PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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2 thoughts on “Finding A Reputable Home-Based Business”

  1. I like that you provided some tips on how to find a reputable home based business such as determining which type interests you most. It is important that you carefully analyze and figure out which type of online business you really want to put up which would be both convenient as well as feasible for you. You may want to search and look for ideas online. Also, you may want to ask your friends and relatives who may be able to assist you with coming up with a plan on how to start the business. If I were to manage my own online business, I would make sure to take this into account. Thanks.

    • Bobby, thank you for dropping by and leaving such constructive comment. Yes, you have to carefully analyze the type of business that is offered and the one that is a good fit for you. Getting feedback as you rightfully said is important as well. Thank you for your input and I wish you all the best in your online business. God Speed.


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