Flex Offers Affiliate Network Review – Need Cash Fast?

Flex Offers is an affiliate marketing network that pays you quicker than any other player in the industry as you would see in this Flex Offers Affiliate Network review. The network has been in existence for the last ten years providing quality services to users.

Flex Offers in 2015 came number eight in the blue book survey ranging among the top twenty affiliate networks in the world. The network provides multiple features and tools that help you in your marketing campaigns with quick and reliable payouts.

Flex Offers also allows you to choose the affiliate program of your choice from thousands of programs. This lets you offer different content and promote your product among many others.

About Cost Per Action Affiliate Marketing

Flex Offers is an affiliate network that uses cost-per-action affiliate marketing. Let me give you a little bit of useful information on cost per action, pay-per-lead, and affiliate marketing as it is sometimes referred to.

cpa marketing

CPA marketing is defined as “An advertising model where publishers are paid for an action that is taken as a direct result of their marketing. This differs from typical affiliate marketing in that you may not necessarily need to make a sale to get paid within a CPA network. Payments are usually based on lead generation such as submitting a phone number or email address to get some free product or information.”

If you were like me the thing that probably stood out in this definition is that you don’t have to make a sale to get paid. This right there is going to eliminate some of your competition because many people in affiliate marketing focus on selling digital and physical products.

Flex Offers is an affiliate network that’s going to give you offers you can promote where people are going to fill out short lead forms, download software, and so on. As an affiliate marketer review websites work very well for cost-per-action programs.

This means that although you’re a Flex Offers affiliate you’re probably going to go ahead and create your own blog or website and put content on it where you’ll link back to some of the offers you’re promoting.

This could also be done by developing your own landing pages or splash pages as they are sometimes referred to. The key thing to understand is the less you ask your visitor to do the more likely you’re going to get them to do that. This is why cost-per-action affiliate marketing is easier than pay-per-sale affiliate marketing.

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Why Use Flex Offers?

You will find a lot of affiliate programs in the marketplace providing almost the same services and advantages, but here is why you should consider using Flex Offers.

1. Programs. Flex offers has plenty of programs that you can employ in your marketing plans and still get customers to your product.

There are more than 5,000 affiliate programs for you to choose from. You decide which you feel is best for you and there is a default program to help the starters in marketing their goods or services.

2. Categories. When hosting a blog with different categories such as business, automobile, digital products, sports, or fitness among many others there will be a program in it. You are sure of finding an affiliate program to promote on the Flex Offers and alternatively you will get advertisers who are willing to advertise on your blog or website.

3. The net7 payout, Flex Offers give members an opportunity for Net7 payout terms which means you will be getting your payments weekly which is a very quick payment program that other networks do not provide.

In normal circumstances, networks pay on a monthly basis. However, once you meet the criteria on Flex Offers you get elevated to a Net7 payout plan. After doing well at this level the company will also enable you to earn more through referrals and many other features.

fiesta vehicle

Flex Offers Pros and Cons


Let me give you some more pros to Flex Offers.

• Plenty of affiliate programs available –despite the category your blog or website belongs you are sure of getting advertisers you can work with together. There are over 5,000 advertisers on the network, and you can’t miss to impress one and make a substantial income.

• There is various content delivery format on the flex offers that you can choose from which includes, banner links, deep links, and HTML links among many others which are more advanced.

• You can earn referrals; flex offers allows you to earn by referring your friends to the affiliate marketing network. Once your friends join the network through your link, you will earn monthly bonuses and commissions as well.

• Flex Offers Affiliate has no payment approval process which in many cases delays payments making it the fastest-paying company among the affiliate marketing networks. In the same way, you will not need any approval to promote a product on the program the same applies during payouts the system just pays automatically and on time.


I think we all expect there to be cons as well; here is a couple.

• Flex Offers allow authors to promote products directly, but there is a high risk of earning a minimal amount of money in each transaction you make.

• The payment modes are only checked and direct bank deposits if you are in the United States. Flex Offers use wire money transfers and PayPal to pay international members, but it might be a challenge to some users when it comes to the specific payment methods it uses.

Final thoughts

I laid out a little about the cost-per-action affiliate marketing and specific information about the Flex Offers affiliate network. They have a wide number of tools and features to help you when you set up an affiliate marketing campaign, just like other affiliate networks.

If you have information or review websites this is a network to look into for offers you can match back to the content you are providing. You may even want to create content specifically for one offer at Flex Offers.

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Flex Offers

Free To Join





Overall Quality



  • Bree To Join
  • • There is various content delivery format
  • Plenty of affiliate programs available
  • Flex offers has no payment approval process


  • Flex offers allow authors to promote products directly
  • The payment modes are only checked and direct bank deposits
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4 thoughts on “Flex Offers Affiliate Network Review – Need Cash Fast?”

    • Glad you find interest in the article, unfortunately, I do not have an affiliate link with Flex Offers, but you can Google or flexjobs.com and sign up. Hope this helps.

    • Glad you find interest in the article, unfortunately, I do not have an affiliate link with Flex Offers, but you can Google or go to flexjobs.com and sign up. Hope this helps.

    • Glad you find interest in the article, unfortunately, I do not have an affiliate link with Flex Offers, very busy with my Affiliate Marketing website, but you can Google it or go to flexjobs.com and sign up. Hope this helps.


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