Free Online SEO Training – 4 Top Sources To Consider!

Finding free online SEO training is easy. Do a Google search and look at the results. I just did, and Google delivers 2.3 million results. When I think about training on any subject relating to Internet marketing and making money online, I look for people who are doing what they teach.

Suppose you want a theory on something to take a college course on it. Remember this, those that can do, and those that can’t teach.

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google for finding keywords - Free Online SEO TrainingThis is #1 on Google right now…

1. 12 Best Free Online Resources for Learning SEO. I don’t see a date on the post, but the 12 resources listed should keep you busy learning for a while, and they appear to be legitimate.

2. Backlinko. Brian Dean writes from a position of experience. When you get to this site, you can enter your email to “GET THE SEO CHECKLIST I USED TO RANK #1 FOR “SEO TECHNIQUES”…

It’s free, so why not do it?

You should also subscribe to his email list. I have found that whenever Brian does a study, he publishes his results and lets his list know about it.

A big part of SEO that Backlinko does is working on getting high-quality backlinks, hence the name Backlinko, 🙂 His blog also has some excellent content on it for learning about SEO for free.

3. Quick Sprout. This is Neil Patel’s site. It is unbelievable, to say the least.

The focus is on getting more traffic to your website or blog. Of course, he has a list you should subscribe to as well. He does not get over mail, and what he sends is always interesting and thought to provoke.

Neil has said he spends a week working on just one blog post, and it shows. The content is long and detailed with graphics. It always ends up ranking high on Google and is a good example of how you can use SEO in your content to get it ranked better.

4. YouTube. Google owns YouTube, which is a shared video site. If you like to learn by watching videos go to YouTube and search for “free online SEO training.”

I did that and got 86,600 results. One thing I like about this is you can see how long ago the videos have been published. SEO is always changing, so it makes sense to look for the most current information instead of watching older videos that may have become dated.

Your Problem Is This

Free online SEO training is of no use to you if you can not apply it yourself. That has been a problem with search engine optimization in the past.

When you get right down to it, it’s incredibly complicated to figure everything out. Once you have figured it out, it takes a lot of work to implement it correctly.

So what happens? People take a halfhearted attempt at optimizing their content for search engines hoping that they will get ranked in the future.

It’s kind of like throwing mud up on a wall and seeing what sticks. Unless you’re lucky, you will probably never see any of your content ranking on Google.

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What Do You Need To Know

1. Definition. Let’s start with the basic definition of SEO. It is an abbreviation for search engine optimization.

My simplified definition is that SEO is a process of getting ranked in the organic results on a search engine.

2. Traffic. Great SEO can lead to traffic from major search engines. Of course, everybody wants to rank on page 1 of Google, but you can still get traffic from other search engines such as Yahoo! And Bing if you do search engine optimization correctly.

wondering how to do SEO? - google for finding keywords - Free Online SEO Training

3. What can you do? Interestingly, Google recommends you create your content for your readers and not for search engines.

Of course, they would say that because when people try to optimize a page for a search engine doesn’t sound natural.

It’s often full of strategically chosen keywords that have been inserted into the content with the hopes of helping it rank better.

So, the first thing you can do is not focus entirely on SEO. Provide high-quality content, and Google’s going to find it.

There have been many studies done on this. Still, if you were to take this approach to develop an authority blog, for example, eventually, you would rank for hundreds if not thousands of keyword phrases because Google wants people to see your content.

Most people will not stick with their blog long enough to develop it into an authority blog. They also do not provide high-quality content, costing them people coming to their blog and coming back.

Google’s very smart, and they notice user engagement. So I would tell you if you’re going to start a blog to rank on Google, plan on putting a lot of effort into making it an authority blog.

4. Keywords. One basic thing you can do is develop a keyword list based on what people are searching for. Work to get this to your content in multiple ways.

5. Backlinks. These are a vote of confidence from somebody for your blog or website. High-quality backlinks carry more weight with Google than several backlinks; this can be very controversial, so don’t spend too much time on this. Writing quality content should be your primary focus. I believe that getting backlinks is not as relevant as it uses to be.

Final thoughts

Free Online SEO Training Program is readily available. Consider following the sources I’ve listed if you want to get reputable training done by people walking the walk and not just talking.

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2 thoughts on “Free Online SEO Training – 4 Top Sources To Consider!”

  1. Hey – nice blog, just looking around some blogs, seems a pretty nice platform you are using. I’m currently using WordPress for a few of my sites but seeking to change one of them over to a platform similar to yours as a trial run. Anything, in particular, you would recommend about it?

    • Glad you love my blog. Themes are very nice, but I tend to focus on content first.
      Just keep your blog simple and give value to your audience and you should be fine.

      These are seven great themes you can consider. Go here


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