Learn How To Be A Good Blogger – Without A Perfect Blog!

How to be a good blogger does not mean that your blog has to be perfect. As I write this, someone somewhere in the world is staring at their blog trying to decide if they will write a blog post or not.

This is the type of procrastination that has killed millions of blogs over the years.

I say why not! Don’t procrastinate, just do it!

What stops somebody from making a new blog post? I learned how to write a blog on a continuous basis by joining a community that teaches me, and it was all free.

One of the main reasons people do not sit down and write is because they think their articles need to be very long to be effective. I know if every article I write has to be a long article, I put it off sometimes as well.

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Timing is important in learning How To Be A Good Blogger

Certainly, Google wants longer blog posts, but you don’t have to do that every time.

Plus think about this, are you always writing for search engines?

What about writing for real people?

Write Short Articles

When you write for real people you don’t focus on word count, but rather you focus on the quality of the content. You can say a lot in 200 words if that’s all it takes to get your point across.

One advantage of writing shorter articles is it takes the pressure off of you to feel like you have to get to a minimum word count. At least I know that is the case for me sometimes.

Another advantage is you do not need to do much research to write a short article. If you blog in a niche you have a passion for, or are an expert in, you can write short articles off the top of your head.

Think about it this way. You come across blog article ideas every day in your niche, so just sit down and crank out a short blog post of 150-200 words. Use Siri on your smartphone and dictate it. This will take you all of 5 minutes in many cases.

writing quality content is one way on to be a good blogger

Write For Your Audience

Most of us are in the business of making money with our blogs. You can make a series of short blog posts that help promote whatever you want and become popular.

For example, if you have a specific product you want to promote write short feature/benefit posts on it every now and then. The advantage to this is you are constantly keeping your blog updated and that’s a good thing.

You can also do the same thing when you write useful informational blog articles. Sometimes a short article gets the job done as well.

Focus on one idea and keep it simple. You can be very informational in 200 words when writing on one idea. Plus this focuses you to stay on point and not go off on a tangent.

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Write For Google

I think this is where the longer blog articles come into play. Google has said they like articles of 1000-2000 words or more. To be a professional blogger, longer articles tend to attract search engines more often than the shorter ones.

Those will get preferential treatment when ranking a blog post in the organic search results for a specific keyword phrase.

Make these longer articles and spend some time on them. Maybe only do one of these a week, or every other week, or maybe even just once a month.

Target a specific keyword phrase in the title and in the body of your article. Don’t write for keyword density, but rather write themed content articles and include keyword variations throughout the body as they make sense.

This article I am writing now is going to be over 10000 words. However, I can make a 150 to 200-word blog post on just about any subject and write it in 5 or 10 minutes using Dragon Naturally Speak, or Siri on my smartphone because I don’t type really well.

Let me back up a minute and answer the question of why Google likes longer articles.

Longer articles give Google more words to spider which gives them more opportunity to rank a blog post for multiple words. If you spend some time researching a keyword list you can write a really terrific blog post that shows up all over Google.

This doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. The trick is to use as many related keywords in a way that does not sound like you are just stuffing them into your article so you can rank on Google.

whatever problem you have, analyse it and come up with a solution will prove that you are a good blogger

Content Ideas

One way to be a quick blogger is to subscribe to Google Alerts and receive updates every day on topics relating to your blog. You can scan those, find one that appeals to you, and write a quick blog post about it.

This is a great way to keep your blog up to date with relevant content. It also helps keep you in the habit of posting to your blog on a regular basis which is important if you’re trying to build a reader base.

Another way to get content ideas is to subscribe to your favourite blogs and bookmark their posts when you see one you like. Copy the post URL and put it in a swipe file for future reference.

When you are on their blog look for the posts getting the most comments. These active posts should be on your blog as well, just in your own words.

Final thoughts

Here is the main point I want to get across in this article. Blogging is fun when you do it correctly.

If you dread doing it then don’t. Stop your blog or hire a blog writer.

Otherwise, be a quick blogger and sit down and write a little on a consistent basis. Don’t worry about writing a book.

Just put your thoughts down and stay focused on one main point per post. You can do this in short 150-200 word articles that can be fun for you to write and very informational for your readers!

If you need my personal help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

Related Video: How To Learn To Blog.

PS: Please leave your question or comment below, I would love to get your feedback.

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2 thoughts on “Learn How To Be A Good Blogger – Without A Perfect Blog!”

  1. Hi David, what good ideas you present here. I have heard so much about the need for longer blogs that I did not realize shorter ones can be good for my readers, too. And even help get noticed for SEO.
    I also liked the idea of using google alerts for blogs from others on ideas in my niche. It is good to stay on top of what others interested in the things I am are doing and saying!

    • Good to know that you get some value here in this article, Annie. Once you can get your point across to your readers it really doesn’t matter if it is presented in a 500 words blog.

      Google has many tools to help bring your message across and what is trending, and Google alerts is one of them. They would provide you with daily alerts on what is taking place in the marketplace if you set it up. Glad that took a likeness to this. Thank you for the feedback and wish you great success in your online career.


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