How To Become An Amazon Affiliate – And Build Your Website

Many wonder how to become an Amazon affiliate. When you become an Amazon affiliate you make money by helping people find products they are looking for and directing them to your Amazon affiliate site.

When discussing how to become an Amazon affiliate you need to consider a few basic points. That is what we are going to do in this article.

There are some easy steps to joining this program.

  • 1. Who? You!
  • 2. What. Becoming an Amazon affiliate.
  • 3. Where. On the Amazon website.
  • 4. When. Right now.
  • 5. How. Let’s discuss it!

How To Become An Amazon Affiliate or Amazon associatesGetting Started

To become an Amazon affiliate you need to go to Amazon and join for free now. You must have an Amazon account to be an affiliate and then will be allowed to create an Affiliate account using this information.

Add additional information and set up a profile. List the sites including your blog which you plan on using to display banners and ads. Amazon is looking for people that have sites and blogs that receive a lot of traffic.

If a person has a preexisting blog this is a great advantage to them. If not proceed anyway.

You will also need to complete a profile containing the products you are interested in featuring on their blog and how they will fit into the content that is already posted. I suspect you already have some idea about what you want to promote. If not we will get into this more below.

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Answer Your Phone

Once this information is entered into the Affiliate profile you will get an automated call to verify this information and your identity. Answer the call!

It will contain a pin number that will be entered into a specific area on the affiliate site. This way Amazon knows they will be working with a real person.

You will then be provided with your associate Id number and Amazon will review the application. This takes one to three days.

If the application is rejected go back and examine the content on your website. You may need to add more original content.

Look Around

While you are waiting for your application to be approved start exploring the site and get tips on how to be successful. These tips will give you an idea of how to generate sales.

This will allow you to explore the types of products you can advertise on their site. All of the information is free to use.

Congratulations You Are Approved

Being happy to know that you are approve

Once the application is approved you will be able to link your site to specific products that are featured on Amazon.

Amazon will provide you with specific links to use.

These links are associated with your affiliate account and will allow Amazon to track where your sales are coming from. This is very important so you can get paid for the sales you generate. You should also post these product links on social media.

The more people that are able to see the products the better the chance you have of making a sale from your link. When you have made sales through the specific link as an affiliate you will get paid.

You can get paid from Amazon by direct deposit, a check in the mail, or Amazon gift cards. The more sales you generate the better your chances of making good money with this program.

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What To Sell

Amazon obviously is more than just a bookstore. Although that is what they started out as and their affiliate program still pays people to sell books.

Here is a key point to consider regarding the Amazon affiliate program. You can sell 2 categories of products.

  • 1. Digital.
  • 2. Physical.

You decide if you want to sell digital products, i.e. ebooks, reports, etc., or physical products that need to be shipped.

Many people become affiliates for Amazon to sell physical products. There is no doubt having literally millions of products ready for you to promote right now is a huge benefit.

Here are my 11 tips on Amazon Affiliate Marketing.

Low Commissions

Becoming an affiliate can earn you a commission online

On physical products, you are going to receive varying low commission rates.

These will be based either on a sliding scale based on the volume of sales or a fixed rate fee schedule.

Do the math for yourself. If you sell a $100 product with a 4% commission rate you will earn $4.

Is this enough to get you excited? Maybe or maybe not.

However, if you can scale this to thousands of dollars in sales a month maybe it is. There are Amazon affiliates earning 6 figure incomes so it can be done.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Think About This

To me, the big benefit of being an Amazon affiliate is people already shop there. Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world.

You do not need to create your own e-commerce store because Amazon has already done that. People buy when they shop there, you just have to get them to your Amazon-provided sales page.

Are you prepared to learn how to promote the Amazon products you choose to sell? This is the plain fact about selling anything online.

You have to get eyeballs on what you are selling. If you can do that you will make money.

Final thoughts

With low commission rates, you may be better off finding big-ticket items to sell. A 4% commission on a $1,000 product earns you $40.

A 4% commission on a $10 product earns you .40 cents and on a $100 product, you would earn $4. The main key is people buy on Amazon so you do not have to convince anyone.

You just have to get them to your affiliate link and then play the numbers game. Do that and you will earn money!

Build your Website

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

10 thoughts on “How To Become An Amazon Affiliate – And Build Your Website”

  1. This is an information I will never joke with. I have always wanted to be an Amazon affiliate marketer but I have always found it difficult and no idea of how to go about it. Getting to see this article has actually given the push I needed. I will implement what I just learnt from here and make sure I become a successful Amazon affiliate marketer.

    • Linus, many of my team members are having the same problem and some is getting rejected. I say to them this is normal when you just getting started. Amazon looks at your website and realizes you just getting started. They are looking for a website that has a few contents on them.

      Is always best is to write content and focus on setting up your website, then after a few weeks, you can apply to be an Amazon Affiliate. it will also speed up the process of getting a few purchases on your site, one of the criteria of keeping your Affiliate membership. Glad that is article brought some light.

  2. I have been an Amazon Affiliate for a few years now, and find the program to be a great addition to my preexisting website. My best time of years is the Christmas season which makes my website traffic consistent all year round. When traffic on my other products decreases my Amazon traffic increases, giving me a steady flow of income year round.

    The way you breakdown in steps how to become an Amazon Affiliate is exactly the way I did it. Your detailed layout is what everyone needs to follow to get their account set up. I will be sharing this with my colleagues whenever the question surface. Thank you.

    • Jason, Amazon and many other affiliate company make most of their sales in the Christmas holidays. So I can easily understand your boost in revenue during that period.

      Thank you for confirming my Amazan setup and the process that people need to take to become an Affiliate. And if they do get rejected do not give up. Thank you and I am honored that it is good for sharing. All the best.

  3. This is a revelatory and awesome article.

    You must have put a lot of effort gathering this write-up. I think this information is so timely and helpful for me because I have been looking for ways and how to be an affiliate specifically for Amazon. Now I have gotten the total clue. The post is well knitted and explanatory. 

    • Michael, thank you for your honest assessment.

      Happy to know that my timing on writing this article finds you in good faith and that the delivery detailed enough to meet your understanding. if you have any questions or need further help in proceeding to become an Amazon Affiliate, please contact me, would love to lend a helping hand. All the best.

  4. This is an information I have been looking for because I’m planning to diversify into affiliate marketing and I am very sure amazon affiliate will be a major boost for my online career. From my own thought of view, I think 4 percent commision rate is not too bad; what we need to strive for is our ability to sell as many products as possible and this is realistic because amazon is a popular brand.

    Thanks for this eye opener and your in-depth analysis 

    • happy to know that this article was informative and you are looking to become an Amazon Affiliate. You have the right approach with regards to the commission percentage. If you provide quality information, quantity usually follows. Having an established website that is loved by the search engines, should be ones first goal.

      once that is in place and you are getting continuous traffic, you can promote relevant products on your website that is appealing to your website. The 4% would be a no brainer. Thanks for the insight.

  5. Hi David,

    Thank you for this complete guide on how to become an Amazon affiliate. I have tried several times to sign up with them and during the stage when it comes to verify my identity by phone. Every time l pick up the calls there are no voice messages. Is there any phone number l can call them to get the pin number?

    Best wishes.

    • Glad that this Amazon guide was informative. Sorry that you are having a problem with getting your pin number. Unfortunately, you cannot call them, but here what you can try. Log out of your account and log into to go back to the registration process and try changing it if possible. Hope that helps.


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