How To Make Money With Amazon Affiliate Marketing.

One of the best ways how to make money with Amazon is to become an Amazon Affiliate. I would imagine that you have heard of them. You may have even bought something from Amazon. They are the largest online retail store in the world.

What you may not be aware of is when you are buying something from Amazon you very well could have been on an Amazon website being promoted by an affiliate marketer. Amazon pays millions of dollars in commissions every year to its affiliates so it is a big part of how things are sold.

Here’s an important question that relates to you if you are looking for how to make money from home through Amazon affiliate marketing. Amazon affiliate marketing, Can I earn a full-time income from home?

The Concept

In 1989 William J. Tobin invented affiliate marketing with his company PC Flowers & Gifts. In 1996 Amazon launched its own Associate’s Program.

You’ve probably never heard of William J Tobin, or Pc Flowers & Gifts. In 20 years Amazon has easily become the largest affiliate program in the world.

Their concept is that you get paid to sell products as an Amazon affiliate. You join their Associate’s Program for free and get an affiliate ID number that ties you back to products you can sell on an Amazon webpage of your own.

Many people think of Amazon as a physical products affiliate program. This is because they are the largest affiliate program for physical products, but they also sell a lot of Digital Products as well, and so can you.

amazon affiliateEasy To Use

What I see many information websites do is a link to various Amazon products off their website. For example, I was able to find a link to a juice extractor on this web page, here you will learn 6 simple juice recipes for weight loss with Positive Health Wellness. The words purchase one was hyperlinked to this Amazon page.

Nothing fancy here. This is just a link that has been strategically placed in the body of an article that you can click on as you’re reading it. Do you see how easy this is to implement as an affiliate marketer?

You don’t have to run ads promoting any specific product. You don’t even have to manufacture the products, collect money from the customer, or ship them to the customer.

It does not get any easier than this. This is one of the reasons that so many people are drawn to affiliate marketing.

The fact that more people buy things on Amazon, and how easy they make it for you to sell for them, makes it a fantastic affiliate program to get involved in.

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How Much Can You Earn With Amazon?

How To Make Money With Amazon - blogging for high commissions products

I don’t know exactly how much commissions the owners of healthy ambition make when somebody purchases this product. The commission rates vary from product to product.

Here’s what I do know! If you have thousands of web pages talking about various categories relating to the healthy lifestyle you can sell a lot of affiliate products.


One of the easiest is to link directly to Amazon products that you earn commissions on. We know that Amazon has thousands of products you can sell so you can make a lot of money as an Amazon Affiliate just by promoting a high volume of products.

Another thing you can do is earn a commission selling big-ticket products on Amazon. I read an article once about an affiliate who sold a high-end rare organ on Amazon. This organ cost about $120,000, and the affiliate was earning a 5% commission selling it.

Do the math!

Sell one of these a month and earn $6000. Do that for 12 months-year and earn $72,000.

On the juicer, the cost was $149.95. If you earn 5% you’re going to make $7.50 on it. People who are in the buying mood right at that time will purchase it from you and you make money because they were on your affiliate page.

Amazon pages have a 24 our cookie on them, so even if someone does not buy at that moment you still earn commissions if they come back and buy in the next 24 hours.

Which is easier to sell a $120,000 organ or a $149 juicer?

It all comes down to quality traffic, but certainly selling one high-ticket item limits what you can sell. Selling health-related products open up a whole large market of potential customers you can get traffic in front of these offers.

Building Your Authority Blog

How To Make Money With Amazon - build your authority blog to get customers

Positive Health Wellness is a healthy lifestyle authority blog. It’s taken the niche of health and targeted it in a specific way.

You can go spend as much time as you want on a website like this and start looking at all the different ways they make money.

Amazon happens to just be one of them, but it is certainly a big one and it’s very simple for them to implement it into their authority content.

What an authority blog is!

It’s a blog that provides credible information on a specific topic. It’s a blog that people tell their friends about. It’s a blog where knowledgeable people in the industry might be found offering advice on. You get the idea.

Authority blogs are going to become more popular as people are looking for specific information that provides a solution to the problems they have.

How will they find you?

You’re probably going to have to have an app on a smartphone that links directly to your blog.


Google predicts very shortly over 90% of all searches will be done on a smartphone. This means that if you’re going to make money on the Internet you need an app that ties back to your blog.

You want an authority blog because when people get to it you want them to download your app and come back and get more information in the future.

Final Thoughts

You want to join the Amazon affiliate program because Amazon gives you credibility and helps cement your status as an authority for the Amazon products you are selling. This is the best way to make money with Amazon affiliate marketing. Just work it into an authority content blog, get traffic to it, and then just play the numbers!

You can start a blog by joining a company for free to learn how to build a website and market any product on Amazon of your choice.

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