How To Earn Extra Money From Home – Online Training 101!

Are you familiar with the saying there is more than one way to skin a cat? This applies 100% when we talk about how to earn extra money from home.

Before I go into some of the ways let me discuss something I have gone over in other blog posts. You must decide whether you are a worker or an entrepreneur.

This is important because it will affect how you go about researching ways how to earn extra money from home online. You may want to do both initially and then settle into one you prefer.

With that in mind, let’s look at a few of your options.

how to earn extra money from homeHow to Earn Extra Income from Home as a Worker

A worker is somebody who wants to sit down in front of their computer, perform specific tasks, and get paid for them. They are not thinking long-term as an entrepreneur would.

Workers don’t necessarily have to have skills in some ways and to perform other tasks you definitely need skills. Here are a few examples and sources of what I’m talking about.

1. Take paid surveys.

Millions of people work on take-paid surveys every day for money. Companies will pay you for your opinion because they use this as research to see how people are spending their money, and ways they can improve their products in the future.

Not all paid survey websites are created equal. One really good one that I’ve seen over the years is Cash Crate. They have millions of people taking surveys and they pay out millions in survey dollars to their members.

Of course, there are many other opportunities available to you online to take surveys for money. Initially, you want to stay away from the sites that want you to pay them to join.

There are plenty of free opportunities to earn extra money from home without spending money to get started. Try a few and see if this is earning you the amount of money you need.

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2. Content mill writing.

Writing online is a great way to earn an income from home if it’s something you enjoy or have a skill for.

This is definitely something you can do and turn into a business if you want. However, many writers earn additional money every month writing for content mill websites.

These are sites that need writers and are easy to get started with. You can join for free, log online into your member’s area, find an article to write, write it, and get paid when it’s approved.

One of the best sources for this is You may have seen their banner ads popping up all over the Internet because they are a fast-growing content mail writing site.

Customers of sites like this don’t want to spend a lot of money on an article, but they are looking for somebody who can produce a fairly well-written article. If you can do that you can make money.

With Hire Writers, you get paid every Friday. You can control your income to a certain extent and earn extra money from home around your own lifestyle and schedule.

3. Fiverr.

This is a fantastic website for performing tasks and earning $5 to do them. Although it seems small, it does add up, especially if you throw additional service in on the same gig.

Some of the tasks will take skills while others may not. For example, setting up a WordPress blog would be something you would need to know how to do to complete this task for somebody.

Standing on the corner of a busy intersection holding a sign with somebody’s website URL on it wouldn’t take any skills. This is an example of a crazy thing that people pay representatives of Fiverr to complete.

4. Amazon Mechanical Turk.

This is a place people go to get human tasks done.

A computer can not do the things people need to be done so they go to Amazon Mechanical Turk and hire them out.

This marketplace of workers can be hired or you can join as a worker at this website.

These are just a few ways that you can earn an income if it is a good fit for you. I have done some of them, that have the training, but you will see which one I am doing that surpasses the rest, and why it is working and will continue to work whether I work it or not.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

How To Earn Extra Money From Home - being an entrepreneurHow To Earn Money Online As An Entrepreneur

One way to earn money online from home is to start your own home business. I’m partial because the Internet is a fantastic place to find a multitude of opportunities to start your home business.

Before I give you a few, consider that an entrepreneur is defined as “a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risks in order to do so”.

Does that sound like you?

You may not be earning money right away as a worker would. Can you see the BIG picture and be ready to take on the risk of doing so?

1. Network marketing.

This is a direct sales business model. It has been around for some time and it is still working for many today.

You join a company such as Amway, Herbalife, or Prepaid Legal Services and get started selling and recruiting to build your own business.

Network marketing is not for the faint of heart as it does have a high failure rate. However, if you put the emphasis on selling products first you will make money faster.

2. Affiliate Marketing.

Here comes my favorite. I love being an affiliate marketer entrepreneur. In affiliate marketing, you get paid to sell other people’s stuff.

You might also get paid to perform a specific action such as getting someone to click an ad or fill out a lead form. To me, this is the most fantastic business model for an entrepreneur to get started with, because of the lengthy list of benefits it offers.

I’m not going to list all of them in this article, Let me just say that joining me at Wealthy Affiliate is the best way to learn how to do affiliate marketing correctly. The term “Earn as you Learn” is really a great experience you will enjoy here.

You can start your online business in affiliate marketing the right way with Internet strategies that are working today to guide you to success. Your affiliate marketing business can earn you a part-time income or even a 6 or 7-figure income as it has done for many people online.

Final thoughts

Let me just keep this short and sweet. Do you think of yourself as a worker or an entrepreneur? Do you need money right now, but you still think of yourself as an entrepreneur?

As you complete your due diligence keep these things in mind, because there are so many ways to make extra money, but you are only limited by what you decide to try to do!

3 Steps You Need To Take Today.

  1. Join Wealthy Affiliate For free and learn how to earn extra money from home (Read the Review).
  2. Fill out all the details to get your starter account and follow the step-by-step videos.
  3. Leave me a message inside the Wealthy Affiliate community stating that I have just opened my starter account. And I and the owner will reach out to you immediately to direct you to where to start. Related Video On Millions Earning Extra Money

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10 thoughts on “How To Earn Extra Money From Home – Online Training 101!”

  1. Hello David, what an informative article on how we can create profit streams. I have not heard of I am definitely going to check that out. Thanks for this! In peace and gratitude, ariel

    • Thank you for the feedback, and glad that you got some enlightenment here. Yes I use them from time to time. But I gave them the keywords, the heading, and sub-headings. Then when I received it, I passed it through Wealthy Affiliate site content platform to check for duplication.

      I add my version to it, elaborating each of the sub-headings and increasing my word count. This makes it much faster for me to create content, so I can devote more of my time to promoting those content. So feel free and try them out, and let me know what you think. Take care.

    • Glad I was able to reach out to you Annie. Glad you are in Wealthy Affiliate and educating yourself on the best way make an extra income from home. If you need help in any way, please feel free and reach out to me, would be glad to be of assistance. All the best.

  2. David,

    I am intrigued by content mill writing, You said one of the best sources for this is I am definitely going to check this out. Thanks for the helpful information.


    • Hi Lisa, glad that you get some value here and at least take-away something from this article. You do not know how that intrigues me when someone can at least take something an try it and it helps to grow their business.

      Please let me know how it works for you, and if you need further information, please do not hesitate to ask. I still reach out to HireWriters from time to time when I am falling behind. There are others I use as well. thank you for the feedback and wish you all with your business.


  3. Great list of ways to make money from home. Your article made me realize that anyone can make money from home if they put their mind to it. We all have some sort of talent or passion. I found Wealthy Affiliate myself about 1 1/2 years ago and it has really helped me learn how to make money from home. So, I can definitely echo your recommendation. Thanks for sharing.

    • Hey Vic, glad that you see the importance  on how to make an extra income from home based on my list. There are hidden gems within us, when observed we can use it to our advantage.

      Happy to hear that you are a part of Wealthy Affiliate, and that program is helping you to make money from home. My goal is to get this out to people that it is possible for them as well. all the best with your business.

  4. Hey this was a good article, i have tried a few of those. I am not a big fan about paid surveys though. I am doing affiliate marketing and i have posted 2 gigs on fivver but i have not made anything there yet. My gigs has been viewed though so i will be adding more gigs soon so i can maybe make sales. I also started writing ebooks so then i can put them on my website!

    • Hey Justin, glad that you get some value here on how to earn an extra income from home, and choosing Affiliate Marketing to do just that. You are on the right track on trying to make money online, and fiverr is one of the ways you can do just that with offering gigs.

      As you grow and more people begin to accept you gigs, the more popular you would become, and the more clients would request your offers. Quality is key for becoming successful online, so focus on giving value to your customers, and they would help grow your business. Hope that helps


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