Instant Passive System Review – Is it fail-Proof?

In my Instant Passive System Review, I look at this new opportunity and talk about whether jumping into new things all of the time is a good idea.

  • Name: Instant Passive System
  • Website:
  • Price: $7 to $10 start-up, after launch possibly $97
  • Owners: Anthony Rousek and Mark Wigley
  • Overall Rank: 90 out of 100

Instant Passive System Overview

This is a brand-new online money-making system that was launched on January 21st, 2020. That launch date explains why there is no real information, good or bad, about this business opportunity anywhere on the internet.

The founders and owners are Anthony Rousek and Mark Wightley, and they seem to be well-known among different internet marketers. This familiarity gives the pair a little boost in the reputation department.

Instant Passive System review to make money online

This new business opportunity offers those who sign up for a detailed video course accompanied by a PDF file that explains how to become a distinguished traffic provider.

Mr. Rousek is said to have 5 years of online marketing experience, while his partner Mr. Wightly is called a strong right-hand man.

The premise behind this system is that by using it only 30 minutes a day, you can generate up to 4 thousand dollars a month in revenue. This system is also supposed to be a secret that very few people know about.

After taking the training, you are supposed to have the skills you need to succeed in your online business. Since it is new, there is not much that can be described as this new online money-making opportunity.

The Good & the Bad of Instant Passive System

Let’s take a look at what I perceive to be the good and bad of the Instant Passive System.

The Good:

  • It is a very new opportunity
  • Supposed to be 100% fail-proof
  • Step-by-step training
  • Novice friendly
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

The Bad:

  • It’s too new to evaluate
  • You need to be a member to access their website, including their home page
  • Multiple upsells
  • Paying to play

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Who is Instant Passive System For?

According to one source, this business opportunity is for those affiliate marketers who want to boost their business and traffic. Then website owners, freelancers, social media marketers, and business owners are said to benefit from using this brand-new system.

In other words, just about anyone who has an online presence can benefit from this supposedly super-secret technique that will generate up to $4000 a month in revenue. All by simply using this system for 30 minutes a day

Instant Passive System Tools & Training

This is not a difficult area of the company to talk about because its main content is built on training. Once you sign up, you are given access to about 11 to 12 training videos plus a PDF file that gives you step-by-step training to make you a better online traffic marketer.

It is a 3-step system that you have to pass through to get your training. Signing up for the live orientation is the first step, then joining his Facebook group is next, and finally, click on your training button to open that up.

Instant Passive System Support

Instant Passive System support

The website for this company was the only page that worked normally, and you do not have to be a member to reach it. Once you are there, you have a simple form to fill out, including your message, and I guess they get back to you.

Since this is a very new system, it is hard to gauge how the customer and member support is. I tried another link,, but the support button just led you to the same contact page.

None of the reviews we looked at mentioned what kind of support you could expect. Except to say that they may be the ones to support you if you sign up through them

Instant Passive System Price

We have been able to find out that signing up to get access to this secret system will cost you between $7 and $10. Some websites claim it is $7 to $9 but what is a dollar between friends?

After signing up, there are 4 levels you must go through to complete your training. Each level has a price tag in addition to your sign-up fee. The first level is called OTO, and it costs you $27; the OTO2 will cost you $47; the OTO3 is a little pricier with a $97 cost, and finally, the most expensive is OTO which comes in at $197.

Those are about the only costs we have been able to find out associated with this company.

My final opinion

It is actually too soon to tell if this is going to be a great opportunity to pursue or not. On paper, the basics look fine as you do get a lot of training to help you succeed in your online business.

The one major downside is that you have to keep buying upsells to get the full training. Time will tell, though.

Instant Passive System At A Glance

a glance over beautiful land

Basically, this is a training system that claims that you can make a lot of money each month using their system for about 30 minutes a day. You do have to pay to play, but the minimal fee gets you access to what seems like some great training videos and PDF files.

Are New Money-Making Programs Good?

This is not something that I have spent much time talking about, which I can recall. Are new money-making programs a good thing to get involved with?

It seems to me that there are always new programs popping up that you can get involved with. From a personal standpoint, I’ve always tended to be very cautious of those.

You really need to consider why you would be joining a new moneymaking program when there are so many established opportunities already on the Internet.

It is not going to create a new idea or a new concept. However, from an industry standpoint, most of the real money-making opportunities that somebody like you and I will get involved in are already there.

Affiliate Marketing

As an industry, I like affiliate marketing. You can make money by the click, by the lead, or by the sale.

There will be new companies popping up in the affiliate marketing arena, but affiliate marketing itself is pretty established. With Instant Passive System ideas, again, you’re selling training.

Smart Internet marketers are always looking for ways to repack something in this arena because it’s an evergreen niche. There will never be a lack of people coming online looking for ways to make money.

It’s also a migrating niche. That means that people tend to jump for programs and products every 60 days or so. You see this all the time in the network marketing industry.

So, here’s what I want to say to you when it comes to new money-making programs.

Would you use this product yourself?

If you buy it and like it, then it’s probably a good program to promote because you can write about it and sell it from a position of experience. I would say this is true with Instant Passive System.

Look At The People

It would help if you looked at the people behind the product. The founders of Instant Passive Systems appear to have a good reputation, and that’s a good thing.

I sometimes also look at the other affiliate marketers promoting it. Many are in the loop for new things coming down the pike.

They all do JV Opportunities with each other. That can be a good thing to find new products to sell.

Show Me The Money

How are you going to make money? That’s what money-making opportunities are for.

Can you make money selling Instant Passive System? Seriously consider that and then compare it to other similar money-making opportunities such as Wealthy Affiliate, which I highly recommend and have been around for about 15 years!

Stop Jumping

In my viewpoint, there seems to be a real “the grass is greener on the other side” attitude in the make money online niche. If you find an excellent program that you can get behind, why would you constantly jump from one program to another?

I’ve been guilty of jumping myself but locked into Wealthy Affiliate several years ago, and I’ve been happy to stick with it. You will find real peace of mind that comes with finding one program and then just sticking with it.

If you want to promote things as an affiliate marketer, including programs, that’s OK if you have your own list. But I wouldn’t courage always jumping into the newest and greatest thing because, ultimately, that very rarely works out.

Instant Passive System Review: Summary

It is going to take some time before everyone knows exactly what Instant Passive System really is. Right now, it sounds like a great opportunity to invest a little money to gain a lot in return every month.

The company provides you with over 10 videos and a detailed PDF file to ensure you get your money’s worth. The training is there, but the true test will come after it has launched.

It is hard to give a good review of Instant Passive systems and their product until enough time has passed. Proceed with caution and watch your step to make sure you do not make a mistake.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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16 thoughts on “Instant Passive System Review – Is it fail-Proof?”

  1. While looking for ways to diversify my online income, I found your review on Instant Passive System. I have to admit that brand new companies are not what I’m looking for since I want companies that made their proof on the market. Like you said, this company is really too young to tell if it’s really worth the try or not. Normally, I check for the 5 years mark, where after 5 years companies are more likely to stay if they survived 5 first years. 

    Only time will tell if it’s worth the try, but surely if they offer what people want and they are honest, I have no doubt it can work out. Let’s check out later, in a year or two, to see how things are going with them.

    Thank you for sharing this short and interesting review. 🙂


    • There are so many people on the internet that are searching for new opportunities because for some reason they have been scammed by a few in the past. This is not a bad idea depending on what you are looking for. It is training about learning how to market online successfully then I would go with the company that has been around longer and has proved themselves like the one I am a member of for over six years, Wealthy Affiliate.

      Five years from now if Instant Passive Systems has proved themselves, then the people who are going to be looking around that time, would benefit then. All companies have to start somewhere just like Wealthy affiliate when they had started back in 2005.

  2. Thanks for the review. I think you have summed it up well in your repeated referral to the fact that this is a new opportunity that there just is not enough information out there to arrive at an informed view of its potential value to digital marketers.

    That said I personally have a natural aversion and allergic reaction to any program that reels its members in through up-selling.  Such a program would be unlikely if ever to attract me never mind get me to sign up or keep me, no not oven for $7.

    You have done a great job of not selling this to me haha!


    • Harnish, over the years it has proven that programs that have upsets in their marketing plan are totally looking to get more of your money rather than focusing on giving you more value first. This has been a red flag for me when looking into programs. Although this may not be the case with Instant passive systems, it is something that you would rather wait and see before you jump right into with both feet.

      I have heard in a training once if you want to make a lot of money with your membership website, start with a low entry fee and create upsells on the backend so that you would get more money from the same member. That was so selfish that I never follow the person that delivers that message in that training. Most people went away with that strategy thinking it was the best one. Only time will tell as we pay close attention to this program.

  3. Hey, I enjoy a lot while reading your review and find it very helpful for everyone. While reading I know that it is a brand new online money making system and it was launched on January 21st, 2020. I at this stage it is going well but I looked myself in wealthy affiliate and working on my own business with the help of wealthy affiliate training and getting awesome results.

    Although Instant Passive Systems is new and may turn out to be a very good business model, I would rather stay with Wealthy Affiliate as you are doing, because I am getting great results as well. Thank you for this review.

    • It is great to see that you are part of Wealthy Affiliate and reaping the benefits with their training and seeing results. I believe that more companies will follow them in the future and model after them because of their success, and Instant Passive Systems is no different. I wish them great success in the future because of the wide opportunity that is available today.

  4. Hello David,

    Thanks for your post on Instant “Passive System Review” and all of the great information. I have to say, 30 minutes a day to make up to $4,000.00 a month seems easy enough to do. I’m always looking at different ways to make money online and this one seems like it can work for me and many others.

    Best Regards

    • I have worked my internet business for over 4 hours a day, and it did not get me to that income right away. After six to nine months of content m marketing and a few paid advertising, I finally get to that income and beyond. I personally believe that they want to make it easy for the members so that they would join faster.

      Nothing good is easy, but if it has a proven system that works, then that systems has to be learned and that takes time cause driving traffic to any business page requires lots of skills and consistencies.

  5. Hi, thank you for sharing the instant passive system with me. 

    I have never heard of it before so it will need some further looking into by me.  The problem I find with most of the automated make money quick and easy systems, is that the only give you basic information and no support, after you have purchased their products. 

    I too am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and it’s the only place to learn how to do Affiliate Marketing online. The support and help are 24/7 at Wealthy Affiliate and for anyone looking to earn a  Passive income online, this is crucial. 

    If you are looking into doing affiliate marketing the right way then follow one of the links in this article and create your starter account now at Wealthy Affiliate, to find out how good the platform really is.

    Good luck 


    • When looking at these opportunities you have to consider how much money you have to put out on a monthly basis, and how long will you be able to see your returns on your investment. At $97, that can add up to a huge amount before you start getting that amount or beyond.

      At Wealthy Affiliate, I started for free but then I see the value in going premium at $49, there were no upsells and when taking the annual plan it was at $299, which worked out bro just under $25 monthly. Within six months I was earning way more than that. The more I learn was the more I earn and the rest is history. Over six years now I have no regrets and I am happy to share and help others to experience the same success and beyond.

      It is great that you take that same route, and building a business that would be around years down the road that you can leave for your generations to come. Thank you for the feedback and insights.

  6. I really appreciate this article. Thank you so much for sharing this great review with us. Your post is very informative for me. This is the first time I heard about Instant Passive System. Reading your post I learned about Instant Passive System clearly. The article answered my question. I think I will get marvelous outcomes from your specialty guide. I will share this article among friends. I hope they benefit. Much obliged 

    • Yes, it is a new program and I know people would be eager to jump on board to take advantage of this new opportunity. We all can learn different marketing skills to enhance our business. If this program does just that, then it would be a success for everyone. Thank you for the comment.

  7. Yes, please!  This is what I need.  Don´t we all need tips on making money! This is a really helpful list of different ways to do so.  I am going to bookmark your page to share it with friends. I like your assessment of the “Instant Passive System.  It looks too early to be effective.  Are you sure it’s not a scam? However, this Wealthy Affiliate site you have highlighted looks far more realistic.  I would like to learn more.

    • Hey Trevor, you can go right ahead and check my review on Wealthy Affiliate. You can take the free lessons to learn more about the program to see if it is a good fit for you. If you have any question I will be there to answer all of them. I will show you exactly what I am doing and what is working for me.

      The training is detail step by step videos as you follow along while you are building your website from scratch. The community of people there to help you along the way, and the two owners are there to direct you on the right path. 

      See you inside Wealthy Affiliate.

  8. Thanks for the review of the Instant Passive System.

    Instant Passive System is new to many of us. Many of us are do not know properly about this company. but thanks to you have highlighted all the points of this company that will help us a lot. Through your article, I learned many new things about this company. Thanks, you describe it very well. and also thanks for telling us the good side and the bad side of this company. 

    I find that upsells say one thing, the owners are looking to suck in at a low rate and when you are in, try to take more money from you. Programs like this most of the time do not have your best interest at hand. But like you said, it may be a little premature to tell because it is a new program that is now getting started. Thank you for the review.

    • There are programs are starting up on a daily basis and people are looking for ways to attract a certain audience so that they can monopolize them. It is always a risk to go after new companies in the beginning, and yet sometimes it could be a good thing.

      I suggested always get rooted first with an established company like Wealthy Affiliate and get an income flowing and then you can take a risk with new start-up companies of your choice. Many companies have to learn from their mistakes to develop a strong base, the question is, are you willing to be part of that?


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