How To Generate Traffic To Your Website | High-Quality Blogging!

When it comes to advertising there are basically two ways how to generate traffic to your website through high-quality blogging. You can do paid advertising, or you can use free advertising methods.

One of the best advertising methods, that doesn’t cost anything at this time, is high-quality blogging. However, this can be expensive in terms of the amount of time you spend to get people to come to visit your blog.

One idea to make this more cost-effective is to generate repeat blog visitors. Your goal is that once you have somebody come to your blog, how can you go about getting them to come back over and over?

I think we both would agree that the more repeat visitors we have the less time we have to spend attracting new visitors.

So, how can you use quality blogging to generate targeted website traffic?

The Benefits Of Using Email Marketing Email Marketing List

One thing you can do is build an email list that you can contact anytime you want. The strategy here is that you can send email messages to your list every time you make a blog update you feel is worth your time reading.

Here’s the way to make this work. Rather than copying the whole blog post, and putting it in the body of an email message, just copy the first couple of sentences, and then link the words “continued reading” back to the blog post.

This is a way to drive repeat visitors back to your blog from your email list. It’s also a way to build relationships and enhance your credibility by offering useful information as opposed to always trying to sell them something in email messages they receive from you.

High-Quality Useful Information

I see a lot of bloggers who are trying to meet a quota when it comes to adding content to their blogs. A better approach when you’re trying to generate repeat visitors is to provide high-quality useful information that leaves the reader wanting to come back and see what new information you’ve added to your blog.

One way to provide high-quality information is to increase the number of words in the articles you are writing. Focus on adding more useful content for each article.

Google says they want to see articles that are 1000 words or more so give that to them. Don’t just fill up space, but rather really try your best to provide high-quality information and more of it in each article.

I try to do that on my blog here where most of the posts I write are 1000 words or more. I also offer articles of 1000 words as an option when you hire a freelance writer. One particular I think you would like once you get your blog up and running.

Related Video: How To Get Traffic To Your Blog Or Website

learning how to generate traffic to your website online

Reduce Bounce Rates

To reduce your bounce rate you need to make your blog easy to navigate so people don’t want to leave it quickly. Link from one page to the next so they can continue to read more articles.

Make sure you’re using a responsive theme on your blog. This means that it adjusts according to the devices being viewed. It’s easy to read whether they’re on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Also, be sure that your blog pages are loading quickly. Nothing makes somebody leave a blog, and not want to come back more, than if they have to wait to get into it to start with.

Generating Traffic To Your Website  Through Social Media

Take advantage of as many different social media marketing sources as you can to drive repeat visitors back to your blog. You never know where they found your blog to begin with, but if you’re doing it correctly they have seen you on one of the social media outlets you use.

1. Keen. Start with the big K. They are not as big as Facebook, but off-course, they carry a lot of weight and help in getting your blog ranked. Sometimes Keen bookmark will show up in an organic search which of course contains a link to your blog post.

2. Facebook. Whenever you make a blog post be sure and link back to it on your Facebook page.

You can do this by adding the new comment and pasting it into the URL of the blog post you want to link back to. If you’ve used a graphic that will show up along with the blog title and a link that people can click on to come back to your blog.

twitter for marketing your business and generating traffic to your website

3. Twitter. Every time you do a blog post tweet about it.

Paste in the title of the blog post, the URL, and then enticing words that add up to 140 characters. Re-tweet it several times a day or a week because you never know who is online at the time you tweet.

4. Youtube. Take the blog post and create a video out of it using Animoto. This is an easy way to create a slide series video with music that you can instantly publish on YouTube.

Bring the video back to the post and add it somewhere in the body of it. You might just add the words relevant video at the end of the blog post and then paste the embed code so the whole video is visible.

People are using YouTube as a search engine so it’s a good source of driving people to your blog which means you can utilize some of the various strategies we talked about to generate repeat blog visitors.

5. Only Wire. This is a handy little online site you can use to instantly bookmark your blog post into multiple social directories.

You will need to join each directory one time. Then you just paste in the URL, and it will load the title and the first couple of sentences of the blog post. You can also add an image to make it more visually appealing.

6. SEO. Used proper search engine optimization when you create a blog post to help you rank in the organic results of the big three search engines, Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

You may not think of this as generating repeat visitors, but once you rank for numerous keyword phrases you are constantly generating blog visitors without having to make new content posts all of the time.

Many bloggers have reported that once they reach the status of an authority blog with Google they begin to rank for all kinds of keyword phrases and their traffic flow greatly increases.

My Final Thoughts

Let me just reiterate that generating repeat blog visitors is an important strategy for having a successful blog. If you have to spend all your time creating new content, just to find new readers, eventually you will burn yourself out.

Don’t let that happen to you! Really want to know How To Generate Traffic To Your Website?

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6 thoughts on “How To Generate Traffic To Your Website | High-Quality Blogging!”

  1. Hey there,

    Thank you a lot for the post here, it has been really helpful. I see that you really recommend using Google plus to share the content I create on my website.

    I would like to ask you to explain to me why google plus is the most loved social platform for sharing posts. Can you also show me how I can get to have bookmarks with links to my post appear on Google?

    • Dave, happy to know that this article was helpful to you. I recommend Google Plus, because i have noticed that when i share my article through google plus, my articles are reached by people who have the same niche as mine and because of that it is shared quite frequently.

      Another thing is that Google owns Google Plus, so they pay attention on what is said on that social media platform. one of the reason it is loved by Google.The same would be for YouTube as well.

      You asking about bookmarking for better SEO I’m assuming? I do not do that anymore but this article might be able to help you.… Take care and thank you for the comment.

  2. I really need to work on bounce rate of my website. I think that if people stay longer on my site it will be really beneficial for seo too. You mentioned linking from one page to another. However how many links should I use? What are your experiences with this?

    • Furkan, thank you for the comment. Yes, bounce rate is something that we all should focus on for better SEO. Internal linking is a good way for better SEO One link Internal link should be fine, together with one external link as well. You can also embed YouTube videos occasionally.

  3. The important thing is Building an Email list. The people on our Email list are the customers of our business. Google Alerts idea in the video is nice. Ia m going to try this out. Thanks for the article, Bishop. And also I have no idea about the Bookmarking. But you explained about the Only Wire. That’s really informative and helpful.

    • Thank your for your insight and the reason for building an email list. Glad that you got some value here and how only wire can help. if you need further assistance please feel free to get in touch with me. Talk to you soon.


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