9 Types of Blog Posts to Create if You Don’t Want to Write Much

Here I will discuss types of blog posts to create if you don’t want to write much, or ways that you can still get content for your website that you did not create.

Some bloggers do not like to write. So they are always looking for ways to get content to their blog cause they know that content is king.

The problem is when you have a blog you will soon come to know the importance of keeping your blog updated with fresh content. For your audience to be interested in it you need articles, videos, graphics, and audio that is relevant to the theme of your blog.

It can be challenging to access blog posts that will not keep your visitors interested enough to bring them back, especially if you find yourself writing more for Google than your readers.

People who blog for Google first are always trying to write long-form content. I am talking about articles of 1000-2000 words. I have read Google favours posts 1500-2000 words in length.

To that, I say it does not seem reasonable to me to do that all of the time. What if you just want to add a post that is shorter, one you do not have to spend all day writing?

It doesn’t matter if you blog for fun or to make money. If visitors are your goal write for them. Once you say all that you have to say and you get your point across, that all should matter.

if your readers need more information they will let you know in the comment section of your post. And that does add up dramatically and counts as words for that particular post.

How Do You Write For Visitors?

I am always amazed at some of the content I see online. Some of it blows me away, but you know what else happens?

I click away from it because it is too long. The same thing happens with long videos.

Unless I am really interested in a subject a long article or long video just does not interest me. I don’t know about you, but who reads long posts with 5,000 words? Just to give some feedback because you know the website owner.

The problem is Google is running the show on content. They are setting and always changing the rules if you want to rank on their search engine. I heard a few years back that “Google is God.”

To me, the way around that is to write for visitors sometimes as well. Keep the visitor with a short attention span in mind. Quality and engaging content would never go away.

Powerful 1-2 Punch

Of course, a short article combined with a sign-up form to never miss a post is a powerful combo. When doing this all you need is their email.

Now you do not care if they click away because you can keep in front of them over and over. I think this works great with shorter blog posts.

So with that in mind as well as other things…..

Here are nine types of short blog posts you can use to keep your blog enjoyable, encourage participation, short, increase followers, and encourage comments.

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types of blog post to create if you don't like to write much1. The Quick Tips Blogs

They are short and usually between 100 and 250 words. If you have ideas you want to share with your readers, but don’t justify a complete blog post, posting quick suggestions is ideal.

The edge should focus on the central area of its place. For example, “How to eat less when eating out” could be a “quick tip” ideal for a diet blog. Of course, you could always take this idea and develop it into a longer post, a report, or even an ebook.

The thing I like about quick tips posts is how often you can make them. If you are actively researching your niche you are always coming across tips from other bloggers and websites.

I like to whip out my iPhone, open up an email, and just start talking. When I am done I email it to myself. Then I copy the email and make a new blog post. A quick bit of editing and I am ready to publish and bookmark.

Here’s one other thing about quick blog tips. I will use these and make YouTube videos out of them for my YouTube Channel. These are easy to create using Animoto. Then you can download them to your computer and upload them to your channel.

This is a simple way to get more out of a short blog post. Plus it is a great way to keep Google spidering your blog if you link back to it in the description area of your new video.

The quick tips blog post can be turned into just about anything you want it to be. With that in mind get busy adding these new short tips to your blog!

2. Link to Other Blog Posts

Another excellent way to create a valuable publication, without writing too much, is to link other people’s blogs. When I entered the world of blogging a decade ago many blogs did this regularly.

They would write a post every week that brings together excellent recent posts from other blogs related to their theme of theirs. This was a good way to get those bloggers to link back to them as well.

Amy Lynn Andrews of The “UseLetter” uses this strategy to create a newsletter. She also makes blog posts from them. Her blog articles are full of outer-linking and inner-linking as well. It is no wonder Google likes her as much as they do.

3. The Corresponding/Interview Blog Post

People love interviews, especially if it is with someone they love and admire. Try to interview someone in your place and share the results of the interview with the readers of your blog.

That is also a powerful traffic generator in which the interviewee is likely to post the meeting on his blog and the web, increasing his traffic!

You can keep the blog post short by introducing the person you are interviewing and then posting the audio or video online for people to listen to. I like this because it adds good variety to a blog as well as adding quality content when done correctly.

create online media posts if you don't like writing4. Use Online Media Post

A source of the blog materials is essential. Sometimes readers leave very astute and clever comments on your blog that you may want to share with your entire audience.

If someone comments on your blog they are likely to assume that readers are happy to read this comment. You can use this feedback as a starting point for making a new post.

Sometimes I like to take a question from comments and answer it with a new post. These can be short and helpful to readers who might have the same questions. Most times these posts turn out to be very successful and get ranked high in the search engine.

Blog comments are viewed as new content by Google. Encourage them as a way to keep your blog updated all of the time.

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5. List of Quotes

You should make sure to use these legally and ethically. That means, at least citing the author or speaker for each quote you are using. Some bloggers do this with inspirational or famous quotes. You can find many sites that will help you.

Quote Detective does a fantastic job tracking the source of several famous quotes. Brainy Quote has a quote of the day and archived quotes you may find useful as well.

6. FAQ Posts

Write a post answering the most frequently asked questions you get. These can be from emails you receive or in the comments people make on your blog post.

Here is another angle you could take to lengthen any blog post. Jon Dykstra of Fatstacks Blog recently did a fascinating study on whether adding an FAQ section to a blog post actually helps or hurts the post.

He calls them FAQ-rich snippets. In reality in this study, the average FAQ section he added was 989 words. He added them to 59 posts. Out of that 34 posts saw an increase in traffic while 25 saw a decrease. Could you do this on a smaller scale and see a benefit? I think you could.

Your FAQs could be a new post. They could also be added to a post as Jon Dykstra did. Do you have an email list? How about emailing them and answering their questions?

Take the questions and post them in a new post or find a relevant one and add them there. To me, this works because you have your reader in mind. The added benefit is Google sees you updating your blog all of the time. If your goals are to one day be an authority blog this will help.

7. Outsource to a Freelance Writer

This is a way to get blog articles without doing any writing. I can’t think of a better way to create blog posts without writing than doing this! 🙂 Hiring a freelance blog writer makes sense in many instances. For example…

1. You do not like the niche. You are always taught to be passionate about the niche your blog is in. I have nothing against this idea, but what if you want to branch out? Let’s face it. You cannot always be passionate about every niche.

To me, there are so many micro-niches that offer a great chance to make money. If you want to spend time researching them there are some great opportunities out there. Find one and then hire a freelance writer. Sources for this include Freelancer.com and UpWork.

2. You are just too busy. If you have a full-time job writing blog articles can be tough.

I have found it almost impossible to get motivated if a 2000-word blog article is staring me in the face. I am busy and I am tired.

Time to hire a good writer. If quality is important find a writer you can work with and let them help you. This is usually money well spent.

guest posting is one way to get content on your site that you did not write8. Ask For A Guest-Post

I like this idea for blogs of all ages. New blogs can get more content faster. Older blogs can get targeted articles and you may even be able to charge the writer for them.

Finding writers can be done in a couple of ways.

1. Add a page on your blog menu where you may put exactly what you are looking for in a guest post.

2. Contact other bloggers. Send them an email offering them the chance to write for your blog.

This is a numbers game, but it will pay off. Some bloggers will do it just for the backlink you allow in their resource box.

9. Your Lengthy Keyword List

How long is your keyword list for your blog? Most bloggers will say 100-200 words, maybe even fewer.

In a Podcast recently Jon Dykstra talks about building large keyword lists and developing those into quality blog articles. Granted he is creating long-form content, but you could still copy him to a lesser extent.


Build a keyword list of 1000-2000 words or even longer. Go after longtail keywords and write blog posts around them.

Have a goal of doing 5 of these at 200 words a day. Over time you will have a very large blog of helpful articles you can go back and build out into longer articles.

Final thoughts

Let me add one more thing I just thought of. Of course, you should not rely too much on what other bloggers have written. Creating an occasional post based on the work of others is ok if you do not copy them. This is why I like to subscribe to the email list for blog post updates.

I got never miss a post idea from The Super Affiliate Rosalind Gardner. Although she is not as active as she once was her sign-up form is just simply based on never missing a post. I see a lot of bloggers doing this.

OK, I hope you have enjoyed this article. I am a firm believer that more bloggers would stick with their blogs if they did not think every post had to be a long masterpiece. Think about how much pressure you could get rid of if you just used these 9 ideas for creating shorter posts without writing much.

I know there are people who would start a blog if they thought this concept would work. It really helps when you begin thinking about blogging for your reader and not so much for Google all of the time. Shorter blog posts let you do that. You might even find you love your blog again!’

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22 thoughts on “9 Types of Blog Posts to Create if You Don’t Want to Write Much”

  1. Thank you for these excellent suggestions.

    I actually have two sites that I write articles weekly for.  I try for a 1500 word count minimum but sometimes I feel rushed as things get busy.

    Now I have some ideas for times when I’m just slammed but still need to publish content.

    Thanks again,


    • Hi Scott, I am happy that this post finds you at the right time and that is something you can use for your business if you are unable to produce content for some reason.

      This has worked for me while I consider focusing on promoting my business. thank you for the feedback and let me know how it is working for you?

      All the best!

  2. I remember meeting a friend on Facebook whom I introduced to blogging. He knows the potential of blogging and that blogging can help him live the life he has always wanted to live and attain financial freedom but he was so scared about writing. Writing is one of the kinds of stuff he dislikes… This blog post would be of great help to him.

    • This topic has come up a few times from some of my team members that is what brought me on writing this post so that others would not be held back because of writing.

      When starting out I had the same issue and i used some of the suggestions I mention, and it helped me a great deal of building my business. Happy that this post was helpful.

  3. Hello Bishop,

    Thanks a lot for that article. It has really helped me ease up on the pressure to have long masterpiece articles that more often than not lead me to fatigue, burn out, and abandoning of blogs I begin.

    Sometimes the passion just disappears, or one gets the writer’s block and cannot think of what else to say/write about. I, therefore, support you when you mention that writing short punchline paragraphs can really come to the rescue. I’ll also try to do more reaching out to other bloggers to do guest posts on my blogs. 

    For product review articles, could also say that making a list of products (say 10), then writing short 100-200 words about each would also do the trick?

    Boniface from AndroidBix

    • Boniface,

      You and tons of other bloggers, if not all, have gone through that fatigue moment. Some have bounced back and some never. this has lead to a number of blogs out there that never see the light. and this is the number one reason why so many entrepreneurs quit their business.

      Most successful bloggers do not write their content, they focus on more promoting their content which is more productive. Cause you can write quality contents but if no one gets to see them it is of no use. and that is part of growing a successful business.

      Like I mention short punchline articles work if done right, but bin the case of reviews I do not recommend it. Product reviews have to be thorough, and the readers look for a detailed overview with the pros and cons and your final verdict. Unfortunately, it would be difficult to write one under 2000 words. That is my thought on this. I hope that helps!

  4. Mm, this is a super relevant topic because all I’ve been focusing on is this idea that search engines are now preferring “long-form” content. But I don’t always have the material to hit that word count and still be offering REAL value to my readers. If I’m doing a review of a single product, there’s usually not 2,000 words worth of pros and cons to going through without weaving a story of “fluff.” I’m going to bookmark your page for future use because I’m excited to bring some variety to my blog! 

    • Hey Tucker,

      I have seen a blog site that has no content rank number one on Google, take a look at it https://tailgatebundles.com/ and ponder that for a moment. Is content really king as they say?

      Happy that you bookmark my page cause this is going to be interesting as I unfold to my readers why this site is possible, and what it is that we are not told? Thank you for the feedback, and looking forward to chatting with you some more.

  5. How true! The problem lies in the battle between google that wants longer posts and the reader that wants shorter posts. I also tend to click away after a few paragraphs. Your 1-2 Punch is very much appreciated. I see how this is really going to help when I have nothing much to say on my posts. Linking to other blog posts sounds like the icing on the cake. Thank you for these useful insights.

    • You hit the nail on the head, are we supposed to be writing for our readers? or Google? If our post gets the message across and we are able to get interactions with our audience in the comment section, what does it matter how long or short is my post?

      What if a short post has more engagements and interaction and is only 500 words and another post that has over 3000 words with no engagement? The 1-2 seems like a clear option. Internal linking is working big-time for me and does make sense. Happy that these insights serve you well.

      Stay tuned for more useful tips

  6. Wow!  This is a powerful article. I relished every word. (and I hate patronizing)  I.m saving it for a reference.

    I plan on using these ideas. I haven’t soused talking to myself yet and recording it, but I should because my brain goes 100 mph all day on things I could write, and then I sit down and stare blankly at the keyboard.  It just never seems to come out the same the second time.

    I think my woodworking/handyman website is a perfect fit for all of this. No one needs to know I’m not the real genius. I just need them to think I am.

    Thank you.  

    • Always think in the eyes of your readers and not you. your readers just need the right information, it does not matter where it comes from.

      Ideas that once created in your mind can be lost within minutes. you try speaking your ideas out verbally into a recording machine so that the ideas stay fresh. Google voice typing is a free device that is found within the Google Docs word processor. You just have to speak into your computer’s microphone, and the software will translate your words into text on the screen. I hope that helps!

  7. Incredible article. I read it all the way through. As a start-up travel blogger, myself and always looking to find more things to write about I found this post to be extremely helpful. I immediately went to email a few people to guest write for my posts. Great article and nicely organized. Keep up the good work.

    • Hey Ian, thank you for the comment and kind words. It is always a pleasure when my readers gat value in my post. if gives me the courage to continue to create quality content that my audience can use and see results.

      Please feel free to check back from time to time, cause I update my website many times within the week with tips that could boost your website and business that is working for me. Talk to soon and hope that your business is moving in the right direction.

  8. Thanks for the long post for short posts David! Awesome list of options for all types of blogs. My wife does the quick tips blog type (still ranks pretty decent on google) and I’m kind of an inbetweener! The quotes blog style is pretty cool and can be easily done! Thanks for the great options.

    • LOL, good one Steven, just wanted to be certain that I covered all aspects of the different posts that one can create if they do not like writing much. I thought about giving out only three types but write three different posts to explain the 9 types but decided to give out all at once, lol.

      If your wife focuses on internal linking on some of her posts, her rankings would go up. This is one of many ninja tricks I learned from one of my coaches. I hope that it helps, and thank you for the feedback.

  9. Hey Bishop, 

    Great article and solid tips, I will have to use more of these regularly. Tip number two is a strategy as currently use, but you can’t have too many strategies in place to help you keep fresh content. I’m curious to hear your thought on which of these strategies you would recommend to someone as the easiest to get started with, then move on to others? Thanks again for sharing these tips, I look forward to hearing your response. 

    Best regards, 

    Jefrey M.

    • Thanks, Jefrey, happy that you enjoyed this post and that my tips will work for you so that you get the results you need. I recommend using #7 outsourcing to a freelance writer if you are not used to writing regularly. This will keep your consistency something that Google looks for when scanning new blogs. You can still write and save your articles as a draft and publish them anytime you want to keep your content flowing.

      Then I would go on to #9 and build a longtail keyword list and write short articles daily, then you can later increase your word count on those articles and repost them when they start to lose rankings. once you do those two for a while and you get your momentum going, you can ad the other types I mention as you see fit. But the two that I mention can keep anyone busy for a long time. I hope that helps!

  10. I really liked your post! I’m only doing one of your 9 recommendations at this time, writing my own lengthy blog posts, but…I’m looking forward to implementing a couple of your suggestions.

    I’m relatively new to blogging so, I’m not familiar with a few of the terms you used; what is a ‘backlink’?…what is ‘outer-linking’?

    I have a tendency to write long, involved posts because I think people want ALL the information but after reading your post, I’m ready to try some other options.


    • It is great that you find the time to write your content and looking forward to implementing others of my suggestions. I hope it will work for you and that you will get the results you deserve. Backlinks are when you have blog posts pointing to your website and outer-linking or external is when you are pointing to a link outside your website.

      Writing long posts and getting the information to your audience is great, keep that up and remember to target longtail keywords with less competition. I hope that helps and all the best.

  11. Hello Bishop. Thanks for sharing this straight forward article on 9 types of blog post to create for anyone that does not want to write much.

    I must admit that it’s sometimes tiring writing stuff, especially unique ones.

    Outsourcing to a freelance writer is one of the best I have come across. I know of a friend who does this. He simply makes keyword research and then hires freelancers to help him write on those topics. But it also requires a good amount of money though.

    • Thank you for the comment, Harrison, and yes, writing can be a lot of work and consistency can become a major problem. This is why I recommend Outsourcing some of the content to stay ahead. You can pay for 24 articles with 1000 words and increased them to 2000 words. Continue writing your content, in that way you would stay ahead by publishing around 12 articles per month. Once your articles begin to get low, you can buy another 24 articles again.

      There are professional writers out there that can keep creating fresh content for your blog, but I would advise that you first get training on researching keywords so that you would provide the keyword to your writer for better rankings in the search engines. Wealthy Affiliate has covered it in great detail and also provides a free keyword research tool that makes the process so easy.


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