How To Get My Website Ranked In Google?

I was not doing Internet marketing very long before I begin to wonder how to get my website ranked in Google. This was a very learning experience for me which I would like to share with you.

The idea that you can get free traffic from organic search results is enough to drive any serious Internet marketer into researching what it takes to get ranked by Google.

With that in mind let me offer you a few observations on what I’ve learned so far in marketing my personal blog.

Google Considers A Lot

About six months ago Brian Dean published an interesting article on his blog titled: “Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List” which after you read it could leave you very motivated or very depressed from your point of view.

In my case, I found the whole article to be extremely interesting but also had me scratching my head a little bit. Is it necessary for an average blogger like you and me to do all of these things?

At the very beginning of the blog post, he does allow you to download a checklist of what he found to be the ten most important factors. This is what I think regular bloggers like you and I need to focus on, so that’s what I’m going to talk about in this article.

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How To Get My Website Ranked In Google?Top 10 Ranking Factors

1. Keyword at the beginning of your title tag. We could use this blog post as an example of this.

A common question that people ask every day is how to get my website ranking on Google. This is a keyword phrase, and we put it in the title of this blog post.

2. Content length. There’s no doubt that Google favors longer blog articles over shorter ones. The content of 1000-2000 words is going to rank better than shorter articles of 200 to 400 words which used to be more common.

Put yourself in their shoes. As a search engine, its primary function is to deliver the best results for searches people are making. Search engine spider words. The more words you give them, the more they have to spider.

3. How fast does your page load? Google has publicly acknowledged that pages that load faster are going to rank higher than pages that load lower. This goes back to how they value their user’s experience.

4. Keyword positioning and prominence. No longer do we shoot for specific keyword density. However, it is important to get your primary keyword and variations of it in the article as many times as sounds natural.

5. Page authority and page rank. You should still be looking at getting backlinks from pages that have more power and a higher page rank than your own. You can siphon some of that authority and rank back to the pages that help you rank better with Google.

6. Domain authority. Someday you should shoot to build your blog into an authority blog. The best way to do this is to create high-quality content and a lot of it. Over time, your blog will begin to rank ahead of others who are not doing this.

7. Link relevancy. The World Wide Web is made up of links pointing back and forth to each other. Your goal is to get as many links pointing back to your site from relevant blogs and websites. This carries more weight with Google than links that do not relate to the theme of your blog.

8. Bounce time. How long do people stay on your blog once they have landed there? This is known as dwell time, and Google places a lot of value on it. The best thing you can do is keep the area above the fold simple and easy to navigate making it easier for people to stay on your blog or website longer.

9. Responsive design. Google is predicting that in the future, as much as 90% of all searches will be done on a smartphone.

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Currently, they know that people use desktop computers, notebooks, tablets, and smartphones to access the Internet. You need to be using a website template or blogging platform that is responsive and sizes automatically according to the device it’s been searched on.

10. Original content. Over the years, Google has done multiple updates to its algorithms, and one of the things they are looking for is duplicate content. This is something you want to avoid at all costs. Having fresh and original content will help your website or blog rank.


 Website Ranking In Google you need to entertain, inspire, educate and convince your audience

This is what I want to spend the rest of this article talking about. Adding content to your blog can come in multiple forms. Of course, the text is going to make up the largest portion of your content.

It’s important that you take care of the simple things when making a blog post. I’m talking about proofreading and avoiding spelling and grammar errors. Also, I am talking about writing in a way that people enjoy reading.

The simplest way to do this is to write as you speak. When you do this, you will not be tempted to use big fancy words that you think make your content seem more important than it is.

Did you know Google owns YouTube? Based on this you want to create videos and publish them on YouTube and then post the videos on your blog as well. This is not only great content for getting Google to come in spite of your blog but also livens your blog up.

One of the things I want to mention is adding graphics or pictures to your blog posts. This just creates a more favorable impression when somebody lands on your blog.

There’s a lot that goes into getting a website top-ranked on Google. Social interaction has become more important so you want to bookmark your blog post on primary social sites you’ve joined which should include Facebook and Twitter as well as others.

Don’t try and outsmart Google. If you put an effort into consistency in your blog and follow the top 10 list that I’ve put here, you have an excellent chance over time to see your blog begin to rank in Google. Depending on the competitiveness of the niche you are in this could be faster for some blogs and longer for others.

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12 thoughts on “How To Get My Website Ranked In Google?”

  1. I enjoyed reading your post! Being fairly new to internet marketing, it showed me a clear cut format to upping my rankings, straight forward and to the point! The most important factor I took from it is page loading time. You could have stellar content but if the page isn’t loading fast enough, no one will stay long enough to ever see it! I will definitely visit your site more often for marketing tactics!

    • Chris, glad you get some value from my article on how to get your website ranked in Google. Is the simple things that matter, but value and consistency are foremost. Your are right about loading time with your website. I will be posting tips that can make you website receive rankings, so, yes, feel free to stop by from time to time.


  2. I´m struggling a lot to get ranked in Google recently. I think I´´m doing a decent job with creating content and I follow most of the (Really good!) tips you give above, only the consistency of publishing new posts, Do you think it matters as much?

    What I didn’t know about until now is that loading time of the pages on the site counts for Google. The server I’m on is often unstable, not loading pictures, not loading pages only when refreshing. I don’t have lots of plugins or widgets though.

    Bounce time: the first weeks of January there were robot-visitors a lot on my sites (I’ve heard others had the same problem). The bounce rate jumped to 90% average. Can you imagine this could be a reason as well that I’m not ranking as good?

    Good job man, thanks for the article!

    • Adam, you can send me a link to your website and I will take a look. consistency is key to getting rank on google. Good competitive keyword, quality content of value, consistency with your postings and you are well on your way of building a stable business.

      Yes, loading time matters a great deal when comes to ranking. I heard about referral spamming to members website. I never experienced that with my site, so not sure what causes it. Bounce rate will hurt your ranking as well. like i said, send me your website link or email me, and I will see why are you not getting rank. Thanks again and I am looking forward to hearing from you.

      Take care.

  3. Thanks – very informative! I was wondering about the bounce time aspect. See, I have been getting referral spam on one of my sites and because they don’t actually visit – it’s sent my bounce rate on google analytics sky high. I wondered if that would actually effect my rating…since I believe the referral spam only messes up google analytics? So not sure if it would effect rating? Thanks

    • Hi Nelp, thank you for your comment. I have heard this about Referral spam on websites, and this can hurt your website ranking. On fortunately I haven’t experienced that, but I had a friend who uses and that wiped out all his referral spamming from occurring, hope that helps.

      Please let me know if your problem has resolved.

  4. In order to rank high in Google you’re going to need a lot of content plus high quality content haha. I spent a lot of time on creating one of my pages and the end result was me having almost 4000 words in it. So I hope that pays off but also you have some interesting tips that I never knew mattered in Google ranking like the bounce time and page loading. I’ll have to see if my pages will be prepared for this I guess.

    Good Stuff!


    • Chris,

      . Glad you get some value on how to get your website ranked in Google. Sometimes we overlook simple stuff that can mean a lot to our site. These simple ideas I gather from the training from Wealthy Affiliate. Google changes their algorithms regularly, so we must stay focus on these changes if we have to get rank with our websites.

      This page going to be updated from time to time as Google changes, so feel free to stop by so that you can stay abreast of these changes. Again, thank you for your comment, and best of luck to you and your business.

      Take care.

  5. So by your article, the keyword phrase at the beginning is the #1 thing that Google considers for ranking?

    Well, I guess it’s obviously not only that, as it is always said that content is THE most important aspect for your website.

    Do you think making the keyword density high is essential? I heard that it is no longer true, as content should be natural and high-quality.

    • Julius,

      Your main keyword is good if you writing on a particular topic, but it is also good to use variations throughout your article as well. Something known as LSI keywords. Keyword stuffing is a no-no. Content is king, and providing quality content to your audience will always give you better ranking.

      Making thew keyword density high is not essential. Back in 2013, it use to be fine, not today. Most people still move forward with making their Keyword density high, but it will hurt them in their ranking. Hope I answer your questions. If you need help or further clarification, please contact me.


  6. I never knew the 10 ranking factors. Thank you for breaking down very clearly. Gives me much better insight in terms of what goes on Behind the scenes reading the the development of website building.

    Will book mark this and look out for more future posts from you.

    Thank you


    • Nelson,

      I appreciate your kind words, and glad that you got value on my post about how to get your website to rank on google. Please feel free to come back to my site, cause I will be updating it on a weekly basis to help my audience to understand what it takes to have a successful business online.



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