How To Make Money Selling Clothing Products

People are always looking for new clothes, comfort, styles, and much more online, which generates billions of dollars in revenue every year. That sounds interesting. On this topic, we will talk about how the Clothing business can be immensely profitable and how you can make this your money-making opportunity.

How to Get Started

Let’s begin by looking at the facts of why the online Clothing business is a profitable choice. According to statistics, online Clothing businesses generated 102 Billion in revenue back in 2018 in the US alone. It is projected to grow to almost 146 Billion U.S. dollars by the year 2023.

Also, there’s a significant steady annual growth, and in 2019, it increased up to 70% growth in revenue. The US isn’t the only country shopping for clothes online; there are about 1.8 Billion online shoppers worldwide. Now that we know how profitable the online Clothing business is, let’s do a bit of market research.

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Market Research for Clothing Products

First, let’s try to find out how many people look up Clothing products online:

Search Volume

Let’s use a keyword tool to identify how many people are searching for Clothing products online, and we’ll use Jaaxy for this task. Please see below for the results:

As shown from the results above, people use the words Clothing Store more than Clothing products. And here’s what we will get if we use Clothing Store on the keyword tool.

Remarkably, the number of searches for Clothing Stores alone reaches more than 30,000+ searches. You can also see what other keywords most people use related to Clothing. When you start marketing your Clothing products online, you can use these keywords to help generate visitors and potential customers.

Aside from the search volume, we also need to consider its consistency.

Search Trend

This time we use Google Trends to identify the trend of searches annually. This will help you have an overview of there’s good stability in people searching for Clothing products or Clothing Stores.

The graph shows the outstanding popularity of Clothing Stores searches and the trend of searches over the past couple of years. It shows that it is sustainable and even reached its peak recently.

Take a look at 5 Clothing Affiliate Programs To choose from.

What exactly is the niche?

In this section, we will help you in deciding the best niche options you can try. We have now identified that many people lookup for Clothing Stores most of the time, which means you can choose this as your niche. However, you can also try sub-niches which you can derive from the keyword results such as the following:

Clothing Products – Clothing manufacturers, Cheap Clothing, Clothing Ladies, Clothing Brand

Clothing Stores – Clothing and stores, Kids Clothing Stores, Clothing store

When you think about your niche or sub-niches, you have to consider that it should be something you are knowledgeable about or something you can learn and focus on. It would help if you built a sense of reliability to capture the interest of your audience and potential customers.

Here are a couple of things more to consider:

  1. Does it solve a problem? – People search the internet to look for solutions, and we will talk more about that as we move on.
  2. Is it something that you’re interested in? –It is important that you’re interested in the niche that you will be choosing. When you start working on it, it will be easier to talk to your audience and overcome difficulties, especially when you’re marketing your clothing products online.

The next stop will cover how your chosen niche can solve a problem and why this is important.

How To Make Money Selling Clothing Products - market what trendingWhat Problem is being solved?

The best thing about marketing your Clothing Products online is that you have plenty of possible solutions you can offer. But before that, we need to determine what problems are we able to resolve.

Think about how you would try to find solutions online. How do you look up to something? Do you use keywords, or do you ask a question? In this way, you’ll be able to think about how most people would look for solutions such as:

The list can go on and on. Try to analyze these problems and think about what solution you can provide to one or possibly target the most common ones. You can try “the best Clothing stores for all ages” as your niche and notice how it addressed the top two problems listed above.

How to Get the Audience to Purchase?

Now that you already have some ideas about what niche you would like to use, we go to the most interesting part, and that is how you can convince your audience to buy.

To start with this, we need to check first who would be your possible audience. Here are some examples:

  • People who love to shop for clothing
  • Parents needing clothing for their kids
  • People looking for new fashion trends
  • Or those looking for quality clothing currently on sale

Let’s take into consideration that there’s no assurance that they will start purchasing yet. So what are the things you can do to solve that? Let’s look at some of the things you can apply:

  • Focus on the audience who are most likely to buy – There’s a statistic that proves that women buy more clothing than men. They could be parents as well as trying to buy their kids something to wear. When you focus on this particular audience, you can provide specific advice or solutions tailored to their needs. It also makes your site relevant and reliable.
  • Be honest – When you make your posts, you need to ensure that you’re only providing facts. Sometimes we overdo things a little bit, and it does not help gain the trust of our audience. Talk about what they can expect from a certain clothing product, store, or brand. In this way, you establish your site’s reliability which helps in increasing your audience numbers and possible buyers.
  • Write more – Enrich your site with blogs related to your niche. By doing this, you create a strong impact on your audience, showing that you are the expert. When you’ve accomplished this, it will be easier to convince your audience to buy from your site and not look elsewhere.

How To Make Money Selling Clothing Products - marketing your products onlineWays to sell Clothing Products Online

There are several ways how you can efficiently start marketing your Clothing products online. These channels offer various features on how they can help you increase your online presence, get more traffic to your site, and eventually increase your sales. Let’s take a look at these methods and what they can offer:

Affiliate Programs

Marketplace giants such as Amazon, ShareASale, and eBay use this method. How it works is that the vendor website will be paying for customers you lead to them when they click the affiliate links on your site.

Usually, your earnings will come from the commission sale you get when someone makes a purchase, or it depends on your agreement with the vendor website. Several Affiliate Programs are offering good commission sales on products that you may like, such as:

  • Meme Inspired Tees –T-Shirts with hilarious statements that never get old. The memes are just funny, creative, and sometimes genius, and they are easy to sell. You can make up to 20% commission sale for each.
  • Badass Streetwear – Cool-designed T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, and many more, which usually target the younger generation. Most teens always go for the cool and trendy look, so you already have a massive audience as your potential buyers. You can also make a 20% commission for each sale you make.
  • Leather Jackets and Bags – Leather’s selling point is to combine it with any other styles. You can find companies offering commissions between 10% – 18%.

If you look up the affiliate programs for Clothing Products on Google, you’ll be impressed that there are many of them out there. It will be wise to choose what will work best for you. Here are some recommendations you can consider when looking for an Affiliate program:

  • It offers solutions to your chosen niche.
  • Sign up directly with a Company for less or no monthly fee
  • No minimum traffic required
  • Plenty of good reviews from their customers
  • Can pay good commissions
  • Various payment options

Most of the time, you will be required to send an application for your intention to join their affiliate program. There could be questions that will ask or interviews that you’ll be asked to attend, so it’s best to be professional and be at your best during the application.

Another thing to check which is really necessary is the vendor site’s reliability. Unfortunate things can happen, and your chosen vendor site may close its doors from doing business too soon.

Therefore, choose the one that has strong stability and popularity. Amazon or eBay are good examples of these. Below are some of the Clothing products they are selling:


With this method, you don’t have to worry about taking care of the inventory, just like in Affiliate Programs. However, you will need to do order processing, customer service, and after-sales requirements. You will be purchasing the products you’d like to sell in bulk from a wholesale vendor.

Then, you’ll make money from the interest you place on top of the wholesale price of each product. You’re basically in control of regulating the price of the products you sell on your site. You can also build your email marketing since you have your own customer database.

It’s easy to find Dropshipping sites by simply using Google. You can build your own store using some of these websites, and they’ll do the shipping for you. You can choose from several membership plans that include fraud security, decreased credit card rates when you upgrade, and additional payment options.

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Sell your own Clothing Products

If you’re skillful and have all the needed resources, teens can also build their own Clothing business brand. You can purchase Clothing products from a wholesaler, or you can also produce them, then create your own label, and then sell them via a marketplace or your own website.

This method could have an expensive setup, and add to that, you will do all those things from the order processing up to the shipment of your products. You’d be able to find some wholesalers who offer shipping services, but you will be paying fees, and this can reduce your possible earnings.

Using Google once again, you can find that there are a lot of wholesalers for Clothing products. Try to find a good wholesaler that will support you in your chosen niche.

Check on their reviews and get an idea of how they take care of their own customers. If they have bad reviews from their customers, most likely, you will have the same experience.

Other potential methods of selling Clothing Products

There are other ways how you can begin marketing your Clothing products online. You can make online videos showing the Clothing products being modeled, or you can also create a catalog displaying them side by side with what is fashionable recently. After which, you can upload them on your website, your social media, or YouTube.

How To Make Money Selling Clothing Products from homeWhat You Need to Start Selling Your Clothing Products

We have covered a lot up to this point, and this is where we will take it to the next level. This time, we will look at all the possible online tools to help increase your sales.

Building a website for Clothing Products

There are many website builders online that can help you to set up. You can start with a free account and use preset or customizable templates to create your website. Otherwise, if you have the budget, you can hire a website developer to create it for you.

Promote Clothing Products on Social Media

Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest are all good avenues to start marketing your Clothing products online. These platforms have their own features to help you find your audience and possible buyers. Since people visit these platforms daily, it is best to capitalize on any of these platforms to increase your online presence.

Start a Clothing Products YouTube channel.

I mentioned creating videos to showcase the Clothing products you’re selling a while back, and this is where you will be uploading them, your very own YouTube channel. Your audience will have a better visual feel of what the clothes will be like aside from looking at the catalogs.

Join Clothing Social Communities

Look for social groups who could be interested in your Clothing business. For example, when looking for these groups on Facebook, you can type in the words “Clothing groups,” and you will be shown a list of all the groups related to Clothing, suppliers, resellers, etc. It’s best to look for groups with many members to reach out to more people.

Final thoughts

I hope you have a better grasp of knowledge now on how to market your Clothing products online. Understandably, it is not an easy journey, and you may encounter a lot of challenges. However, there’s always professional help to guide you on every step you take on this journey.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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6 thoughts on “How To Make Money Selling Clothing Products”

  1. Wow! great post on how To Make Money Selling Clothing Products. You have given such wonderful information. You have explained the step by step process to make money selling clothes online. The fashion industry is growing rapidly day by day and cloths are in high demand online. 

    If anybody follows the steps you have mentioned in your post I guaranteed that anybody can make money easily. My niche is not on clothing but after reading your article Now I think to select this niche. I am very thankful to you for giving us a great value post.

    • Yes, selling clothing is big business and you follow my direction here in this article like many others have, it is easy to make a full-time income from home. If this interest you, follow my recommendation and meet me inside Wealthy Affiliate, and I will work with you to show you the simple 4 steps proven system that others are using and getting amazing results.

      When you join WA for free I will reach out to you and show you the platform to get started, and I will work with you personally as you go through the training to get you there. See you soon!


  2. Wow, I must say this is a very nice idea you have given me here, I never thought about selling clothes online and from what I see it’s a very nice option to take in the online business world..thanks for sharing this awesome article I know it would help other as it has helped me.

    • It is an easy process if you follow my recommended guidelines. The great thing about this, you have me and other top experts to help you along the way. Glad I was able to show shed some light here.


  3. Thank you so much for sharing with us an interesting and excellent article. The principal content of this article is How To Make Money Selling Clothing Products. I have learned a lot by reading your article and gained a lot of cognition about it. Of the points mentioned in your article, I like Ways to sell Clothing Products Online. I prefer to earn through affiliates. 

    That’s why I participate in affiliate programs to sell clothing products and make money online. Hey, I have my own website to do everything where I am constantly updating on different clothes.
    I’ve read and enjoyed your article and I’d like to share it with my friends by posting it in the Facebook community so everyone knows about your article and gets to hear about it.

    • Affiliate Marketing is always the best way to go if you own your website and not use a company website that all the members promote. Time and time again I have seen people get sucked into using a website created by these companies, and later to find out that they are not getting the traffic and sales that were promised.

      With the WA program I promote, they walk you through the step by step process in simple video format that anyone can duplicate and build their own website from scratch if they follow all the lessons and focus on doing all the tasks that are at the end of each lesson.

      Is great that you decide to choose that path and that you got some value here with this post. Wish you all the best with affiliating marketing, and if you need help with growing your business, please let me know, I would be happy to help out.


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