How To Make Money Selling Dog Products!

So in this topic, we will be discussing how to make money selling dog products and the best strategies that we can do to be successful. Do you know that selling Dog products is a profitable business as well? And it is interesting to find out that there’s an increasing demand for businesses selling dog products online.

How to Get Started

Dog owners spend around $72 Billion on their pets annually and that’s an average of $1,200 that dog owners spend on their pet dogs. In 2019, there are around 63.4 Million dog owners in the US alone.

So looking at those figures, you’ll realize that there’s a massive customer population that could be your actual buyers. You can already see the money-making potential of marketing dog products.

Market Research For Dog Products

Let’s start by finding out how many people search for Dog Products online.

Search Volume

Using a keyword search tool such as Jaaxy, we’ll be able to find out the average number of searches that people do as they use the words Dog Products. Here are the results:

Jaaxy research on Dog Products

According to these results, there are not many searches going on, however, let’s figure out what people would normally type such as the words “Pet Stores”. Let’s look at the result below:

Jaaxy research on pet stores

People will usually look up Pet Stores and as seen with the results here, it has over 35,000 average searches. You also notice what other relative keywords that people use like “pet stores near me” with over 28,000.

So after we have the results of the average search volume, let’s identify if it is maintained over time.

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Search Trends

If you’ll be marketing Dog products online, it is necessary to check how it is trending. Using Google Trends we will be able to analyze if there’s a constant trend in these searches. We’re comparing Dog Products and Pet Stores trends and let’s see what we’ll get:

How To Make Money Selling Dog Products - Google trends on pet store and dog products

As you notice from the graph above, Pet stores are skyrocketing compared to Dog Products. This means that there are indeed more people searching for it and remarkably, the interest is going up recently which is a good indication of profitability.

What exactly is the Niche?

Now let’s talk about what will be our niche. After we have analyzed the results of the keyword search and how they are trending, we now have proven that people look for Pet Stores online and this could be your main niche. You can also make use of the other results from the keyword search tool and make them your sub-niches like the following examples:

Dog Products – top dog products, dog products online, eco-friendly dog products

Pet Stores – pet stores near me, pet stores in my area, and local pet stores.

When you choose your Niche, it must have the ability to solve a problem or problems which brings us to the next topic.

Here are 7 Dog affiliated programs that are very popular!

What Problem Is Being Solved?

People look up solutions online so when you select your niche, think about if it offers a solution or solutions to a problem. The problem-solving niche proves to be more profitable compared to other niches online. The following are good examples of common problems related to Dog products:

  • Where to order dog food online
  • What are the best organic dog food
  • Where to purchase pet accessories

Based on the examples above, you can think of other problems related to Dog products to add to your list. Then as you carefully study them, try to think about how your niche can solve a problem or several problems. Even if you think that your niche will be a sure success, it will not make money on its own. That’s why it is better to find the right selling strategy which we will be talking about more.

How to Get the Audience to Purchase

Here is where we strategize how you can get your audience to buy your Dog products. First of all, you need to identify what kind of audience we are targeting here.

The following examples could be your audience or potential customers:

  • Pet dog owners
  • Dog trainers
  • Dog enthusiasts
  • People looking to resell dog products

The next step would be finding the right approach to ensure that these potential customers will make their purchases. The following reminders are good ideas to adapt:

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  • Emphasize the dog product’s benefits – Dog owners like the idea of safe dog products. One example is natural and organic dog food. You can highlight that your products are free from preservatives, antibiotics, or toxic pesticides. Moreover, you can also add what health benefits their pet dogs can get from eating organic and natural dog food. The same goes for the other products that you’re selling. Ask yourself if the product is safe for pets to consume. Are they made from approved substances or materials? By focusing on the benefits, you’re able to attract more customers that even if it’s costly would consider buying it if it’s worth their money.
  • Write clear and easy-to-understand blogs – Write posts that are using the language your audience can understand to help you sell more. Use plain language but induce emotions for example “safe and natural dog food with plenty of health benefits”. Your potential customers will most likely remember the benefits if it’s written in simple terms. This means you need to avoid jargon and words that are too technical for most people.
  • Focus on your most likely buyers – Undeniably, these are the pet dog owners as they are millions in numbers compared to others on the list of your potential buyers. These customers could also be parents, or simply individuals looking to buy essential products for their dogs. Think about their purchasing behavior and based on that, you can customize your marketing approach. For example, to accommodate their budget, offer several product options covering a wide price range.

Ways to sell Dog Products Online

We’ve come to the point now where we need to look for the best business models for marketing Dog products. There are a lot of possible ways that have been proven effective and some strategies will not even cost you money.

Let’s check on the following business models that you can try:

Affiliate Programs

The best thing about affiliate programs is that most of them are free to join. There are no physical products so you will not do any inventory. There’s no need to create products on your own since the product already exists and all you have to do is to promote them to make a commission sale.

We can use Google to help find available Affiliate programs out there. Here are the results we have:

Google search on Affiliate dog products

There are a lot of Affiliate programs and it can be overwhelming to look at. Simply bear in mind that you will be promoting their products so it is only necessary that you select quality brands related to your niche, have good trust ratings, and can pay you good commissions.

Nevertheless, here are some of the best Affiliate programs from trusted brands that offer decent commissions that you can try to look into first:

  • Best Training for Dogs Affiliate Program – Here you will be selling training programs to teach your dog new tricks and activities. They offer a 75% commission sale and a 60-day cookie which is not bad really. The only downside is that they are associated with Click bank but you decide if this works for you.
  • Fi Smart Dog Collar Affiliate Program – There are over 2 million dogs stolen or lost every year. This company offers a GPS tracking device that can help prevent that from happening. You can earn a 20% commission for each sale and their cookies last for 45 days, plenty of time for you to get more conversions.
  • My Dog Foo – They offer natural, organic, and vegan skincare products for your dogs which are great choices if you want to stay away from dog products with harmful chemicals. They will give you a 12% commission for each sale and the minimum payout is just $10. They have 30 days for their cookies which give you enough time to seal the deal.
  • Petco Affiliate Program – This known company has many dog necessities such as dog food, dog treats, collars and leashes, beds, and plenty more. You can get up to 10% commission for each sale you make from their products. Below are just a few of their best-selling products:
Best selling products on Petco


Another low-risk profitable business model is Dropshipping. You can sell products without spending money on business operating costs unlike what a wholesaler does. You simply find products you want to sell, add a little interest to the price, and sell them on your website.

Google search - How To Make Money Selling Dog Products

You can try searching for Dropshipping services using Google and find out what those that offer minimum fees, reasonable shipping periods, and good reviews on their products and customer service.

Sell your own Dog Products

If you have the resources and skills why not try creating your dog products? Some people have found their success by creating products that are increasing in demand or something that has not been invented yet that most dog owners will find necessary. Otherwise, you can also look for a wholesaler to supply you with dog products, brand them as your own, and sell them on your website. This business method is a bit challenging since you will process the orders and the shipping.

Google search on Wholesale dog products

When you’re looking for your wholesale distributor, it is recommended to look for a good company that will support you with your chosen niche. Aside from that, look for a company that can provide you with high-quality dog products at prices that you can afford and also a company that is trustworthy, and reliable.

Other potential methods of selling Dog Products

The best about marketing dog products online is that you can use low-cost strategies such as making videos on dog care, dog training, dog hero stories, rescue dogs, and other ideas that can be interesting to your audience and where you can also promote the products you’re selling.

building a home business on dog productsWhat You Need to Start Selling Dog Products

After carefully selecting your business method, we will be discussing how you can make your products known and get more potential buyers. The tools and strategies you will be using are critical to be effective in marketing your Dog products online. If you have the time and skills, you can make use of all these tools and get the best out of them. Below are some of the best tools you can start with:

Building a website on Dog Products

You will need a website to effectively market your dog products. If you have the budget, you can hire a professional to build your website; you can get your domain name, and have more features or options. But if you’re tight on budget, you can always look for a trusted website builder and get a free website service first.

Promote Dog Products on social media

Social media is an essential part of your marketing strategy. These social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram can help you reach out to your customers, increase your brand popularity, get more leads, and eventually make a sale. These tools have billions of users worldwide and the number of people using them continues to grow yearly. It is a good choice to be active and consistent on your social media if you want to make the most of these platforms.

Start a YouTube channel about Dogs

People love watching dog videos and they are always trending in popularity. As mentioned before, you can make videos about how to take care of pet dogs while using the products you sell. In this way, you’re not only informative but you’re also showing your viewers how to use the product, what its benefits are, and where they can purchase it which will lead to your website.

dog products that make your hiking easyJoin Dog lover’s social communities

Being active in social media also means joining social groups specifically for dog owners. Members here are highly likely to make a purchase so make regular posts and participate in the comments section to have a personal connection with your potential buyers. This is a great way to make more leads and make your brand known.

Final thoughts

Before we end our topic, I completely understand that you may still be feeling unsure about marketing Dog products online. But if you’re interested in taking up this exciting money-making opportunity, there’s a platform that can train you and will provide you with round-the-clock support, SEO and social media assistance, and more tools that are necessary for you to be successful.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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2 thoughts on “How To Make Money Selling Dog Products!”

  1. There are lots of ways to make money on the Internet when it comes to business and affiliate marketing is well trusted to all come first if you ask me. Selling stuff online is really cool and seeing the right one is all that matters. For me selling dog, products are really great because there are lots of people who own a dog and this is a good start. 

    • Dog niche is a huge niche that has been growing exponentially for some time now. You are right by saying lots of people own a dog or two. and most of them do that because they have a passion for dogs. They can use that same passion by building a business from home, and I can definitely show them how to do that by introducing them to the same platform than I am using from home full-time.


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