How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

Looking for a way how to make money with affiliate marketing without a website? Let me explain how you can in this article.

All you need is to direct users to click a link to your affiliate product page and you don’t really need a website for that.

You just need an innovative marketing strategy. You could do it using nothing more than email marketing.

You can do it on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter! Here is how.

Using Facebook

Social networks are the most common place for people to hang out online and Facebook for one is densely populated with 1.86 billion people using it every day.

On Facebook, you can reach the exact targeted audience using several parameters that Facebook offers.

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

To get started with advertising on Facebook, you need to…

– Create a Facebook page first, choose the category, and then follow the on-screen instructions.

– Complete all the details with a good profile and cover photo and have a strategy. Set goals that will help you choose the right type of ad for your strategy.

– To begin your ad campaign, go to Facebook ads manager, and choose an objective for your ads.

– There can be many objectives like getting likes for your page, clicks to the website, website conversions, app downloads,  responses, or offer claims. Choose one and decide what kind of ad campaign you are going to run.

– Choose and ‘ad set’ and select the budget that you want to spend on the campaign and select the start and end dates.

– Now choose the audience that you want to reach by bracketing their location, age, gender, interests, relationship status, educational level, etc.

– Now chose how you want to place your ad – whether you want it in the news feed, or in the right-hand column advertisement.

– Choose and ad-type and your campaign is ready to launch

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Twitter Ads

To get started with advertising on Twitter you must request access to Twitter for the business site. Once you have signed up you can get started with your ad campaign.

– The first step is to choose if you want to promote your tweets or you want to promote your Twitter account. If you choose to promote your tweets, the tweets will appear in the users’ search results or Twitter streams. If you choose to promote your account you will appear in their who to follow section.

Choosing this is a good option if you want to grow your followers and build an audience. However, if you want to generate leads, then you should promote your tweets instead. If you are doubtful about what you should do, always select ‘promote tweets’ because this option gives you a lot more flexibility.

– Now determine your targeting criteria so that your ad can reach a customized audience. Target your audience by interests and followers.

– You can also choose additional targeting options selecting the age, gender, location, etc.

– Now create the tweets that you want to promote, select a delivery type, set a budget, and you are ready to go live.

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Email Marketing

I like this strategy the best of every way I know of. Email marketing still works in spite of what you may have heard.

What if you do not have an email list of your own? Use other people’s email lists and advertise in them. You could do this in a couple of different ways.

One is to run classified ads in email newsletters. There are many ezines in any niche where you can run an ad.

You can find these with good old fashion leg work using Google. You could also check out Charlie Page’s Directory Of Ezines and learn where and how to run ads to promote your affiliate offers.

Many of the email newsletters and email list owners will also let you run solo ads out to their lists. This is a way to have your offer in front of people who will look at it. Plus with a solo ad, they have nothing else to look at so you get their undivided attention.

Another strategy is to run ads with the goal of getting new subscribers to your own list. You could do this on other Internet marketers’ ezines.

You could also do any kind of social media marketing, both free and paid, and promote a link to a landing page where people can subscribe to get more information.

This type of list building is better than promoting an affiliate link in my opinion because you get the contact information of someone you can then reach out to over and over.

List building is a long-term asset that becomes very valuable as people get used to hearing from you. You become the trusted source of information in your niche.

Every time you run an offer someone is going to buy from you. This is a great feeling knowing you can almost create income out of thin air 🙂 You can gather more information here.

how to make money with affiliate marketing without a website

Summary On How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

It is a good idea to buy a domain and redirect it to your affiliate page as opposed to using your affiliate link directly. It looks more professional and less bulky.

If you do not want to do that use a service to shorten your URLs such as Bitly, Tiny Url or Google. This hides your affiliate URL and you can redirect the person clicking on it to wherever you want. Google even provides stats so you can see how many clicks you are getting on each shortened URL.

There are many ways to make money with affiliate marketing without setting up your own website or even a blog. If that is what is stopping you from getting started in affiliate marketing give one or more of these a try!

If you are ready to work from home and own your own business,  joined the program that I recommend. This is your first step to building your own successful affiliate marketing website. You would get websites, training, lots of support, 24/7 live chat where you get help from experts. You can start for FREE!
PS: No credit card needed!
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