How To Make Money Without A Job | Being Your Own Boss!

Let me show you ways how to make money without a job. One definition of a job is “a paid position of regular employment”. Another definition of a job is “a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid”.

I look at it this way…

With a job, you have a boss. As an entrepreneur, you are the boss! Both have their own benefits. However, let me ask you this… Would you like to try the entrepreneur way? Get up and take the 30-second commute to work in your own home office!

The question is can I make money without a job?

Make Money Offline

There are ways to make money that require you to be out in the marketplace and not sitting in front of your computer using the World Wide Web.

For example…..

  • 1. Sell items out of your garage on eBay. After you get done, start a business buying and selling on eBay.
  • 2. Sell at a flea market
  • 3. Start a daycare center
  • 4. Drive for Uber
  • 5. Sew for money
  • 6. Telecommute
  • 7. Rent your driveway
  • 8. Run errands
  • 9. Mystery shopper
  • 10. Telemarketing

I am partial to using the Internet to make money without a boss.

For example…

  • 1. Affiliate marketing
  • 2. Network marketing
  • 3. Take paid surveys
  • 4, Dropshipping
  • 5. Copywriter
  • 6. Blogger
  • 7. Fiverr
  • 8. Youtube videos
  • 9. Local business marketing.
  • 10. Email marketing.
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My Favorite Way To Make Money Not Having A Job!

How To Make Money Without A Job with affiliate marketing

In every one of these ways, you can make money without a boss. However, you’re gonna have to pick one so let me tell you what my favourite is.

I like the affiliate marketing business model. Let me talk about five ways you can make money by being your own boss in affiliate marketing.

1. Sell things online. This is known as pay-per-sale. The first way to make money selling things online as an affiliate marketer is to sell other people’s stuff.

To do this you need to join an affiliate program that has products for you to sell. You will earn a commission on everything you sell.

To sell physical products I suggest joining the Amazon affiliate program. You will never run out of things to sell and they handle all of the product fulfillment.

To sell digital products take a look at ClickBank. They are the largest digital marketing affiliate program in the world and you only need 1 I.D. to sell everything in their marketplace.

2. Cost per action. This is also known as pay-per-lead. You make money online by getting your website visitor to perform an action such as filling out a lead form or downloading software.

The easier the action the less money you’re going to make, but the better chance somebody will take that required action. Getting someone to enter their email address into a lead form would be an easy example of that.

The harder the action the more money you’re going to make. Some online submission forms can be several pages long and you can earn hundreds of dollars for them.

Other items such as downloading software might take a little bit of action on your visitor’s part and you will get paid accordingly.

The best place to learn about cost-per-action affiliate marketing is You can also join affiliate merchants directly on their site and get access to offers ranked according to various factors including how much you earn.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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3. Pay per click. This is also called PPC affiliate marketing. Google Adsense is the best example and they have the largest affiliate program.

This is the easiest way to make money because your website visitor does not have to buy anything or fill out a lead form or download software for you to make money. You make money whenever they click on the ads that are on your web page.

Let’s use Google to understand how PPC affiliate marketing works.

The first thing you’re going to do is join the Google AdSense program for free. Once you are approved you can start setting up your ads.

You will log into your account. You will need an account and having a Gmail account is the easiest way to do that. Once you log in you can design your ads. Google offers training on how to do this.

How To Make Money Without A Job - affiliate marketing

For each ad, you will get a piece of code that you place on your web page. This is as easy as copying and pasting it on your page.

Google sells all the advertising for you. They match the advertisers to the content on your web page so you want to use keywords that tell Google what kind of advertisers to put on your page.

You earn money when people click on the ads. Never click on your own ads or you will get cancelled as a Google AdSense affiliate.

This is one of the largest affiliate programs in the world. Google pays out over $1 billion a year in commissions so it’s definitely one to use if you’re going to do any type of content marketing such as blogging to make money at home without a job.

4. Two-tier affiliate marketing. Join an affiliate program that pays you to recruit new members. You earn money when your member sells something or gets a lead. TwoTier Directory has programs to join.

5. Start your own affiliate program. Why make just a commission for your work when you can make money on a whole bunch of affiliate sales? This is not for most affiliates, but could be for you! Read this 51 Point Checklist to learn more.

Final Thoughts

OK, there you have it. Just a few of my ideas on how to make money not working for anyone. I’m partial to using the Internet, but as you can see there are ways to do it offline as well. Want to know where to begin?

If you need help choosing the right Affiliate Program, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful Affiliate business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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4 thoughts on “How To Make Money Without A Job | Being Your Own Boss!”

  1. Copywriting and blogging are definitely lucrative ways to earn money online. And Fiverr is a great marketplace to sell one’s services.

    • I certainly agree with you. There are many ways that your website can earn you money if you are thinking long-term. thank you for stopping by and giving some feedback.

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