7 Tips On How To Plan For A Vacation

Are you looking for a way to make money? Sometimes solving your own problem could be a great money-making idea, how to plan for a vacation was one of them that leads to my business.

Start a blog and write about how you solved your problem. Even before that you could start a blog and talk about why you want to solve your problem and how you are going to do it!

Some niches apply to almost everyone and make for great blog ideas. Dream vacations come to mind.

Who doesn’t want to take a dream vacation including you right? I feel a new business blog idea from this premise.

How about a travel blog based on your search for dream vacations? Offer tips you have come across before you travel and then write about the vacation itself as you travel.

Here are my 7 Tips

1. Travel Bug Hits You

The travel bug in you need not be denied for long. With a well-planned trip and some budget hacks, a well-deserved trip to a destination of your choice can be easily undertaken.

Your next year’s dream vacation can help you think just how much travelers are missing out on without the right vacation tips. You could even decide to start your own business blog this year and talk about how you could travel affordable and even tie in ways to make money.

The key here is your “Why” is the purpose behind your upfront content. You have not traveled yet, but next year’s dream vacation is your motivation and you go into detail about it before your travel.

So what could you talk about?

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how to plan for a vacation2. Budget Your Travel

Before you travel, you should know exactly how much spending you can afford, so as to not upset your regular payments towards bills, mortgages, credit cards, and the like. Properly planning your finances will ensure that you do not overspend during the vacation.

Write about it. Offer tips on what you have learned.

Possible topics could include your experience dealing with online travel agents. How do you save money booking in advance and how much you have saved? You could update this post as you go along including a running total towards your total budget and how you are faring towards it.

3. Undertake Your Trips in the Off-Season

Traveling off-season is one way to save money and probably deserves its own category on your new blog. This is not for everyone yet it could be if the benefits were laid out in clear sight for all to read.


Offseason trips allow you to get better discount options at hotels and offer you a crowd-free opportunity to explore the destination. Typically, traveling during the season, like the summer breaks or long weekends means that you will have to pay more for airfare and sightseeing.

Similarly, Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays are also rife with bucked-up rates everywhere. These could be off-season for some destinations though and you could explore your deeper look into that idea with tips you have found.

Additionally, off-season traveling allows you to plan better and you can take advantage of advance booking rates for flights and accommodations, which are generally lower than usual. This also ties into budgeting and planning!

Start Planning for your dream vacations by starting an online business.

How To Plan For A Vacation - Disney World being the favorite for family

4. Take Short Trips

How about a short trip category? Could you make these part of your new blog business?

Shorter trips are easier on the pocket. Also, taking a holiday to a destination that is closer to home means that you do away with expensive airfare and make a road trip out of the event.

Train rides are convenient too. Making short trips helps you to prioritize your itinerary and you can easily do all the stuff you want to do, without taking weeks out of your schedule or thousands out of your savings.

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5. Take the Deals

Travel deals can go a long way in saving time and money set aside for a holiday. Sales and combination packages on airline tickets, accommodation offers, and much more are good options to help stay within the vacation budget.

This, however, will require you to be a little flexible with your dates. If you were to ever reach the dream career of a full-time blogger this becomes easier to do.

You can talk about the upcoming trip ideas you have found and how easy it is to plan because you do not have to ask your boss. How many people can really do that?

6. Travel with a Group

Group travel can be a good option if you are looking for additional discounts. Some hotels can offer up to 15% off on accommodation when catering to large groups.

The group travels typically start with a minimum of 10 people and some organizers customize groups to suit customer needs, like family groups, all-women groups, and the like. Write about what you are finding and end with whether a group trip worked for you this time.

How To Plan For A Vacation - online marketing is a good place to start7. Making Money

Initially joining the Google AdSense affiliate program is an easy way to start making money. You focus on the content of your new business blog and let Google handle the rest.

They sell the advertising and pay you when people click on the ads Google sells. You earn 68% of the amount of the click.

You can branch out into all kinds of other ways to make money with affiliate marketing. You could even write your own ebook and give it away to build an email list for future income.

You could sell your ebook on Clickbank and let their affiliates sell it for you. Clickbank runs a great affiliate program for people just like you.

Final Thoughts

I have to admit I am getting pretty excited as I wrap this blog up. Starting a blog is often hard when you do not have an idea of what to blog on.

With these travel hacks, you will certainly stay within the vacation budget, and might even save some. Plus you now have the idea for your blog and can document what is happening as it happens!

Ready to start your very own blog and build a business for your dream vacation?

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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20 thoughts on “7 Tips On How To Plan For A Vacation”

  1. Thanks for this Bishop.
    I really like the idea of taking dream vacations and then writing about them.
    Seasonably, there must be good places to holiday all round the world.
    Some places, like Singapore are hot all year round but when the monsoon creeps in, it gets really wet. It would be nice to know when it is a little cooler and not raining every day.
    There could be a section on the medical side. some countries needing vaccinations or malaria prevention taken well before the trip.
    There are so many angles here. I think you have hit on ideal niche.
    Where would you go for you first dream vacation?

    • You welcome, vacationing is a good thing to take occasionally, but even better when money is not the issue. But yes, we have to be careful where we are going, and like you mention certain places requires us to be vaccinated.

      One of the place I wanted to take as a dream vacation is Paris, and still have not done that one as yet. Maybe that will be my 2019 vacation get away. thank you for the comment and insights.

  2. Thanks for the tips! I believe that you need a big budget to travel , but if i apply your tips i can travel more, and star my own blog with my short trips.

    Did u have some tips for blogging my travels? Like reviews of the sites or something that can make my travel less expensive?

    Thanks for the tips man!

    • You welcome, glad that you got some value here. Blogging is a good way to build a business while traveling. Depending on what niche that you decide, writing reviews will be a great part of your business. 

      Not sure if you would be able to write a review to decrease your travel expenses, but you can try by reaching out to the travel agents. Take care and thank you for the feedback.

  3. Hi Bishop,
    Fabulous article, thank you for sharing. You’ll appreciate this, my family and I are currently on vacation in Florida!
    I employed many of your tips for this trip. First of all I booked the condominium we are staying in back in February with money I had saved from a side project I was working on. I also booked it during the off season. It’s very hot in Florida now so it’s not as crowded. The rates to rent the places are about 40% less during this time.
    I also used a deal to rent our car and saved almost 35% on that. We’ve used some coupons when we having been dining out. Finally I used some of my airline points and saved 30% off the airfare. Good stuff!
    Thanks again for the travel tips,
    Mat A.

    • Mat, thank you for your kind words and happy to know that this article was helpful. hope you are having a great time with your family in Florida. The huge savings that you received is because you take action. action takers are what separate you from the masses.

      I hope that you use the same strategy with your business and the you will reap the same rewards. All the best and thank you for the comment. Talk to you soon.

  4. Great Job,
    I like the cleanliness of the website. Just the right amount of images. Plenty of well thought out content. No fillers. I was hooked. Wanted to read more, while saying to myself is there really an online business that offers so much? Then I went on to read your story and I related. All the times I invested and they got rich while I was going broke. Like the people who left you comments. They said you felt real and I picked up on that also. Did you get to go on your Paris vacation? I always believed if you go after your dreams without giving up, your dreams will come true. Question: If I sign up with you, will you be my mentor until I succeed? Not like some online marketing businesses, you sign up & they take your money and you don’t see them anymore. No, I felt your sincerity you would make sure that I would become a success.

    • Layla, thank you for the comment and kind words. simplicity is my main focus while i tend to give constructive ways on how to make money online. thank you for reading my story and how i struggled in the beginning and lost a lot of money to online scams.

      Yes, i did manage to make it to Paris and had a ball. My wife is making plans for us to visit again in 2019. Setting goals is my main purpose for achieving success.

      I build this website to help the masses and when i first started here at wealthy affiliate, I got all the help I can from this community. If you join with or without me, I will give you the same support as I am getting here. And yes, i will stay with you until you become successful and doing the same for others.

      So feel free to get started and i will meet you inside as we build you a business that would be around for years to come. Talk to you soon.

  5. Hi Bishop,
    I really like your articles. These tips are very useful and can save me lots of money. Everyone wants to travel the world but the budget is always holding us back, with your saving money travel tips this is no longer the problem.
    And the make money tips are very interesting, I think I need to seriously take a look at it.

    • Hi Daniel, thank you for the comment and kind words. Even i had problems in taking my dream vacations so I decided to work from home so that those vacations would become a reality.

      My goal is to let others see that it is possible through Affiliate marketing and learning how to build a business the right way. This is the reason for creating my make money tips website. 

      Feel free and take a look, and if you have any questions I would be happy to address them. Talk to you soon and good luck with your search.

  6. Great article David! After reading this I really want a holiday now! I think I need to save a bit more money, I’ll probably try organise something in the off season – as you said, it generally costs less around these times. I’ll probably search online for some good online deals first before I book. Thanks for the post again, it definitely motivated me! Thanks J

    • Thanks Jamie, glad that you like it. Lol! We all have the vacation mindset, and wish we can do it more often. Most of us never can afford it or are just too busy. Planning is the best way to approach it, that is the reason in wrote this article. Glad that you got some value here. Feel free to stop by anytime.

  7. Great article Bishop! Must say I’m in the mood to go travelling now! Problem is, if you don’t plan and budget accordingly, you can end up blowing way more money than you needed to (trust me, i know!).

    These tips are very useful, I’ll definitely use them when planning my next trip.

    I see you mentioned group discounts and looking out for deals. Can you recommend any websites where one can look for good deals?

    Thanks again Bishop, look forward to reading your other articles.

    • Thomas, glad that you got some value here and see the need for planning when taking a vacation. I had made this mistakes many times that I have to find a better way.

      My tips were carefully thought out and have proven to get better results.

      One place that you can get group discounts is through Liberty travel

  8. Technology has really advanced in such a way that one can easily extiment what he or she needed before a trip.
    That’s good. At least I have known that Some hotels can offer up to 15% off on accommodation when catering to large groups. I was ignorant of that, because I thought, the more we are, the more we spend.
    I learnt a lot from your page. Thanks

    • Matron, glad that you were knowledgeable in certain areas when planning a vacation. I had to learn the hard way, but I eventually did my du diligence, hence the reason for coming up with this post.

      Glad that you were able to get some value here for you to utilize when planning another vacation. If I can help in the future, please do not hesitate to ask. Talk to you soon.

  9. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on how to organize and plan a vacation, that’s my fear that I might spend thousands of dollar of my hard worked income, and that’s why I stay on the grind a lot more rather than thinking about doing a vacation which is necessary because work can cause stress.

    • Thank you, Erick, it gives me great pleasure to share this with my audience. I was in the same state about taking a vacation, but someone share these tips with me, so I decided to share it with others so they to would be able to take a vacation.

      Now I am able to take vacations regularly, because it is affordable, and I can work while I am on vacation as well. A lifestyle I wanted long time ago. Talk to you soon.

  10. These are great tips for anyone who wants to start a travel blog. Do you know each topic you have talked about can make up a whole blog post.
    Truly you can make money from solving other people’s problems, the internet is diverse and has no limits.
    Making money while travelling and sharing your experience which leads you to making more money is a great idea.

    • Anita, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. With today technology, it makes it easy for anyone to start a business from home, and even earn money while on a vacation. 

      This would make much easy for anyone to plan their dream vacation and not worry but the cost. I just finish my third dream vacations and my income never drop. All the best.


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