How To Start A Blog and Make Money Online!

Wanted to know how to start a blog and make money online on today’s crowded internet? If you’re looking to start a blog on nearly any topic you will find that there are already many out there.

In some niches, even the most obscure of ideas are well-represented online.

This has led to bloggers getting more into micro-niches. These are niches that are smaller niches in a more broad market.

For example, health is a very broad niche. How to stop sweating would be a micro-niche.

You can come up with examples of thinking smaller and that may be just what you want. However, it may not be either, especially if you want to make money on your blog.

This poses a serious question, how to start a blog and make money online on today’s crowded internet?

That is not an easy thing to answer at first glance because many people quit before they even jump into this type of money-making. If you want to start a blog with the goal of making money online, it is possible, but you can’t just do it and expect riches on day one.

The following steps will help you make an impact.

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Pick A Topic You Love

At the heart of making money with blogging is simple. If you love something you will be able to invest a lot of time and energy into creating content for your blog. And age does matter because I have people who are over 50 joining my community.

Pick a topic you really love!

If you love something others will see and read your passion. That passion is infectious and people want to support content creators that are absolutely passionate about what they are doing.

You can tell when a blogger doesn’t really love the topic that they are trying to make money with. Those blogs don’t last long.

The blogs that are most successful are run by people that are passionate about a specific topic. If you’re not sure what topic to pick, consider asking yourself if you would talk or write about the topic for free. If you answered yes then you’re on the right track.

If you think your blog idea is broad in scope be ready to work at building an authority blog. This is different than the micro-niche approach.

An authority blog is going to compete with maybe already largely established blogs. If that does not frighten you read on.

how to start a blog and make money online is to write a lot of contentWrite A Lot of Content

In order to make money online with blogging, you need to write a lot of content. Your first 30 posts may not make money, but if you write lengthy, quality, unique posts, you will attract attention from search engines eventually.

From there, if you just keep posting quality content, you will start to see a lot of traffic start coming your way. There is an adage online that says content is king, and it’s very true about blogging.

The most successful blogs in the world have a lot of content updated, daily or at least on a regular basis. Plan on writing a LOT and you’ll be on your way.

If the thought of writing a lot of content seems too daunting to you then look at outsourcing some of your blog writing. This is where you hire a writer to write content for you.

You can work with one writer individually or go the content mill route and work with a company that hires writers for you. This can be a great way to keep content flowing into your blog without writing all of it yourself.

Write Reviews and Top 10 Lists

Moving forward you should plan to write a lot of reviews about the niche that you want to work with. Not only should you write reviews, write top 10 lists whenever you can.

Lists do extremely well in terms of marketing online. The biggest blogs post top 10, 20, and odd-numbered lists and receive viral traffic.

Furthermore, consumers are looking for honest opinions on products all the time, which means that you can update your site with a lot of reviews and get people to click on affiliate links and ads that you serve on your website.

Review and Top 10 articles are a good way to make money as well because you can find relevant affiliate products to sell and write reviews about them. You see this in a lot of digital products like you would find at

how to start a blog and make money online without quitting

Don’t Quit Too Early

Starting a blog is as simple as finding web hosting and installing WordPress. This is simple.

You just need to use the 1-click installation from a web host and just start writing. Once you start writing you will find that people will want to ask about supporting you, and you can introduce monetary elements such as ads, patron support infrastructure, and much more.

Just don’t quit too early! It takes time to build a money-making blog. If you remember nothing else remember to create a lot of quality content. The more content you push, the closer you’ll get to make your first dollar with blogging.

Final Thoughts

Yes, the internet is crowded, but unique, constant quality content will always get traffic, and interest, and can lead to financial gains. I personally think there has never been a better time to start a blog with the goal of making money online than right now!

Look at the affiliate marketing business model of making money combined with blogging. I market the Wealthy Affiliate program which is a training course and membership program.

This ties in very well with blogging and making money online which may be just what you need right now. Whether you are a complete newbie or someone with experience that is looking for some help, join a community to learn all the skills plus private coaching.

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