5 Steps On How To Start a Blog to Make money Today

In this post, we will be looking at how to start a blog to make money in less time than a lot of blogs take. A blog is a great way to make some extra cash online. Make sure you start your blog before you get too busy or before you lose interest. Start by writing about topics you’re interested in.

You’ll be surprised how quickly you can accumulate readers if you write about things that people want to read about. Once you’ve built up an audience, you can monetize your blog. There are lots of ways to do this. For example, you could sell advertising space on your site, offer premium services, or sell products.

How to start a blog

Starting your own blog takes creativity. Some technical know-how and quite a bit of strategy. you can have a freelancer build your website which will require a cost, or you can learn to build it yourself with easy-to-follow videos that I will share with you at the end of this article. Here are five steps you should take to help your website succeed.

Step 1: Choose a name for your blog.

This will serve as the title of your website. It’s important to choose a good domain name because it is what visitors type into their browsers when they go to visit your website. If you pick something like “The Best Site Ever”, then you may not have much luck with search engines. Instead, try something more original.

Step 2: Decide whether you want to use WordPress or another blogging platform.

The two most popular platforms are WordPress and Blogger. Both are free but require different skills and tools. If you don’t already know HTML and CSS, you’ll need to learn those first.

Then you’ll need to find someone who knows these languages to create your site. If you decide to use WordPress, you’ll also need to buy a hosting account from a web host. This is where your blog files live. The last step is installing WordPress.

Step 3: Find out what kind of content you want to put on your blog.

You can create blogs about many subjects. But there are certain types of blogs that tend to be more successful than others. One of the best ways to figure out what kind of blog might work for you is to think about what you enjoy reading. Do you prefer to read about politics? Or maybe you love to read about fashion. Think about what kinds of topics you would like to cover.

Step 4: Create a plan for building traffic to your blog.

You need to build a base of regular visitors before you can turn them into paying customers. So one of the first things you’ll need to do is come up with a plan for getting traffic to your site.

Try posting articles to social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Also, check out other blogs in your niche and see which ones are doing well. Many bloggers share guest posts on each other’s websites. You can also run contests and giveaways.

Step 5: Write!

Once you have all the pieces in place, it’s time to write. Don’t worry about grammar or punctuation at first. Just focus on creating quality content. Your goal is to publish new content every day. This means that you shouldn’t spend more than 15 minutes on any given post. If you can keep up this pace, you’ll soon have a large following.

Resource: 7 Tips On How To Start A Blog And Earn Passive Income!

So, what is great content? According to HubSpot, great content has three main characteristics:

It answers questions. People often search Google using keywords related to their interests. When they find your blog, they expect to find information that helps answer their question.

It provides value. Great content doesn’t just inform people; it educates and entertains. Readers appreciate being able to get something out of the experience.

It’s useful. Content that teaches readers how to solve problems or improve their lives is considered valuable.

If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas for your blog, here are some tips from the experts:

Start by brainstorming. Brainstorming allows you to generate lots of ideas quickly. All you need to do is list everything that comes to mind when you think about your topic.

Use an idea generator. There are several online generators available to help you come up with good blog titles. For example, you can try Title Generator.

Look for inspiration. Read through books or magazines that relate to your subject area. You may even consider taking a class or attending seminars.

Ask yourself why you want to start blogging. What will make your blog unique? How will it benefit your business?

Don’t forget to include links back to your website.

How Do I Hire a Writer?

Hiring a writer is not always easy. Even if you know someone who writes well, you still need to evaluate their writing skills. Here are a few steps you should take when hiring a freelance writer:

how to start a blog to make money - hire a writer

First, ask yourself whether the person has enough experience.

Second, look at his or her portfolio.

Third, ask for samples of previous work.

Fourth, ask for references.

Fifth, ask for a proposal outlining the project.

Sixth, pay attention to the tone of the proposal. Is it formal or informal? Does it sound like a sales pitch?

Finally, ask for a timeline for completion.

What Should I Charge My Freelance Writers?

The amount you charge depends on many factors including your location, skill level, and the type of work you do. However, there are two general guidelines you should follow:

You should be paid per word.

You should give your writers a reasonable number of words per hour.

Resource: Professional Blog Writers

What is the best Theme for my website?

There are hundreds of themes available for WordPress. But which one should you choose? The most important thing to remember is that choosing a theme does not mean you have to use it forever. It’s okay to change your theme as your needs evolve.

Here are six popular themes:

1) Genesis Framework – This theme was designed specifically for bloggers. It includes features such as custom widgets, multiple sidebars, and customizable menus.

2) Divi – This is a premium theme that offers more customization options than other themes.

3) Beaver Builder – This theme is specially designed for building websites.

4) Twenty-Eleven – This theme is very simple but also very flexible.

5) Elegant Themes – This theme is built using HTML5 and CSS3. It’s compatible with all major browsers.

6) GeneratePress- This is my favorite and very responsive theme that the search engines love. This is why it is included in my #1 recommendation platform that you have a chance to look at below.

Resource: GeneratePress Free Vs Premium – Which Is Better For Your Webpage?

What Are Some Good Websites for Learning About SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a web page in search engines. When people search for something online, they usually begin with Google. So it makes sense to focus on making sure your pages show up high in Google searches.

One way to improve your rankings is to write articles related to your niche. These articles should be written so that they’re interesting and useful to readers. They should also contain keywords that are relevant to your site.

Another way to get higher rankings is to link your site to other sites. If you find another site that contains information about your topic, you can add a link to your site from theirs. This helps both of you because it gives visitors to the linked site an opportunity to visit yours.

Another good idea is to create videos about your niche. Videos are great because they allow you to share your knowledge directly with viewers. You don’t even have to worry about the text; just put together a video and upload it to YouTube.

Resource: Learning SEO

Do I Need An SSL Certificate For My Website?

An SSL certificate encrypts data being sent between your browser and a server. This means that if someone intercepts this traffic, they won’t be able to read what you send or receive.

An SSL certificate isn’t necessary for every website, but it’s recommended for any site where sensitive information is exchanged. Examples include e-commerce stores, financial services, healthcare providers, and government agencies.

What about Youtube Videos for Traffic?

Youtube videos are a great way to drive traffic to your blog. They are easy to produce and cost nothing to upload. However, if you don’t know much about video editing software, it can take hours to put together a decent video.

The key to making money from youtube videos is to use high-quality equipment. The better the camera, microphone, and sound system, the higher the quality of your final product.

Also, make sure your video is interesting enough to draw viewers in.

There are many ways to promote your YouTube channel including:

1) Promote your videos on your own website. Include a link to your channel on your homepage.

2) Use social media networks like Twitter and Facebook to advertise your videos.

3) Ask friends and family to subscribe to your channel.

4) Create a free account on Vimeo and add your videos there.

5) Submit your videos to video-sharing sites like Dailymotion and Metacafe.

6) Join forums where other bloggers hang out. Post links to your videos on your profile page.

7) Write articles about topics related to your videos.

8) Offer your services as a consultant.

9) Contact companies that sell products similar to yours. See if they would be interested in sponsoring your videos.

10) Become a guest blogger on blogs that cover related topics.

11) Get featured on websites that cater to your niche.

12) Advertise your videos on relevant websites.

13) Buy advertising space on popular websites.

14) Sell products directly through your videos.

What about Google Adsense On My Blog?

how to start a blog to make money - add Google AdSense

Google AdSense allows publishers to earn revenue by displaying advertisements on their web pages. If you have an existing site with lots of content, you might consider adding Google AdSense to your blog.

To get started, go to www.google.com/adsense. You will need to fill out some information about your site and then create an ad unit. This is basically a box on your page that shows ads.

To set up an ad unit, click “Create” under the “Ads” tab. Then select either “Text only” or “Image only”.

Next, choose the size of the ad unit (small, medium, large). Finally, enter the URL of your site and click “Add Unit.”

After you’ve added the ad unit, you’ll see a preview of what it looks like. Click “Preview” to view the ad. When you’re satisfied with the look, click “Place Order.”

When placing an order, you’ll need to provide your credit card information. Once you receive approval, you can start earning money!

What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a free service offered by Google that tracks and reports website statistics such as how often your visitors arrive at different parts of your site, what search terms send them there, etc. It also provides detailed demographic information about your audience.

How do I monetize my blog?

Monetizing your blog means generating income from your blog. There are several options available for this. Some include:

  • 1) Selling merchandise – For example, you could sell t-shirts with your logo on them.
  • 2) Advertising – Many advertisers pay top dollar to place ads on blogs.
  • 3) Affiliate marketing – An affiliate market

How To Earn From Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is another way to make money online. In affiliate marketing, you recommend products or services that you think your readers will enjoy.

The owner of the product or service pays you a commission if someone purchases the product after clicking on your link. The amount of the commission depends on how much traffic goes to the merchant’s website.

The best part of affiliate marketing is that there are no upfront costs. However, you do have to build relationships with potential affiliates before offering them commissions.

What is the best Affiliate Program To Join?

Amazon Associates

Amazon is probably the most well-known affiliate program in existence today. Amazon offers two types of programs:

1. Associate Programs – These programs allow you to promote specific items sold on Amazon.com.

2. Referral Programs – These programs pay you when people sign up for a paid membership using your referral code.

There are many other affiliate programs out there, but I would suggest starting with Amazon because they offer the largest selection of products.

Resource: How To Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money

How Can I Learn Affiliate Marketing?

Here are a few tips to help you learn more about affiliate marketing:

1. Read books about affiliate marketing.

5 How To Start A Blog To Make Money - Affiliate Marketing

2. Watch videos about affiliate marketing.

3. Attend webinars about affiliate marketing.

4. Join forums related to ideas for your blog,

Here are some tips from the experts:

Start by brainstorming. Brainstorming allows you to generate lots of ideas quickly. All you need to do is list everything that comes to mind when you think about your topic.

Use an idea generator. There are several online generators available to help you come up with good blog titles. For example, you can try Title Generator.

Look for inspiration. Read through books or magazines that relate to your subject area. You may even consider taking a class or attending seminars.

Ask yourself why you want to start blogging. What will make your blog unique? How will it benefit your business?

Don’t forget to include links back to your website.

How to get started with email marketing?

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to market your product or service. It’s also one of the easiest forms of marketing to implement. If you’re just getting started with email marketing, here are five things you need to know:

Email marketing is free. There are no upfront costs associated with sending emails. In fact, you don’t have to spend any money until you actually send an email campaign.

Your message doesn’t cost anything either. When you create an email, all you need to do is fill in the text box and click “send.”

Email marketing works. Studies show that people respond better to emails than phone calls.

Email marketing is simple. Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be able to set up automatic campaigns using templates.

Email marketing is targeted. You can target your audience based on age, gender, interests, income, and other demographic information.

Don’t use spam filters. Spam filters can block legitimate messages, so make sure you whitelist your email address before you begin.

Use a professional email provider. Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail, AOL, and others offer free accounts. But they won’t allow you to send more than 1,000 emails each month without paying a fee.

Create a list of subscribers. This allows you to segment your mailing list into different groups. You can then send them different types of content.  

Resource: The Best Email Provider – My SendShark Review

What about Youtube Videos for Traffic?

Youtube videos are a great way to drive traffic to your blog. They are easy to produce and cost nothing to upload. However, if you don’t know much about video editing software, it can take hours to put together a decent video.

The key to making money from youtube videos is to use high-quality equipment. The better the camera, microphone, and sound system, the higher the quality of your final product. Also, make sure your video is interesting enough to draw viewers in.

There are many ways to promote your YouTube channel including:

  • 1) Promote your videos on your own website. Include a link to your channel on your homepage.
  • 2) Use social media networks like Twitter and Facebook to advertise your videos.
  • 3) Ask friends and family to subscribe to your channel.
  • 4) Create a free account on Vimeo and add your videos there.
  • 5) Submit your videos to video-sharing sites like Dailymotion and Metacafe.
  • 6) Join forums where other bloggers hang out. Post links to your videos on your profile page.
  • 7) Write articles about topics related to your videos.
  • 8) Offer your services as a consultant.
  • 9) Contact companies that sell products similar to yours. See if they would be interested in sponsoring your videos.
  • 10) Become a guest blogger on blogs that cover related topics.
  • 11) Get featured on websites that cater to your niche.
  • 12) Advertise your videos on relevant websites.
  • 13) Buy advertising space on popular websites.
  • 14) Sell products directly through your videos.

Final thoughts

There are many different avenues as a blogger that you need to take for you to get real results, and having the right platform at your disposal is key to your online success. There is no way to make money easily, but if you follow a proven system, you can get there sooner.

If you need help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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