How To Start A Business At Home – My #1 Recommendation

Are you searching for the best ways on how to start a business at home? Today many people are opting to start their businesses for personal reasons, such as it offers them freedom and flexibility along with increased income.

Many people think that starting a business requires thousands of dollars or more. The truth is, by just having $200 or even less, you can start a viable business and then reinvest the money you earn as profits back into your business.

How can you do that? In this post, we’ll look at a way to start your own business with less than $200.

The Legal Stuff

Some of the setup aspects include whether to incorporate or not. I have found at the beginning you can run a successful home business of your own on just your social security number.

This still allows you to take real business deductions. The key is good record-keeping and having receipts for any deductions you can claim.

As your business grows you may want to incorporate. Legal Zoom is a good source for that.

how to start a business at homeIdeas on How to Start a Business at home Blogging

1. Auto Detailing.

If you want to make it more convenient for clients can provide them with the service of visiting their homes.

This is a skilled business that anyone can learn without going to a trades school. Practice on yourself first and always invest in quality detail kits as opposed to cutting corners on these most important supplies.

2. Freelance writing.

This is another excellent business opportunity that won’t cost you money to get started. For instance, all it requires you to have is an internet connection and a computer.

Many freelancers write for content mills and work their way up. The primary requirement is having writing skills which means you should consider this business after you practice on your own blog or website.

3. Tutoring service.

Many students need help when it comes to schoolwork. That means if you have experience as a teacher, a tutoring business could be one way of earning a living or supplementing your income.

It’s among the best business opportunities since children will come with their learning materials. You can advertise your services by giving out fliers or using social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter.

How To Start A Business At Home? - Communication is the first step

4. Consulting.

People need help in running businesses or living better lifestyles. It means if you have some knowledge of living healthy or how to make money by marketing; you should consider offering consulting services.

The only thing you need to have is an advertising budget, which you can easily budget using your $200. Platforms such as Twitter and Facebook enable you to advertise for free which means you should consider using them as well.

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5. Senior Home Companion.

As a senior home companion, you can help seniors with light work, for example, shopping.

You don’t need much money to start this business. You only need to have an advertising budget and a reliable vehicle. If you love helping others it’s one of the best business ideas to consider.

Stay tuned to My Number One Recommendation, which I will be working with you through the entire process.

6. Fulfillment By Amazon.

This is proving to be a very profitable way for anyone to start small and ramp up quickly.

For as little as $100 in inventory, you can sell on Amazon and let them handle product fulfilment for you. There are many great courses online right now on how to do that.

7. Amazon Affiliate.

Get set up as an Amazon associate and sell products for Amazon.

You earn a commission on every sale. Amazon pays you directly so you do not deal with the customers directly.

8. Niche Blogs.

I really love this because this is how I make money. My making money tips blog provides useful information for people looking for ways to make money online and offline.

You could start a niche blog for under $50 for a domain name, hosting, and an autoresponder. Earn money with Google Adsense and other affiliate programs which are often free to join.

9. Network Marketing.

Join a direct sales company and make money selling products and recruiting people to sell products.

This profitable business idea is often under $200 to join the MLM company. You can do most of it online, so you have little to no marketing costs. Labor is your biggest expense until you get systems in place to prospect and follow up online for you.

How To Start A Business At Home? - Pet care can be a start10. Pet Care.

This is an exploding business opportunity that requires very little in terms of money to start.

The biggest opportunity is walking dogs or caring for them if your customer is at work or out of town. Many people just do not want to put their dog in a kennel. Thanks to you they do not have to.

And here is my Number one Recommendation

Affiliate Marketing!

Start a business as an affiliate marketer for free by joining the same company I am associated with and making me money being from a third-world country.

And If I can do it anyone can.

Take a free 5 part course on how to do affiliate marketing for profit.

Then upgrade to a paid member for $49 a month and get started making money online with affiliate marketing, get some additional training and personal mentoring by me and other experts in the community.

If you choose to start your own blog as I did, you will need about $15 for a domain name, $5 a month for hosting your blog, and $20 a month for an email autoresponder.

Final thoughts On How to Start a Business at Home

The above informative post to start a profitable business should make you want to consider starting one. Be sure you research the type of business you want to start.

The reason is you need to know if you have the knowledge and focus for the job. For the best outcome, consider businesses you have a passion for. This will ensure you deliver quality services enabling you to increase your customer base and earn more profits as you go.

Joining the community is my number one recommendation that would help you get started with all the businesses I have mentioned, plus I will be there to personally guide you along the way.

Wealthy Affiliate community interacts 24/7 so you can get your questions answered right away.

You have the owner and me to get you started, and how to follow your passion that can lead to a full-time income from home.

So I am going to let you take a peek at what they have to offer, and then you can make a decision on joining a simple 4 step proven system for you to work at home.

The Simple 4 Step Proven System

If you do decide that what you see pique your interest, please go ahead and join for free, and as you take the training and build your business if you decided is that what you want, you can upgrade and enjoy the premium benefits at $49.00 a month which can pay for itself in just a few weeks.

Here are some average people who are experiencing success with this 4 Step Proven Formula.

Preciouns success story at Wealthy Affiliate
Leomery having success at wealthy affiliate
If you are really interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on how to build a successful business. You’ll get plenty of support, training, websites, and access to 24/7 live chat where people are always online to help you. And I will be your private coach until success finds you. Get started for FREE today.

PS: No credit card needed!

My Video On How To Start A Business At Home.

Working Online From Home - A Proven 4 Step System

See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income

30 thoughts on “How To Start A Business At Home – My #1 Recommendation”

  1. Business at home idea might sound like a dream, it might sound like something that only rich people can achieve, but that is not true because we live in wonderful age of internet. Nice article, many good ideas and thoughts about home business,my favorite and probably the best one is affiliate marketing. Thanks for the article.

    • Rich, you welcome. Affiliate Marketing is my number one choice as well. I started with this company seriously back in 2015, and I have not look back since. Wish you all the best.

  2. I must admit that you do a great job describing the best methods of earning online. There are so much scams out there but you gave real and safe methods. From my personal experiance, I can say that affiliate marketing is one of the best online opportunities which can help people to earn online..

    • Daniel, Thank you for the comment and kind words, I was victim to a few of those scams, so I am writing with a lot of experience and know what works.

      Affiliate Marketing is the best way to go, and if the company is providing training, it will make your experience a successful one. All the best with your business.

  3. Dear David,

    Great ideas. Everybody wants to earn from home and love to be their own boss but they are failing in taking action or they are not sure where and how to start but your post gave detailed information. Thanks a lot.

    Your Friend,

    • The reason that people are skeptical about starting a business from home is that they are not educated on how to go about it. Most times the business person just ask them to sign up by paying a small monthly fee and once that is done they leave them high and dry and go on to another non-member.

      that is the reason I ask a member to join Wealthy affiliate for free and take this for a test run before they make any payment. Offer them a free service and the support of a community and myself so that they feel comfortable with the business they are in. That is why Wealthy Affiliate is growing at such high volume. Hope you see the value here with this platform and community. Take care.

  4. Thanks for detailing these 10 ideas on how to start your own business at home. You have detailed the steps to get started for each which is helpful too, and of the choices, most can be further aided by joining the training and tool platform you mention as item 11.

    The Wealthy Affiliate platform has a lot of features and tools in addition to the excellent training that will take a newbie from knowing little to becoming an expert. This idea is that you combine the work at home suggestions with the training, I guess?  That makes a lot of sense.

    Is there a favorite method that you have from the 10 that you have highlighted? There are several that are of interest to me, but I am sure it is best to try one at a time to see if it will work. Lots of thought and effort into this post, you have inspired me to get started!

    • Hey Dave, thank you for the kind words here about affiliate marketing and how joining Wealthy Affiliate can take you through the process to get you up and running to earn passive income from home.

      not sure what your passion is but I will start there and become an Amazon Affiliate cause they have lots of products that can relate what you have a passion for. If you like writing, becoming a freelance writer would also be an added benefit for your entire business.

      Sos as you build your website and write content to build your brand as an Amazon Affiliate, you can also make money writing for others as well. A few people at Wealthy affiliate started off that way and some went on to build a full-time income doing both. Sometimes when I go on long vacations I used freelance writers to keep my content consistent. Hope that helps!

  5. You have some really excellent suggestions for people wanting to start working for themselves. I would have never thought of some of them, especially the Auto Detailing, which would suit someone who loves cars down to the ground.

    My favorite suggestion that you have made is affiliate marketing, but they say it takes a long time to make money with this type of work. Do you think that this is true?

    I like the idea of affiliate marketing as you can sell anything you like and you don’t have to keep stock or worry about shipping.

    • Once you get the training on how to build a website and drive traffic to that website, you have gone through the few major steps in building a business at home.

      The next step would be entirely up to you and what you feel comfortable about promoting and branding. some people go after what is trending on the market, others choose what they love.

      Anything that you want to build to last for a long time usually takes work and dedication in the beginning. Never heard of a successful person who had it easy unless they inherit the business or win the lottery.

      They sa=y whatever you lack in time you can always make up with if you have money. Although it would take time to build your brand writing content and social media, you can speed up the process through paid advertising. and that is a learned process to get a good investment. Wealthy Affiliate has detailed training on that as well. Hope I answered your question.

  6. Hi, Bishop very good guide for people who want to start a business online.

    As a fellow WA member, I absolutely love the community here that is so encouraging and supportive. The training and classes they produce are top quality, and the website hosting is a bonus too.

    Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work.

    • Thank you for that, Tim. The guide is easy to follow and as you mention, Wealthy Affiliate would take you from the starter point to becoming an expert. they have helped to grow my business and brand, and they can do the same for others coming on board as they bring new changes to their platform.

      Happy to share!

  7. I’ve read about many articles that talked about how to make start a business at home but they are not as clear as this. A really nice article you have here. I like affiliate marketing and niche blogs, they’re my favorites. You’ve done a really great job by outlining these ways of making money at home. The idea of legal zoom is a very nice one. Some people don’t actually believe they can earn money from home but this article will serve as an eye-opener for them. Well done

    • Jones, thank you for the comment and kind words. simplicity is what I strive for on this website. Cause, when I was starting out. the articles I read seem so confusing, most of the time I thought they were addressed to the experts.

      Yes, most people think they have to have some sort of knowledge to start, that is why I recommend Wealthy Affiliate, cause anyone can start and educate themselves on how to start a business online. thank you for the feedback.

  8. Excellent article on how to start a business, I’ve learned immensely from your post, for me to leverage my skills on other lucrative venture to earn and make cool money online,the freelancing services is awesome,one could offer writing service with little or no cost, just a computer, an internet connection,you are really helping a lot of people to know and harness their potential to a lucrative venture,thank you for the eye-opener post,very helpful and informative.

    • Happy that you get some value in this post. Freelance writing are in such demand and it can serve as a full-time income for most if they know how to go about it.

      It is that easy once you have your website up and running and follow the guidelines in Wealthy Affiliate how to drive traffic to that website after you decide what niche you are going to target. It is that simple. all the best to you.

  9. Excellent article, you are really helping millions of people to discover the secret of making money online,affiliate program which gives commission for marketing the link,its a wonderful program even while sleeping you are earning money and also the best affiliate WA, its amazing and gives great benefits for financial freedom, thank you for sharing this educative post.

    • I would recommend Affiliate marketing as the best place to start case many people here at Wealthy Affiliate are experiencing success. Amazon is growing as a company and its affiliate program is growing exponentially. It gives stay at home a wide variety of products that they can promote on their website.

      The Affiliate Program at WA is a great program as well because many people are lookings for ways to make money online, whether it is part-time or full-time. Thank you for your take on this.

  10. Hello there! This is an amazing review you’ve got here, I must commend you for putting these together so as to help readers who come across this. 

    For me, I also prefer blogging, because it seems comfortable for me as providing information on my field of study has been my desire. Thanks for sharing this with me, its helpful!

    • Happy you got some value here, and most of us do blog every day, via social medial or some form of communication device, is great that we can use what we normally do and turn it into an income stream. Wealthy Affiliate has done that to my son and his friends, and it can do that to many others.


  11. Hi David,

    Your website offers quite a variety of income ideas. Your description of each also gives the reader quite a good understanding of the topic, without having to leave your site and find Google for more detail.

    I’ve seen a number of people in WA using other people’s income stats. How does one go about this? Obviously the person must give permission. Would you mind sharing the process of this, please?

    Your website is quite detailed, yet simplistic in the layout. 

    • Hey Andre, thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment and kind words. Starting a business for the first time is not an easy task, that is the reason for my detailed explanation and simplicity when talking to my audience.

      Being a premium member at Wealthy Affiliate has its perks for building a successful business. You can go to your dashboard scroll down to success stories and use anyone on your site. Success is happening every day at Wealthy affiliate and Kyle and Carson want the people to know that it is possible for them as well.

      Thank you for the feedback!

  12. Hello Bishop! Working as a blogger has also been profiting from me especially in this period of pandemic as it has helped me increase the activities in my site. 

    Indeed, working as a blogger is a cool online job from home which with time and patience it will earn a fortune. Thanks for sharing!

    • I hope it helped and you get some value here. Starting a business online is a serious business and for this past couple of months because of the pandemic, most of my friends are reaching out to me cause I am calling them to help out in this crisis. happy I got serious about my business a few years back. Thank you for your input.

  13. Starting and running a business at home sounds like a dream for most people, but I can personally say that I have done it for about 5 years now at least and living on a comfortable income doing so. All these points on the list are really great way to get started, but my go to is still affiliate marketing. I started out with Wealthy Affiliate as well, and can say it’s a great platform for newbies to get started to. Once you master the fundamentals, you can then branch to other stuff. For me, I even do consulting work for clients now because of the skills I learned in Wealthy Affiliate!

    • It is great to see that you take the time to leave a comment on my site being a veteran as well. Wealthy affiliate has not only to teach me to have a business of my own, but it helps me to help other business owners who don’t have the time. Thank you for the feedback

  14. I just recently started an online affiliate business and one of the first thoughts I had before starting is the ‘Legal’ aspect. Do I register my own business or put everything under my own name starting out?  I love how you touched on this in your post!  I am going to incorporate my business when I start growing.  Thanks for the insightful information!

    • Hey Lindsey, I explain the process in my post and what is the best approach. If when you ready to do an LLC, you can consider legal Zoom for what would be best for your business.

      I work out of numerous countries, so my approach would be different, cause the tax laws are different countries or states. Please seek legal advice in the country you are operating in. I hope that helps!

  15. Hello there, thank you so much for this very informative post, in these times that we are in, it is very important that one has multiple streams of income and online businesses are best when it comes to starting any business at home, especially now due to the COVID 19 pandemic outbreak. Thank you for sharing the variety of businesses here.

    • Yes, because of the majority of people being at home, how to start a business at home is a very good idea for the masses today. I am happy that I had thought about this back in 2013, and although indirectly I am affected by this pandemic, I still have the luxury of not going to a 9 to 5 job as most people do. Would be happy to work with anyone who decides to start a business.


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