Inbox Blueprint Review | Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam?

I am writing this Inbox Blueprint Review strictly on research. I am not a member, but I am familiar with the owner of Lurn, Anik Singal.

  • Name: Inbox Blueprint
  • Website:
  • Price: $997 or $1497
  • Owners: Anik Singal
  • Overall Rank: 95 out of 100

Inbox Blueprint Overview

This is an educational course that helps those people interested in making money online build an e-mail list. The company was founded and is owned by Anik Singal, who also happens to own Lurn, Inc.

His award-winning company took home the 500 fastest-growing companies in America award 2 years in a row. I mention that because it shows everyone he knows what he is talking about.

This business comes in 2 formats. The 1.0 format, launched in 2014, was a lot less expensive, but it included a few u sells. The upgraded 2.0 version, launched in 2017, does away with the upsells but made membership more expensive.

With the upgrade and higher fee, you get a host of add-ons that were not part of the 1.0 original system. There are items like LaunchPad, 12 months of unlimited support, Guided Assignment Based Training, Proprietary Content Engine and more.

These addons are designed to help you build your e-mail list and get a lot of clients fast. These programs and Inbox Blueprint are supposed to help you find a good profitable niche to work in, build your website, and help drive traffic to your door.

Believe it or not, it is a good training program if you can afford it.

Inbox Blueprint Review: The Good & The Bad

From my perspective, there are both good and bad points about Inbox Dollars.

The Good:

  •  No upsells. I have become annoyed with all of the upselling that comes with buying online products. I understand how a sales funnel works and the reason behind it. I guess I would like for once to buy a product or program and be taken to the download page. You do get that here.
  • Good training. Anik Singal is the real deal. He actually runs a real company with real employees and has tested everything he offers training on.
  • Unlimited support. If email marketing were so easy, everyone would have a list of thousands of people, and they would be earning thousands of dollars. It is not that easy. Therefore you will need help, and the support at Inbox Blueprint is there if you need it.
  • Good tools to use. This video explains LaunchPad, which is the main tool you get with Inbox Blueprint.

The Bad:

  • Not for beginners. We were all newbies at one time. This course is beyond that.
  •  Training materials are not from the owner. Anik’s team did develop this, though.
  •  No refund is possible. Because you have immediate access to many inside resources, they will not refund your money. Be sure before you buy it.
  •  Some hidden costs. Inbox Blueprint has no upsells, but they offer what you need to start and build a list.
    – domain name
    – hosting for your landing page
    – autoresponder
    – paid traffic

I list that as the bad. However, in reality, this is the case for most online businesses.

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Who is Inbox Blueprint for?

business for Newbies

This is a good question. It is certainly not for the beginning person who has just decided to try online enterprises to make money. There will be some expenditures that the beginner may not have the spare funds to use.

This company, Inbox Blueprint, is for experienced E-mail marketer who knows how to use email lists to help sell their product. The experienced marketer also has the spare cash to use to meet the upcoming traffic costs.

This program is also for those who like to learn as it is a fairly comprehensive training and you do get good information.

Inbox Blueprint Review: Tools & Training

The training is an 8-step program that is not gibberish or leading you down the garden path. It can be quite comprehensive, and it leads you through several different topics.

Step 1 – called the addiction meter, helps you find the right niche for you. This is an important step as if you pick the wrong niche; your online career is over before it gets started.

Step 2 – called the bait, teaches you how to create your opt-in page and a way to draw people to your website.

Steps 3 & 4 – show you how to create a thank you page and use your autoresponder. They are called the TYP Method and Email machine.

Step 5 – list relationship, is training in writing those emails that will build relationships with people.

Step 6 – payday secrets, teaches you how to monetize your email list.

Step 7 – easy traffic, works on driving traffic to your opt-in page, and the final Step 8 – unlimited success, teaches you how to get your conversion rates up.

The tool everyone is talking about in the highest possible ways is LaunchPad, and it is the one thing that helps you get your pages built. It’s the tool that implements a lot of your training.

Inbox Blueprint Review: Support

Having the support in business

According to everything that we have read, you get access to unlimited support for 12 months once you pay your fee. Plus, you are given a membership to Lurn, where the coaches for Inbox Blueprint come from.

So far, there have been no complaints about the support you receive, and everyone seems happy with the setup and format.

Inbox Blueprint Price

This is where it gets a little confusing. If you read the reviews online, you will see that two different prices are being mentioned. One is the $997 or 3 payments of $397.

The second payment you may see is the $1,497 or 3 payments of $597. We tried to confirm the price on Inbox Blueprint’s website but the landing page only had information about an upcoming seminar.

Also, all links we were able to find led us back to Lurn’s web pages and the one that talks about Inbox Blueprint is found at this location. We couldn’t confirm the price as we clicked to enrol, and the message we got was that they were not taking new students at this time.

A Word On Email Marketing: Does It Really Work?

You might be interested in these email marketing benchmarks. They analyzed over 30 Billion emails sent.

One benchmark that caught my attention is the 14.53% open rate. Granted, this is for a wide range of industries, but it does show that around 1 out of 8 emails is open.

Is that good enough for you?

I would suggest that email marketing work when you have the right kind of list you are emailing to. That is the problem.

From what I have seen in the past 15 years, very few Internet marketers really even build a list. Especially those in the home business or make money list.

Why is that?

Most people in this niche try to build their list 100% off their website or blog. For that to work, you need to have many people coming to your blog, a good giveaway, and good advertising or marketing.

In reality, if you were to combine other methods such as social media combined with a focus 100% on list building, here is what you would need. You would really need nothing more than a domain name, hosting, an autoresponder, and a good giveaway to entice people to sign up.

You could then spend 100% of your time driving people to that landing page. Of course, you would need additional products and programs in the messages that you’re sending out.

I’m just talking about building your list from the get-go; in reality, that’s what Inbox Blueprint focuses on.

So from that standpoint, if you just wanted to build a list and make money from it, this would be a fantastic program to learn it from. You, for once, would have a real focus for your business which is building an email list asset.

Final thoughts on Inbox Blueprint

From what I have been able to read, it sounds like an excellent training program. It has a tool, LaunchPad, that the owner spent over a year developing, and he spent about $400,000 on its development.

I am not happy about the limited enrollment plan or shutting down enrollment when it wants to, but overall, from the information we got, you could benefit from the training if you can afford it.

Email marketing does work, but you may be able to build your own lists without investing a lot of money in this program. The other problem is that you may not make your money back anytime soon.

Inbox Blueprint At A Glance

  1.  Not an MLM company, in case you were wondering. There is no recruiting or trying to get people to buy expensive products.
  2. Provides a comprehensive training program.
  3. It is expensive to sign up if you can find the right time to enrol.
  4. It has a great tool called LaunchPad that implements your training.
  5. This is not for everyone.
  6. The owner is well known and runs a successful corporation.

Inbox Blueprint Review Final thoughts

I have laid out a lot of information here in my Inbox Blueprint review. Here is a link to what the Better Business Bureau has to say about it.

If you are really interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business,  where you can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to my training guide and much more.

Inbox Blueprint

$997 or $1497





Overall Quality



  • No upsells.
  • Good training
  • Unlimited support.


  • Not for beginners
  • Training materials not from the owner
  • No refund possible
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6 thoughts on “Inbox Blueprint Review | Is Inbox Blueprint a Scam?”

  1. Thank you so much for this amazing review.  I will admit, at first glance, this seemed like a scam to me.  That is a lot of money to pay for the training and I thought it was just someone trying to make a quick dollar.  I am pleased to see that it is not, however, as a beginner, I should wait to use it right?

    • Yes, you should wait, they are asking too much for the training you can get more of your buck as I mentioned at the bottom of my post with Wealthy Affiliate. The reason I recommend this program is because you can join without any pocket expense to see if it is a good fit for someone before getting serious. This you would scarcely find on the internet today.

  2. I have been working with affiliate marketing for quite a long time. And I know the money is in the list. Yeah, we need to have a certain level of experience working online in order to give this Inbox Blueprint a shot (and also have the funds for it). In my case, I think it’s time to take my business to the next level!

    • Money is in the list, but the price that they asking for building a list is way too expensive. Their training may be good, but there is more in-depth training offered elsewhere for less on what they are asking. I would definitely pass up on Inbox blueprint

  3. Hi and thanks for sharing this. I have to say, in my opinion, this product seems very highly-priced. I am somewhat surprised as this kind of online business is a well-established staple. I am not trying to make this sound simple but It seems to just consist of ways to build an email list – OK I accept that is the difficult part – and then how to cultivate that list and herd them through your sales funnel. This prompts me to ask a few questions. Firstly, is that it, in a nutshell. 

    Also, are there no other good competing systems and products? Does this give you everything you need if this is the business model you are going to pursue or are you going to have to add other elements? And the last (set of) questions would be, what happens after a year? Is there an option to get continuing support? And what about hosting your domain would that be through another provider? Sorry – too many questions. Thanks, Andy

    • Andy! lol.. You asked some of the questions that piqued my interest when I first was introduced to the Inbox Blueprint program. Yes, it is focused on email marketing, but really! for that price. Whatever they put together to make up the cost for their product, simply do not worth it. This is the reason I recommend Wealthy Affiliate cause you can join for free first and give it a test drive before you put out your hard earn cash.

      Wealthy Affiliate is that competing system, and the community that helped me is still there to help others to reach their goals and beyond. Inbox blueprint platform is a start, but will not work for the average person who wants to learn to build a successful business online on a comfortable membership fee with no upsells.


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