What Is Pure Leverage? My Pure leverage Review!

What Is Pure Leverage? (GVO). It was created by Joel Therien as an alternative to Empower Network. Empower Network is out of business and Pure Leverage is still going strong.

Pure Leverage is an Internet marketing tools company. What you get when you join them is a marketing suite of tools you can use to market anything you want online. In this review we will take a complete look at the tools offered and whether we think they are worth it.

  • Name: Pure Leverage (GVO)
  • Website: PureLeverage.com/
  • Price: $24.97/mo.
  • Owners: Joel Therien
  • Overall Rank: 95 out of 100
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Pure Leverage Product Overview

Pure Leverage is part of the GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities) Product Line which was started on September 05, 2003, by Joel Therien. Pure Leverage was created on March 4th, 2012 so it is now 10 years plus old.

In business, we know that most businesses go out of business in the first 2-5 years due to a lack of operating capital or a lack of knowledge of running an online business. GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities), and Pure Leverage appear to have surpassed this initial timeline which is a good thing.

Pure Leverage comes with 5 primary products.

What is pure leverage? - In any business having the right balance is important

1. Autoresponder. As we’ve heard over and over “the money is in the list.”

This means you need to be building an email listing and to effectively do that you need to use an autoresponder. This is one of the primary products Pure Leverage offers.

Their autoresponder is designed to help you build a subscriber list and keep in touch with that on a daily, weekly, monthly or longer basis depending on how you use it. With Pure Leverage, you can build a list up to 10,000 subscribers before you have to upgrade.

2. Elite Coaching Program. Having access to people who are more successful than you is a proven marketing technique.

Not only is it good for you to learn from the best it is also good as a sales tool. People like knowing they will get coaching when they need it.

3. Video Email Service: Email & Streaming. Video is a proven communication tool.

You can use c Leverage templates or record your own videos. It is easy to send them to your email list or post on your blog.

4. Live Conference Room. As you build your team you will be able to communicate in real-time via video or audio streaming.

You can conduct presentations anywhere in the world as long as you can log online. This is a professional system.

5. Affiliate program. If using the tools is not enough for you maybe adding an income stream is.

Average commission: You earn 100% of $19.95 for the first month. In the second month and beyond you earn 50% of your direct referrals subscriptions and a 50% matching check bonus of their total income.

The Pros and cons Of Pure Leverage

The Pros:

  • PRO #1 – Affordable at $24.97 a month.
  • PRO #2 – Comes with an MLM income opportunity.
  • PRO #3 – 6 products to promote
  • PRO #4 – 30-day money-back refund
  • PRO #5 – Length of time in business.

The Cons:

  • CON #1 – NO free trial period.
  • CON #2 – Autoresponder has limitations.

Who is Pure Leverage For?

Information regarding “who” the audience the product is targeted at who will benefit from the product:

  • Online Business Owners
  • Internet Marketers
  • Online Entrepreneurs
  • Internet Marketing Services
    Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

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Pure Leverage Tools & Training

Information about the tools and detailed training you will have to find when you join. There are no online business information about their digital products, tools or training access you can gain knowledge of before making a payment. That is a red flag if you ask me.

Is Pure Leverage a Pyramid Scheme?

Pure leverage a pyramid scheme? No, Pure Leverage is not a pyramid scheme, not really. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a huge time sink. There is a lot of hype about how much money you can make with Pure Leverage but if you actually try to use all the tools available then you will quickly find yourself spending more time doing nothing than making money.

The reason I say this is because there is no way to know what products or services are in demand without trying everything out for yourself. So why would anyone spend their valuable time trying something they have no idea if it works or not?

The only real way to tell if something is good or bad is to test it out for yourself. If you don’t like it then move on to the next tool.

What Is Pure Leverage About?

Can I use Pure Leverage (GVO) for my business? Yes! GVO is great for any type of business. I think the biggest advantage of GVO is that it’s built from the ground up to be a marketing tool. This means that it was designed to make it easier for you to market your products or services. When you compare this to most other marketing automation systems, they were designed to automate tasks like emailing customers, scheduling appointments, etc.

What is the difference between Pure Leverage and other Marketing Automation tools?

Pure Leverage is different because it was created specifically to help businesses grow. Other companies may offer some features that look similar to Pure Leverage, but they weren’t designed with growth in mind. For example, if you’re looking for a CRM, then you’d probably prefer Salesforce, which is one of the oldest and largest CRMs on the market. If you’re looking for something that will help you manage your sales pipeline, then you might prefer Pipedrive.

What are the benefits of having a team behind your product?

Having a team behind your product gives you a lot of advantages. First, they’re here to answer questions and provide guidance whenever you need it. Second, their team has been through the same struggles you’ve faced when starting out. They know exactly how hard it is to get started, and they want to help you succeed. Third, they’re constantly improving Pure Leverage based on feedback from their users.

Pure Leverage Support

Here is the contact information from the Pure Leverage website.

GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities)
6701 Guada Coma Drive
Schertz Texas
USA, 78154
(210) 651-4487,
(210) 272-0147 (fax)

Contact page: https://www.pureleverage.com/contact/

Pure Leverage Price

We have established you pay $24.97 a month. You earn money as an affiliate on $19.95 a month.

My Final Opinion of Pure Leverage

Here is what I think of Pure Leverage. I’m viewing this as somebody who focuses on affiliate marketing as my primary source of income.

In my opinion, Pure Leverage is a good affiliate program, unlike many MLM business opportunities. Still, I question using the tools unless it’s done primarily by people who are promoting Pure Leverage as an income stream.

Here’s what I mean by this.

Blogging Platforms are the primary way people are setting up their online business and website today. How that’s done is you go to a domain name provider and purchase an online business domain name.

Examples of these online business domains would be Go Daddy or Bluehost.

You’re going to host your domain name somewhere, and chances are you’re going to use the hosting provider where you purchase your domain name. Setting up your site is easy because they all offer a one-click installation of WordPress.

You can then begin building your blog and if you want to add an autoresponder, two of the most common ones today being used include SendShark, Aweber, Get Response and many others. Generally, these are very easy to install directly into your blog.

What I’m saying is unless you’re going to promote your Pure Leverage tools as a way for you to make money, chances are you’re not going to use the tools. You’re better off saving the monthly fee and paying less to host your site somewhere else and add an autoresponder to it.

I’m speaking from experience. Setting up a blog is easy today. Tying in an autoresponder is easy as well.

What you will really need is a comprehensive training program for sales and marketing. If you choose to build a real business using the affiliate marketing business model, your tools will not be the primary income stream.

This is not to diminish the importance of the things Pure Leverage offers nor the validity of them. I know there is plenty of business to get started outside of promoting tools.

  • VERDICT: Legitimate

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10 thoughts on “What Is Pure Leverage? My Pure leverage Review!”

  1. I am looking for some marketing tools for promoting my website. I am into Affiliate Marketing too so I found Pure Leverage very interesting as they pay a very high percentage to Affiliates. 

    In your post, you said the Autoresponder of Pure Leverage has got some limitations. What are they? What sort of things should I be looking for in an Autoresponder?

    • If you are looking for the right tools to promote your website, then Wealthy Affiliate is your best bet. it is working for me and others, and it will do the same for you as well.

      Pure Leverage has many tools within under one umbrella, makes it different to focus on one as in the case of Aweber as an autoresponder, thus the reason for them being limited. Their service is very average.

      Charging one price for 6 different services shows the quality of service you are going to receive as an email service provider. is hard to build a list and have a so-called provider to manage it. Hope that helps!

  2. Hi Bishop, your site is the number one on my list because of your insightful and illustrious posts. Firstly, thank you for sharing this legitimate post about Pure Leverage. I love making money online but I’m only involved in affiliate marketing and blogging. But I heard that MLM can be a little bit dubious and not as a straightforward means of earning like affiliate marketing. How true is this?

    I would love to be clarified before I decide to invest into this too.

    • Thank you for the kind words and happy to know that you get value here on my website. It is always good to get those feedback to let you know that you are on the right path.

      MLM is not a bad thing and once you have the knowledge about marketing, it would be easy for you to make that decision. Some companies got good and bad in them and in most cases, you cannot take out the good and market that. This is the case with Pure Leverage.

      So to answer your question, is better you focus on the knowledge as opposed to the company, this is the reason I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate, cause their prime focus is educating you on becoming a marketing expert so that you can build any business online. Hope that helps!

  3. David, you are a platform reviewing machine. Thanks for the info on Pure Leverage.  I like that you put in that the focus for this platform is making money by affiliate marketing.  If this is your primary goal, it sounds like Pure Leverage is for you.  Also, you lay the pricing out well.  Thanks to your information, I know what to look into.  Thanks again!  


    • Hey Rhonda,

      Thanks for the comment and kind words. I call it the way I see it and Pure Leverage is all about Affiliate Marketing, cause as an autoresponder, there are better elsewhere. Still upset that they do not have a free membership to see what you get before deciding. Thanks for the feedback

  4. Hey there,

    It’s an excellent review of Pure Leverage, which is a marketing tools company that lets people join as an affiliate market their products. As an affiliater, I’ve found this article very helpful, with all the tools that are available to earn a commission on.

    Moreover, it’s ratings are excellent according to others. But it would be better if they had an option to join them as a free member or give you the option of marketing them separately. This is really a business for Affiliate Marketers, as oppose for using these tools to build your business.

    Thank you for this helpful article.

    • Your comment was right on track by noting that the services are designed for affiliate marketers as opposed to someone who wants to use these tools to build their business.

      They probably had the right motive but their approach was not effective, which will make their support and training not effective for a marketer who needs their service as opposed to selling them. Hope moving forward they realize it and make the changes. Thank you for the input.

  5. Hi Bishop,

    Thank you so much for sharing such an informative article with all the necessary information about “What Is Pure Leverage? This is an excellent product review. I am not familiar with this, and I also didn’t have any idea about this Pure Leverage. After reading your article, I have learned that this is a fantastic marketing tool company for the Affiliate Marketer. 

    In any business building, an email list is a good way of having an audience that likes and trusts you, and pure leverage autoresponder would do such that. Thank you for the review and for taking the time to point out the good and the bad about this business.

    • I am happy that you got some value here on this review and how important it is to build an email list as you grow your audience in your niche. Pure Leverage has been around for some time now, so that is a plus when looking to join a company. Although their autoresponder may have limitations, your focus first should be writing quality content on your website. I hope this helps!


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