Internet Marketing Training Online – My #1 Recommendation

There are very few topics on the World Wide Web where you can find more information about Internet marketing training online. I guess weight loss would be right up there, but that is not what we are talking about.

Internet marketing is one of those subjects where if you asked 10 people what the best way to get any training is, you would probably get 10 different answers.

I will do this in this article to look at what I think is the best free Internet marketing training online. Then we will do a deeper dive into Internet marketing courses you should take a look at.

Best Free Internet Marketing Training

1. Wealthy Affiliate. They offer free training on Internet marketing and affiliate marketing.

You will join as a free member. No upgrade will automatically be billed after a certain number of days unless you choose to upgrade to premium later after testing out the product to see if it is what you were looking for.

The free option provides training classrooms, a tight community of people just like you, blueprints, step-by-step methods, and much, much more.

I can not recommend this more highly. So, I am a premium member and promote Wealthy Affiliate as an Affiliate, and very happy doing it.

What I do not do is high-pressure, on anyone. You can take your time and do a comprehensive look at the program and start taking as much free training as you want. The Review would be at the bottom of this article for you to take a closer look.

2. Facebook. Have you ever thought about getting certified with Facebook?

There is a movement going on by some of the top social networks to certify people to offer their services. You could do this if you wanted to start your own digital marketing agency and offer Facebook marketing.

You may even just want to get certified and apply your new knowledge to build your own online business. However, if you decide to approach it; Facebook Blueprint is worth looking closely at.

Internet Marketing Training Online - social media marketing

3. Social Media Quickstarter. Subscribe to their hints and tips newsletter for free.

They offer step-by-step instructions to start building your social media presence across all of the top social networks. This is Internet marketing training that is needed because your customers are hanging out on various social networks.

4. Email secrets. I read once that over 1.2 billion people are Facebook members. Over 4 billion people have email accounts.

85% of the world population has a Gmail account. If you want to learn one important Internet marketing skill, make it how to do email marketing to Gmail accounts.

For that, I suggest taking the Email Secrets course from Anik Singal at Lurn Classroom. It’s free, and you can sign up here.

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Internet Marketing Courses

Are you willing to spend a little money on training? There are several excellent internet marketing courses you can buy on the Internet today. Here are some of the best!

1. Wealthy Affiliate Premium. Full disclosure I am a premium member with Wealthy Affiliate. The cost is $49 a month and is worth every penny, in my opinion.

You will learn the best principles to make money online. Although this is an affiliate marketing program, it can apply affordable training to virtually any business model. Read my Wealthy Affiliate review here.

2. The Advanced Blogging Playbook. This is brought to you by Chris Lee.

He will show you for free how to build a blog from the beginning to earn $100K a year in 16 months. How does he know how to do it? He has done it now with several of his own blogs in the past 5 years.

You will be so impressed you will want to buy his Blog Accelerator Course for $497. You can get started with the free playbook at

Internet Marketing Training Online - email marketing

3. Email Start-Up Incubator. This is another course from

Anik Singal takes a deep dive into email marketing with 8 modules teaching how to launch an email marketing business.

I harp a lot on building a list for a reason. If Google, Facebook, Amazon, or eBay ever go out of business, you will always have your list to make money with.

Discover how to turn email into revenue for $997 A High-Ticket Program if you feel comfortable learning the skills.

4. eCornell. Get a digital marketing certificate for Cornell University.

Yes, you will be able to say you went to one of the top Ivy League Schools. Pretty cool, right?

Request information here:

5. Udemy. Be careful when you go to this site. It can be addictive.

With over 100,000 courses and 20 million students, Udemy is in high demand. They also happen to be where top Internet marketers go to sell their info products and courses.

You will find courses on everything ranging from Google Adwords and the basics of LinkedIn to YouTube marketing and Amazon FBA at Udemy.

Final thoughts

OK, I have thrown a lot of stuff out at you here in this article. Internet marketing training means so many different things today.

You can try to be a jack of all trades and a master of none. That is a bad approach, in my opinion, especially if you are just getting started.

I think mastering one or two Internet marketing strategies in one business model is the best way to get started. So what if you want to just picks one and go from there?

Affiliate marketing is the easiest and quickest way to start making money online. Learning how to do it is something millions of us have done every day.

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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10 thoughts on “Internet Marketing Training Online – My #1 Recommendation”

  1. Thanks for writing out this lovely article and I must say it is a must for everyone to read and digest.internet marketing has gone viral know making money and promoting business. Am an affiliate marketer with Wealthy Affiliate, this platform has trained and helped in making money online. Weekly training for its member and it gives us the opportunity to operate our blog. Wealthy Affiliate is real and pays there member commission. Nice article, best regards.

    • When starting a business online, choose a company that has training because the Internet keeps changing and we need to know what is current in our business≥ Look for a company that offers a free service for you to see if it is a good fit for you before you shed out your hard earn cash.

      This is the reason I recommend Wealthy Affiliate because covers these two criterias. Plus their support whare ahead of anything I ever have seen and the community is always willing to help.

  2. You have indeed thrown so much at me in this post. Some of them I have heard of, some I have not. I am very curious about being Facebook certified and the social media quick starter. I am already a premium member with Wealthy Affiliate like you I am very happy being with Wealthy Affiliate. Thanks for this post, David. 

    • Juliet, happy that you got some value here and is good to know that you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate. I have been with them over five years now, and I have learned so much and I am willing to share what is working on the internet today. Hope to catch up with you in the community. Talk to you soon.

  3. This is a great informative and educative article for anybody especially newbies in the online business world. You just made my day with “best free Internet marketing training online”! I am currently on some of the one you outlined; wealthy affiliate, Facebook and email but I have never heard of Social Media Quickstarter; “they offer step-by-step instructions to start building your social media presence across all of the top social networks”. 

    This sounds great I am signing up right away. It’s a common belief that nothing good comes easily. The paid Internet Marketing Courses Online are also worth it. I have been with Wealthy Affiliate for some time and I believe it’s worth it. On Udemy I have taken a course there though not relating to marketing online but it worth it too. The others are what I have not tried but I believe they will be worth a try too so I am going to try them out. Thanks for sharing.Hope Email Start-Up Incubator is not spamming email provider?

    • Online training in my mind is a must on a continuous basis because of the changes that take place with Google and their algorithms. The best community to join for ongoing training is Wealthy Affiliate. I can see that you are a member, good choice.

      Socialo media Quickstarter will show you how to build your social media presence right, so take advantage of that. You should also take advantage of the weekly live training by Jay on Fridays, this free training has helped my business and it will do the same for you and those who sign up for them.

      Hope to see you around the community as you build your business and help others to do the same. Talk to you soon.

  4. Thanks for sharing this article on best free internet training online. No doubt wealthy affiliate one of the best online platform that offers free internet marketing training. I am also on the premium courses and I agree that every opportunity to make money online are being thought. 

    Every penny really is worth it. I am as well in Facebook, email secrets but as a starter like me I would love to be through with wealthy affiliate and maybe show interest later in others. Thanks for this awesome article. 

    • Is best to start with WA training and finish all the lessons in all phases as you build your website and get noticed by the search engines. If you have any questions remember to pop into live chat and get your questions answered on the spot by experts.

      If you need a hand with anything, you can use the private message feature and shoot me a message, I would be happy to lend a hand. Talk to you inside the community platform.

  5. Now it is a very impetuous world. I want to find a project that gets rich quickly, but I don’t want to work hard. In the end, I often fall into the trap of being cheated. Everything changed for good when I became an affiliate marketer I’ve been an affiliate marketer for months now. 

    I have participated in several programs like ClickBank and many others. Wealthy Affiliate is the best affiliate marketing program there is and it’s both beginners and professionally friendly. I consider the platform to be the best marketing training community.

    • Affiliate Marketing is what I would recommend for anyone who wants to make money online. Although the road is not an easy journey, with the right training it is possible to succeed online.

      Training is what has been lacking in the industry because it was difficult to build a website and market that website. But today, it is much easier now and it is possible for anyone to gain the skills and build a website from scratch. Wealthy Affiliate makes that possible with the training the members in the community.

      Thank you for your feedback and insight on marketing training online.



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