Is Quora A Reliable Source? | Quora’s Credibility Exposed

Is Quora a Reliable Source? The QQuora Verdict Unveiled

In today’s vast digital landscape, where information is just a click away, the reliability of sources becomes a paramount concern. As someone who frequently seeks knowledge online, I often find myself pondering, Is Quora a reliable source?

This question is not just about one platform; it dives into the broader issue of trustworthiness on the internet. Join me as we unravel the intricacies of Quora’s credibility and explore the factors that contribute to its reputation as a source of information.

In recent years it has become the largest blog answering and questioning site. Bloggers tend to switch back and forth from Yahoo Answers to Quora for reliable and Valuable answers. For example, many bloggers get a good and reliable income for carrying out guest blogging.

You can post your questions and their answers while other users are invited to comment or answer your question. This platform enables users to interact with others who share similar interests, such as making money online or offline.

Remember, some of the most significant traffic sites on the Internet started as blogs. Nowadays, blogging is an excellent way to earn money.

For example, many bloggers get a good and reliable income just for carrying out guest blogging. In this post, we’ll answer the question; is Quora a reliable source?

What Is Quora?

Quora is a website where people ask and answer questions. The idea behind the website was created by two friends: CEO Adam D’Angelo and Facebook employee Charlie Cheever. It was launched in July 2009. The company headquarters are located in San Francisco, California.

The concept behind Quora is simple: Ask a real Question, Get quality Answers. Monthly Users can upload a profile photo and also write articles about any topic they want. the platform is not a waste of time.

Quora is a great place to find information about any social network, search engine, or blogging platform, but you should be careful when using it. If you don’t know what to do with the information that you find, you could end up getting scammed.

How Does Quora Work?

There are three main ways to use Quora:

  • 1. Asking Questions
  • 2. Writing Articles
  • 3. Answering Questions

Asking a Question

To start asking a question, click on the “Ask Question” button at the top right corner of the page. You will see a form with several fields. Fill them all in and then click on the “Submit” button.

After submitting your question, you will receive an email notification from Quora. Click on the link inside the message to open the question.

Writing Articles

To create an article, click on the ‘Write Article’ button at the top right-hand corner of the page. On the next screen, enter your title, description, tags, and categories. Then fill in the body of the article. Once you have finished writing, click on the „Publish” button.

Answering Questions

When someone asks a question, you can answer it. Just click on the “Answer” button at the bottom of the question. Your answer will appear below the question.

If you feel like you have answered the question correctly, you can click on the “Accept Answer” button. Otherwise, if you think that your answer is wrong, you can click on “Reject Answer”.

Is Quora Reliable as Old people to a child?

Is Quora legit?

Yes, Quora is very legit. It is owned by Yahoo! Answers which is a subsidiary of Yahoo Inc.

It is a place where people can share knowledge and get answers to their questions.

How do I block Quora?

Go to the homepage of Quora and click on the three dots icon at the top right-hand side of the page. From there select “Settings”.

Click on “Privacy & Security”.

Scroll down until you find “Blocking”. Click on “block now”.

You are done. You cannot see any posts from Quora anymore.

What is the Difference between Quora and Yahoo Answers?

Yahoo Answers is a site where people post answers to questions asked by others.

On the other hand, Quora is a Q&A platform where people can ask questions and receive answers.

Yahoo Answers is free while Quora costs money.

Is Quora The Best Way to Increase Your Visibility as a Blogger?

Since its launch in 2009, Quora has become home to millions of registered male and female users, which means it is one of the best platforms to increase your presence as a reliable source of information or blogger. For instance, if you’re a beginner who wants to improve your web presence, you should consider this site.

Thousands of Anonymous questions are posted on this site, and users provide answers on different topics and genres. Among the benefits of this site is that it’s free to use, for example, when signing up for a blogging account. Its interface is easy to use, which means you don’t need programming skills to post any questions.

Need a Better Source Than Quora?

Why Is Quora A Reliable Source?

If you want to provide your users with relevant buyer information about products and services, you should remember that Quora is a Question-And-Answer Platform, that lets you post questions, and others will answer you.

It’s one of the best ways to increase traffic to your business website or blog. Yes, sometimes stupid questions are posted, but they get removed. Your company can benefit from it if you post relevant questions or answers related to your industry or business model.

Remember that one way of succeeding when it comes to online marketing is increasing traffic to your site. For instance, if you want to get real visitors to your website, you can post your site’s URL below the answers you post, which means you will increase traffic to your site.

Quora is basically a forum

When you sign up for a Quora account, you will be able to create profiles where you can add profile pictures, videos, links, and more. You can also write posts, ask questions, and receive feedback from other users.

This is why Quora is considered one of the best platforms for building relationships with potential customers.

How Can Quora Help Build Relationships With Potential Customers?

The first thing you should know is that Quora isn’t only a place to find answers to your questions. It’s actually an online community where people discuss and share ideas and question writers about any topic of their choice.

You can join groups based on your interests, and you can even start your own group. If you have a particular topic, you can create a discussion around it.

In addition to this, you can also follow other users, and they can do the same. When you follow someone, you’ll see all their updates, including comments and replies to their questions.

The Pros and Cons Of Quora (Question Asker)

I’m impressed with Quora for several reasons, which I have already pointed out of them. However, no website is perfect.

Let’s do this. Let me do the pros and cons of Quora, and then we will wrap this article up.

Pros Of Quora

I like Quora, so listing a few of the pros is easy for me.

  1. Branding.
    Because I’m such a large believer in blogging, I understand the importance of branding yourself as an individual or your blog in a specific niche.
    Quora really gives you a chance to brand yourself as an expert in your specific niche. This only works if you answer questions honestly and provide beneficial information. This is similar to if you were in a discussion forum answering questions with helpful information instead of writing short answers to increase your post count.
  2. It’s free, sort of.
    OK, it will not cost you any money. However, what it will cost you is time. This has always been one of the big advantages of using the Internet to market something.
    What you lack in money you can make up for by investing your personal time. If you’re willing to do that, you can begin to get your name, your blog, your products, etc., out there because you are developing a reputation by the time you invest in answering questions on Quora.
  3. Get your questions answered.
    I tend to be writing on my blog about tips as though you are doing the marketing.
    However, you can also go to Quora to get questions you have answered. This is a good way to interact with other Internet marketers and solve a problem you may have.
  4. Start a debate.
    Not every answer may be the correct one, in your opinion. This allows you to jump in and give what you think is the right answer. This can lead to a debate that is friendly and can be helpful to everybody involved.

Cons Of Quora

As I said, I like Quora, so listing a few of the cons is a little harder for me.

  1. It’s hard to get around in.
    For newbies, it can be a daunting site to navigate. However, once you get the hang of it, Quora is like anything else that is new; it becomes easier to take advantage of.
  2. Fact check.
    Other Quora users supply the answers to questions. This community of users is not an editorial board.
    It would help if you determined whether what you’re reading is factual or not. I personally think it’s worth taking a little more time to fact-check specific questions and answers if it’s something that can affect your business positively or negatively.

What Platform To Use

In my opinion, try different platforms to advertise your business, and the ones that you feel comfortable with and are having success with, spend a little more time with that one.

Platforms such as Quora provide us with an opportunity to put forward our opinions, which means other users will respond and acknowledge if they are truthful or not. This can be both helpful as well as entertaining at times.

Is Quora Reliable?

If you post informative canonical questions and answers on this site, your business traffic will improve because users will identify you as an expert in your field or industry. It is a passive way to get more eyeballs on your own blog. It means that Quora is a reliable site for those who post mature content that is informative and engaging.

Remember, it’s free to sign up among its many benefits, which means it is a good option for start-up businesses. Posting on this site is easy, thanks to being easy to use.

Quora has millions of users, which means you’re sure your company’s visibility will increase. If you want to become an authority in your industry, you should consider signing up for this site or consider my recommendation to get your questions answered.

Final Thoughts

In concluding my exploration into the reliability of Quora as an information source, it’s evident that our quest for trustworthy content in the digital realm requires a nuanced approach. We’ve critically examined the elements that influence our perception of Quora’s credibility.

While it offers a valuable space for diverse insights, the responsibility lies with us as users to discern the reliability of the information presented. So, the next time someone asks, “Is Quora a reliable source?” we can navigate the answer with a deeper understanding.

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38 thoughts on “Is Quora A Reliable Source? | Quora’s Credibility Exposed”

  1. Great article, David. I love Quora. I enjoy the community interaction and the interesting variety of questions! I have posted a few and answered a few. And I agree, it is a great source of traffic to your website.
    Thanks for sharing

    • Michelle, glad that the article appealed to you. the community at Quora is very engaging and a good place to get ideas on what to write for your blog. It reminds me of Yahoo Answers, a place where I get most of my blog ideas from. traffic is good but it can really absorb a lot of your time, especially if you the one that asks the question. Thank you for the comment.

  2. Hi David,

    You gave a very good review about Quora, very clear information, especially putting out the pros and cons. It is an honest discussion about the topic. Your article is very easy to follow and an eye-opener.

    I’m a newbie in Affiliate marketing and will check it out soon.

    Thanks for the recommendation.


    • Marita, thank you for the feedback about Quora and kind words. Glad that it was an eye-opener to you and you some value here. Good to see that you are in Affiliate Marketing, one of the best place to be as far as I concern. Wish you great success as you build your business.

    • Quora is horrible, it is not a reliable source whatsoever. Do not use quora for anything! I have tried to make it where my search engines do not bring quora up, but it still shows up. None of the people on there have any idea what they are talking about. It is run by biased trash!

      • I understand your pain and not all things in life work for everyone. Is like my first marriage, should I stop dating or tell all my male friends stay away from women? I think not.

        I am only sharing what’s work for me, I cannot share what works for you or don’t work for you
        If you have failure in one or more area in your business, should you share that it is not good. Don’t think is the right approach.

        I leave this comment up so that others may get a field about what they should share and understand that not all things that is not working they should criticize. Rather learn how to make it work.

        I would love to spend the time and show you how you can help someone via Quora build there business. Or is it because you did not get the help you were looking for it created a bad taste in your mouth? Please let me know, I would live to help. Thank you for your honest comment and I wish you all the best with your business. God Speed.

  3. This is a great article. I am a new blogger and I am constantly looking for platforms that can help drive traffic to my website for free. Ive heard of Quora but never did any research on the platform or even knew what it was for. Because of this article I am very much interested in Quora now and will browse the site. Thank you

    • Dashana, thank you for the comment and kind words. My team members were asking this question about Quora for some time now, so I decided to answer by writing an article about it. It can work to help you with your brand if you ask the right questions and follow up by giving valuable answers.

      Feel free to study this platform, and if done right, you can drive tons of traffic to your website. Look forward on hearing your experience and what it has done for your business, look forward to hearing your accomplishments with Quora. All the best.

  4. There have been countless of questions that Quora has answered for me! It’s a really great place to get answers to any problems you might have. I have tried answering questions to generate traffic to my blog, but I wasn’t successful. I know it’s possible and there’s a lot of traffic to be gained for it, I just didn’t have a good strategy to do it. People don’t like if you’re just throwing your link around.

    • Donny, glad that you have gotten lots of your questions answered here is always good to do the same for others by answering their questions. The traffic is long-term and if done right it can help brand you as an expertise in your business. Many has follow my strategies and it did work for them, so take your time and learn to do it right.

      What have worked for me is that, I do not place my blog links every time. I have done it sporadically, and that has worked best for me. If someone ask a question sometime I go about it leaving a answer without a link. If that same questions continues, on the third time I will place a link, and that link would be a blog article to help that person get a further understanding on the question they ask. Hope that helps.

  5. Dear David,
    Thanks for the post on “Is Quora A Reliable Source? Why You Should Consider Using It” Recently I started using Quora and I got a few visitors to my site through Quora. And we can get a lot of information from Quora and as you rightly said it helps in branding us and our site. Thanks for the post again!
    Your Friend,

    • Quora is very helpful in getting your questions answered, and serve as a place to help others with their business. Be careful when answering others that you don’t like you are spamming. leaving your links is good but sometimes if you engaged in a certain topic, is better to leave your links out. Hope that helps.

  6. Hey i really enjoyed this article, i have tried out that app recently. I havent used it that much but i have answered some questions on it. I really need to get back into it so i can bring in more traffic to my site. It does look like a lot of people are interested in blogging the only problems is others are also trying to promote so you got to try to be the better one!

    • Justin, you hit the nail on the head. You can find yourself spamming and not using Quora for what it was real intended for. but if you provide some real value, your website and offer can attract a lot of customers.

      It is even good to answer problems at times without leaving a link to your offer. Hope that helps!

  7. Hi David,
    I enjoyed this article on the Pros and Cons of Quora because I’m always interested in different perspectives. I’ve been a fan of Quora for some time and have definitely derived benefits for my website in the form or relevant traffic and also backlinks. Once you’ve answered questions in a particular area (such as affiliate marketing), you’ll be asked to respond to future questions in the same general area. I’ve found it beneficial to provide thoughtful answers on Quora’s site and provide links to articles on my own website that delve further into the issue. Thanks for the interesting read!

    • Hey Linda, glad that you enjoy this article, and thank you for leaving a comment and some insights about Quora. It can really boost you traffic, but you can get lots of ideas to write articles about as well.

      If you give honest answers to people questions and provide valuable website for them to research, you will be view as an expert and people will buy your offers. Good to know that you are seeing results from using Quora as a reliable source for traffic. Take care!

  8. Hallo there,

    I have really been considering using Quora to increase the visibility of my site and hopefully make a few dollars off of it.

    The thing is, many people are talking about how great it is to leverage and I think it’s worth the try after reading your post. Thanks for confirming it is worth the shot.

    Have a good one.

    • Hey Dave, glad to be of help, if you need anything going forward with Quora, please contact me, it would be a pleasure to lend a helping hand. Talk to you soon.

  9. great article avid. I also have gotten answers from Quora a few times. Personally, I think it’s a great place to visit.

  10. Great site. Well laid out and informative article that readers can easily relate to. Although I have used quora to get answers, it never occurred to me, until reading your article, to use it to build traffic to my site. Thanks for the idea. Great job. Well done. The fact that you write from your own experience makes your articles so much more acceptable. I wouldn’t change this technique for any reason. Your site is realistic and welcoming Much success.

    • Muhammad, thank you for your kind words and comment. Remember when using Quora don’t appear to be spamming by repeating your links when asking questions, when giving answers as well when starting out. 

      That is the reason I recommend everyone to join Wealthy Affiliate, cause all the training within you have an affiliate link associated to these training, and you can use that to answer people questions. 

  11. Hallo there,

    I have been trying to increase the visibility of a new website I launched and a friend of mine recommended Quora because it has helped with increasing his website traffic and authority.

    I see you say the same, which means it is something I can trust. I am going to get started with it tomorrow. Thanks a lot for confirming its reliability.

    • Dave, Quora will increase your traffic if done right. so consider using it as a reliable source. Always willing to help, but keep in mind that your number one source of driving traffic to your website is through competitive keywords rich articles on a weekly basis.

  12. I’ve often wondered at the validity of Quora as a source of information and whether it was simply opinions – and how this could benefit my online business. You’ve answered most of my questions already thankfully, but I’m wondering if I should focus on answering other’s queries on Quora, or whether I should place my own and how this would benefit my blog?

    • We are living in an information age, and more people are becoming aware on the direction they should take. If you concentrate on providing value to your audience, then they will learn to trust you.

      Quora serves as a good source to get information from, and if you can contribute by helping others, that would help in getting more eyeballs on your offers. What ever you write on your blog can answer most people problems and that should be your main focus, filling a need. Hope that helps.

  13. The investment you need put into Quora to have a good reputation is the same process like Reddit or Twitter. You have to have traction and a history of good juicy posts, or good juicy questions and answers. What if you are not an know it all? What if you are just an average joe shmo? Well the good news is that there are plenty of questions that can be answered only specifically by someone like you. You might have a special knowledge about African purple tulips and someone might inquire when is the best season for planting and growing African purple tulips – you never know. And you can find some random questions and answers that can really expand your thinking and mind. I think Quora is a great place to “waste time” and hang out because you learn a lot by doing so.

    • Sophia, thank you for your insight on why Quora can help in your business. New platforms are popping up often and if your business is reaching people, you have to go where they hang out, and Quora is one place you can find them.

      It is also a good place to get your question answered and a place you can help others as well as you build your brand. Thank you for commenting and adding to this article. Wish you all the best with your business.

  14. Hi David,

    It’s great to see the pros and cons of Quora. I definitely need to use it more wisely and I’ve learnt so much about it from this review!

    What would be the one thing you’d recommend to someone just getting started using it?

    I like the fact you can start a debate using it. It seems like a great way to communicate with a community!

    Thanks again,


    • Hey Mike, thank you for the comment and kind words about this article. Quora is a good place to build your brand and is a place that you can give value to people as well.

      If you want this platform to work for you, focus of helping people and stay away of posting links on a regular basis. This would look more like scamming as oppose to helping. I hope I was able to answer your question. As you mention, it is a great place to communicate with a community that focus on helping each other.

  15. Thanks David,  You did it again….another great post.  I feel like I have been out of the loop.  I have never checked out Quora.  I have to make a point of checking it out though.  I am finding all of these sites that I can leverage to drive free traffic to my blog.  My only issue is the time that it takes.  I guess just like everything else it will work if I just add it to my daily routine.

    • tom, thank you for stopping by again and leaving such positive comment. You right about the time it would take to get involve in all these traffic generation strategies. my advise to you is pick one or two, and gain momentum in those two before you move on to others.

      Then as you begin to get traffic you can always outsource this part of your business from a percentage of your income. You would be surprise with the amount of people who are experts in this field while you focus on other part of your business.

  16. Hi David, I have heard of Quora, kind of in passing, but this explanation of how it operates shows me that I need to sign up to what could be a useful platform for me. I need traffic and also the network and information. What I like is that it seems to be a reliable source and worth the try. Thanks for the information.

    • JJ you are missing out by not using Quora. Is a place where you learn so much and a vehicle for helping people. just like Wealthy affiliate, the program that I promote to help people how to make an honest and reliable home based business from home. Thanks!

  17. Quora is something that I heard of but did not have the time to give it some thought. After reading your article it did pique my interest that is something that I need to implement in my business to build my web presence and brand.

    You mention as newbies it can be difficult to navigate around, what should be the right approach and how can I use it effectively to increase my traffic and build my audience?

    I hope this can help get traffic to my blog by answering different questions and getting answers to my questions as well. Thanks for the review, and I look forward to hearing back from you.


    • Branding is key to building a successful business, and if you can help people by answering most of their concerns and question, you can be very valuable in the marketplace. That in itself is what going to help build your business.

      Quora is a great platform if you focus on helping people as opposed to getting traffic to your website. Not all the time you should post a link. With the company I market, most of the members send them to a post that they made on Wealthy Affiliate platform, and that is what brings in the traffic. 

      So if you have a company that you post to, find the answers in one of the post and send your audience to that. Over time your traffic would increase. Hope that answer your question. Thank you for the comment

  18. Although I haven’t tasted quora benefits I heard its one of the best platform that can enhance your blogging skills and your visibility as a blogger. From your article, It is obvious the pros outweigh its cons which makes it much more recommendable and reliable. I think its high time I register on the platform. Thanks for the eye opener 

    • Yes, using Quora can help you build your brand and increase your audience presence. educating people is always the right approach, and if you can build your blog in that way, most people learn to like and trust you and therefore will be willing to buy from you.

      Quora is also a good place to get your questions answered as well. Once you start using the platform, you can easily get hooked and sometimes carried away, so be careful.


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