My Lead System PRO Review – Does This System Work Today?

I am going to do a My Lead System Pro review in this article. We will see if this system still works today and if it would benefit your business.

  • Name: My Lead System PRO Review
  • Website:
  • Price: $42/mo to $250/mo.
  • Owners: Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz, and Todd Schlomer

What is My Lead System PRO?

In 2008 Brian Fanale, Norbert Orlewicz, and Todd Schlomer founded My Lead System Pro with a particular goal in mind. They wanted to provide the best Multi-level Marketing training tools for MLM marketers.

My Lead System Pro is also recognized by the letters MLSP. It is an online marketing system and community built for online business owners such as network marketers, bloggers, affiliate marketers, internet marketers, etc. MLSP has produced several success stories in the network marketing industry.

Overall Rank: 90 out of 100

Why Join My Lead System PRO?

Because it can help you stay in demand by teaching you new skills, you will meet with other like-minded online business owners, so you will talk with people who have got your back.

It can help you hone your craft. You will make more money. And you will become a better person.

How Does MLSP Work?

It focuses on attraction marketing. It is hard to convert cold traffic.


Because most of these people do not know or trust you, so they are not interested in your products. MLSP helps you build your brand by showing you how to offer value to your potential customers.

However, it is hard to master attraction marketing.

It takes time, especially if you do not have a mentor. Attraction marketing is effective if done right.

So, MLSP has training that teaches attraction marketing. The training can teach you how to increase your leads and online sales.

My Lead System PRO teaches how to get traffic online, generate leads, and market yourself.

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MLSP’s training is up-to-date. Top industry leaders use this system, so they keep the training up-to-date.

The training covers different topics related to internet marketing. There is training for video marketing, paid ads, social media marketing, and much more.

What Tools Does It Offer?

My Lead System PRO Review - social media marketing

My Lead System PRO not only provides training but it gives you several tools for generating, growing, and engaging with your online leads. It cost thousands of dollars to buy these tools separately.

1. Funnelizer – It is used to build custom sales pages, sales funnels, and opt-in pages.

2. MLSP sites – It is a blogging platform. It is used to create blogs and publish content. And it helps with content marketing or Search Engine Optimization.

3. MLSP Customer Relationship Manager – It is used to follow up with subscribers, send Emails, schedule appointments, track potential customers, and rate a prospect. Basically, it helps build a relationship with email subscribers.

4. Daily Morning Wake-up Call – My Lead System PRO hosts a Podcast every morning. The leaders, who host these Podcasts, share their knowledge and experience with the members. They motivate the members in the morning.

Will MLSP Work For ME?

It has worked for several people. They worked for these people because they were committed to learning the system.

And they implemented everything they learn. If you are willing to commit to this system and take action, you will see results.

What About the Support?

My Lead System PRO offers 3 main kinds of support.

1. 1-on-1 Coaching – It is offered by MLSP-certified coaches. They work with you 1 on 1. They will help you create a custom marketing plan.

2. Community – You will not be alone when you join MLSP. There is a huge community that can support you.

3. Live Chat – If you want to get help immediately, use the Live Chat feature.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Who is My Lead System PRO For?

getting leads to your through email marketing

Do you want to promote your offline business? Do you want to learn how to get leads online?

Do you want to learn how to promote your affiliate marketing business? Do you want to expand your Network Marketing business?

Do you want to increase your income? If your answer is yes to one of these questions, then My Lead System PRO may very well be for you.

Yes, My Lead System Pro is a legitimate online business. People who try to brand it as a scam are usually people who have failed either with MLSP or affiliate marketing or network marketing in general.

Having said that, I do want to comment on MLSP and MLM in general. Even today, with the help of the Internet, MLM has a very high failure rate.

How high?

At one time, 95% of all people who joined an MLM company quit before they ever made money. However, the reason they quit is not so much the fact that they never made money. It is the fact that they lost money.

If you are not going to work your warm market, you need to work a cold market and develop them into a warm market.

That is really what My Lead System Pro is trying to help you do. They offer high-quality tools to help you do this.

Those tools do come at a price. As we mentioned, you will spend anywhere from $42 a month on the low end to $250 a month on the high end.

This is another business expense you can add to the cost of being in the MLM, auto-ship products you buy every month, so you become a product of the product, so to speak, and any other marketing you spend time and money on.

This adds up and eventually still drives, I would guess, 90% of network marketers away from the business.

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10 thoughts on “My Lead System PRO Review – Does This System Work Today?”

  1. Thank you for this very well written review of My Lead System Pro. I’ve run across this platform when I was first looking to start my business and although I found it an attractive tool for marketing, I did not have the monthly funds to invest in the program when my expenses were already so high with little return. 

    I am excited to see there is an affiliate marketing community I can join for free! I am much more comfortable checking this opportunity out before making an investment. Thanks so much!

    • Shannon, thank you for your comment, and I was in that same system the only difference was that I was already started with Wealthy Affiliate and started my training, so changing services was not my intention. Although the services and tools are in place, the cost has proven to be a big issue with most people who wanted to get started for the first time with an online business.

      Wealthy Affiliate Free startup program is attracting a lot of first-time internet marketers because they have the privilege of trying out the system before they make any monthly commitment. That is what had drawn me, but within days, I see that this was the system I wanted, so I upgraded. And I have not looked back since. Will meet up with you inside the community. 

  2. The way I see this can be most interesting indeed is, as you mentioned, for already established businesses, who
    want a (stronger) online presence and are willing to invest for it.

    People who do their proper research (which MLSP can help with) and know what they are doing and are ready to take their business to the next level.

    Either way, talking from experience, I’m sure MLSP, or whatever other system is out there, works for those who go into it with the right mindset and are willing to actually put forth work.
    ‘Tis as they say, “You reap what you sow”.

    • Raheem, is always a pleasure you commenting on my blog, and happy to see from time to time cause your insights are well received. Would love to have a sit down with you just to pick your brain a little. It would be an honor. Keep that in mind I am in NYC. MLSP is something to add if you are already full-time and earning a decent income from home.

      The breakdown is whatever you decide to work on and jump in with both feet, you will be successful if your mindset is right, as you mentioned. That is exactly what I did with Wealthy Affiliate, and it is working for me. Sowing and reaping is definitely a law that works if you work it. Hope to see you in NYC soon.

  3. You have written a nice review of Lead System PRO. David, I am actually intrigued by the product because it focuses on MLM which I think is the most important problem for most internet marketers: tools

    I have never been successful in MLM.!

    But to be honest Brian Fanale I think his true talent is in training people to become successful in network marketing.
    Can you give me a reason why I should purchase his product this time around

    • Peeters, the reason that most MLM business fails is because of a lack of training and the tools you are needed to build a business online and offline. This is not the case with MLSP as you see in my Review.

      The failure rate in MLM is very high so I understand your point of view here.

      Brian, Norbert, and Todd are true masters in their own way and what they put together is seldom seen on the Internet. The reason I think you should give it a go is because of the intense training and the wide range of marketing strategies they use to get traffic to your website especially email marketing. Hope that helps!

  4. Hi David, thanks again for your tips. This Lead System PRO sends out some good signals to me. There are so many platforms offering tips and services to online users that it sometimes gets confusing. 

    There are also many of us who start an online business and it is just not pumping and running as we want. The big takeaway here is to take you from cold to warm…get that traffic sales up. Thanks again. I am noting this one

    • Hey JJ, I too had a positive overview of My Lead System Pro, that is the reason for me writing this review to let my audience be aware of this legitimate system and is not confusing.

      It is difficult to be shelling your cash and not able to get a return if the monthly commitment is high, and that is why I choose Wealthy Affiliate for my audience who do not have a high budget to start a business. But if they do, nothing wrong with MLSP, and as you mention, showing how to transfer your cold market to a warm one online.

      Thank you for your feedback.

  5. I am personally new into the affiliate marketing arena. I have not seen fruits to my labor yet but am hopeful and excited for the future! Being a part of a like-minded community truly helps – the success stories keep you motivated and the support and resources help propel your potential success! It does take time and hard work, though. Question – your article says lead system PRO but then your redirected article is about wealthy affiliate. Are they the same thing?

    • Affiliate is one of the easiest ways to make money online, and if you follow the SEO guidelines and learn how to attract your audience to your offer, you can build you affiliating business to a full-time income online.

      My MLSP Review is a system that proves to be legit and there are few people who went on to become successful with this system. The system I use is Wealthy Affiliate because the training on Affiliate Marketing is one of the best I have come across on the Internet.

      With Wealthy Affiliate, you can start for free, and if this is a good fit, then you can upgrade for only $49.00 a month to build your business into a full-time income in what services you desire. so no MLSP and WA are not the same. 

      Professional marketers are there at your service and a community who want to see you succeed. Plus you have me to guide you along the right path and show you what I am doing to have success. Hope that helps and thank you for the comment


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