Making A Change – And What It Will Do For Your Income!

Making a change comes down to the choices you make. Once you understand that and you can begin the process of making the changes that you want in your life.

In this article, I want to talk specifically about changes you can make that will affect an increase in your income in a positive way! You can take the same concepts and apply them to other areas of your life if you choose as well.

Fear of making a change

Whether you realize it or not fear is holding you back at least on some level in your life. You need to determine exactly what it is that you fear and vow to overcome those things.

When you do this you’ll be able to start making choices that will allow you to make the changes you want in all areas of your life including making more money. Let me give you an example.

making a change

I talk a lot about starting a blog and implementing it in various ways to make more money in affiliate marketing. However, most people won’t take this step because they are afraid of writing, of marketing their blog, or maybe something else that is holding them back.

You could say the same thing when it comes to all kinds of different Internet marketing strategies. Unless you master at least a couple of ways of doing Internet marketing you’re never going to make any money on the Internet if you’re relying on people coming to your blog or website.

  • F- Forget
  • E- Everything
  • A- And
  • R- Run

I came across this in a Google search on fear. That is what most of us do and you are not going to be making any changes taking this approach to handle fear.

  • F- Face
  • E- Everything
  • A- And
  • R- Rise

Zig Ziglar says the choice is yours. Fear assumes the outcome for you unless you face that fear and rise above it. This is a must for you to make the changes you need to make to increase your income.

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Look At Your Business Model

Your business model is the way you have chosen to make money online. Examples of business models include…..

  • – get paid to programs
  • – affiliate marketing
  • – network marketing
  • – e-commerce
  • – information websites

And much more. Are you in the right business model for making money?

I think this is the first and most important question that you must ask yourself in terms of making changes so you can earn more money. As an example, if you are not really a people person, yet you’re in the network marketing business model, you need to decide if you can do this or not.

The same thing is true for some of the other business models I’ve listed. Some people don’t really view getting paid to programs as a business model.

Yet they are trying to make money by getting paid to take surveys or participate in opinion groups every day. I can tell you this is not a good way to make a lot of money, but it could be a good way to supplement a few extra hundred dollars a month.

Really take a step back and analyze how you are going to go about making money online from this day forward. If you’re not in the right business you need to make a change and try something different.

niche for your businessChoose The Right Niche

The niche you are in is the market you’re targeting. Are you in the right niche?

There are so many niches you can be in on the Internet today. People who make the most money either target a specific niche that they have a passion for or are an expert in, or they drill down to a micro-niche.

A micro niche is taking a broad niche and making it a little smaller. For example, the make money online niche is very broad.

Making money online in affiliate marketing is a smaller niche in the MMO niche. Making money online in affiliate marketing doing pay-per-click ads would be a micro-niche.

If you’re not in the right niche you have a perfect opportunity right now to make a change and get into something more appropriate for you.

Monetizing A Niche

This is where you get to decide how you’re going to make money. You have the perfect opportunity to change how you go about making money right now.

The key thing is to find products or strategies that are specific to the niche you are in. This is one reason that Internet marketers use Google AdSense ads so much.

You can build information websites and focus on providing high-quality information on those sites. When you monetize them with Google AdSense ads Google will match the ads to the theme of the site you have.

This means that your website visitors are looking at ads they have an interest in. In this case, your monetizing strategy is pay-per-click ads from Google which has an affiliate program known as Google AdSense.

Let’s say you join an MLM business in the health niche. Your products will be chosen for you by the MLM business.

You get to decide whether you are going to focus on retailing those products or focus on sponsoring new members in your downline.

Affiliate marketing and network marketing are both good business models in terms of product selection. This is good for people who do not have a product to sell.

Final Thoughts

There’s more I can say in terms of making a change as it applies to making more money. Of course, your attitude is extremely important.

You may need to make changes in how you think about making more money before you can make changes in the actual implementation of the strategies I have just laid out for you.

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