Making Money On ClickBank – Digital Affiliate Marketing Tips!

One of the first, and still one of the largest, affiliate networks on the Internet today is making money on ClickBank. This is a place where affiliate marketers can go to sell digital information products.

Many affiliates start out with Clickbank because it’s a fast way to earn money online in multiple numbers of niches using just one ID number. Over time the most successful affiliate marketers of those who branch into using ClickBank in a variety of ways and in multiple niches.

Let’s talk about some of the benefits and tips for selling digital information using ClickBank and the affiliate marketing business model!

The Basics

1. Instant access. Internet access is a powerful selling feature. That’s what you get when you’re selling digital information products from the ClickBank library of e-books, reports, and other downloadable products.

2. No inventory requirements. You do not have to inventory anything when you’re in the digital information business. As a click bank affiliate, you’re selling information that is not physical in nature so it doesn’t require any delivery. You have access to thousands of products to sell right away!

3. High commissions. How does 50% to 75% sound? Because there are no ongoing manufacturer costs for digital products the affiliate merchant can offer very high commission rates.

4. Thousands are members. Clickbank has been in business for 20 years and they have thousands of affiliates so you will be in good company! However, do not be afraid of too much competition with ClickBank as there are so many ways to promote and hide what you are promoting.

5. Very easy to promote. When you join ClickBank for free you will set up your i.d. name which can easily be inserted into every product ClickBank has to offer. If you want you can promote that URL and you are off and running.

6. Start a blog. This is how I see the most successful affiliates making money with ClickBank. As in other types of affiliate marketing, you are not always better off using the replicated affiliate site.

I started with a Community here for free as an Affiliate Marketer.

Let’s talk more about marketing your Clickbank products.

selling digital software on Clickbank

Promoting & Making Money On ClickBank In 4 Steps!

Because you have so many different ways to market online today ClickBank is a fast way to promote something and sell. For example…..

1. Discussion Forums. You can add a ClickBank product to a signature file and promote it that way.

Even better would be to create a blog post about your product and promote it in your signature file, and on your profile page. Participate in discussions where people can see you become visible and naturally click on whatever you do decide to promote.

Related Video: Clickbank Success Tips – 3 Simple Strategies To Easy Clickbank Commissions

Just don’t promote directly on any of the threads as this will get you banned from most discussion forums.

2. Review pages. Write a review and post it on your blog. Promote the review page as opposed to your ClickBank page.

This can be an advantage to you if you use the product you are reviewing. Of course, this means you’re going to have to buy that product if you want to write an honest review based on personal experience.

However, most affiliates will not do that so you have the advantage of writing from a position of personal experience which makes you more believable. Just write your own honest review with both the pros and cons of the product and you can use that to make more sales.

3. Email marketing. This is my favorite way to make money with Clickbank. You will need to build your own email list or market to other people’s lists.

Many Clickbank products come with email messages that automatically have your CB link in them. You can just copy and paste them into your autoresponder and shoot an email off to your list.

If you prefer to hide the URL just use Google Shortener and replace it in the email message. You could also buy a domain name and redirect it to your Clickbank page. This is great if you are going to really market something and need a URL that looks like your own. Google Shortener and replace it in the email message.

You could also buy a domain name and redirect it to your Clickbank page. This is great if you are going to really market something and need a URL that looks like your own.

4. Blogging tips. Clickbank products can be used in multiple numbers of ways when you start your own blog.

People that have niche blogs automatically gravitate to ClickBank to find the best products to instantly begin promoting. Look for products that offer the highest commissions, and have the highest gravity number. This just means these products are being sold more by other affiliates so you know it’s a product that the public is interested in.

One easy way to sell a Click Bank product in a blog post is to just link from a keyword phrase which is known as a text link. Another thing you can do is create videos on YouTube and add them to a new blog post or even two existing blog posts.

Of course, many ClickBank affiliate products come with banner ads or you can just paste them on your blog and earn commissions when people click on them and buy something from your affiliate sales page.

Making Money On Clickbankfinal thoughts

What is not to love about ClickBank? It is definitely one of the most popular affiliate networks where you can go and immediately begin selling digital products as an affiliate marketer.

When you join Click Bank for free try to think of it as starting your own digital information business. Although ClickBank takes a small transaction fee for the sales you make, because of the high commission rate you can make a lot of money as a Clickbank affiliate and do it in a variety of ways!

If you need help on how to get started with affiliate marketing, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, personal private assistance, my personal help, and much more.

PS: Click here to review my #1 recommendation in detail.

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18 thoughts on “Making Money On ClickBank – Digital Affiliate Marketing Tips!”

  1. Hi David,
    Thanks for the review. I am new in affiliate marketing. I feel Clickbank is one the best. I am particularly impressed by the earning power, 50 to 75% of the selling price, which is the only program with such high offer I aware of.

    With such high commission, it is certainly worthy to use paid ads, such as Facebook ads, to attract the potential buy. With targeted audiences from Facebook, there is some potential to make sells.

    Thank you very much for your sharing.

    • Hi Anthony, glad that this review on Clickbank was helpful, Please learn more about the product you choose before starting your marketing campaign. facebook ads is one of my favorites, but if you do not set it up right you can lose money quickly. Relevance is key when doing PPC.

      Please keep me updated on your approach and how you are going to set up your Facebook ads. Talk to you soon.

  2. if making money online is good, making money with Clickbank is definitely much more great because of the high commissions attached to it. I have heard quite some negative things about Clickbank but then, seeing that they offer so much commission as this is really cool to know of.

    Since they have a good return policy, it would be awesome to promote some of their products since the possibilities of making money online are immense with them. Most affiliate networks that I work with pay less than 30%. Hence, this is really interesting to see here. Thanks for sharing

    • Clickbank has had issues back then because of the products and huge chargebacks, but they have gotten better in recent years, and are very particular on the products that vendors market. I was one who had stopped using them in the past but decided to take a second look recently.

      They do have a high commissions payout, and a huge number of digital products to choose from in a wide variety of niche.  I would definitely do my due diligence and take a look at what they have to offer. Thank you for the feedback.

  3. These are very great tips I have to confess. I didn’t know about most of these tips before if not I would’ve made so much from it. I actually am an affiliate marketer and j use Clickbank. I swell digital products from there and one of the big reasons I like it is that they have very awesome commissions for their affiliates. I will use your tips here and see how well I can be successful with Clickbank.

    • Henderson, I appreciate that you find these tips on Clickbank helpful. They have many products to choose from and you can see which ones are converting well by looking at their gravity. The higher the gravity the better the conversion. Wish you great success with Clickbank.

  4. Thank you for sharing! Looks very enticing, I have heard of affiliate marketing but never really considered it. Does it matter what kind of blog you choose to do? How much writing do you have to do? Sounds almost too good to be true! 50-75% commissions definitely have my attention, I will have to check this out!

    • it is really that simp[le once you learn how to build a website, monetize it and drive traffic to make sales continuously. and you can learn all that with Wealthy Affiliate as I have.

      When starting out with your website, posting 12 articles a month is the best place to start. Choose the blog by taking a look at your passion, then pick a relevant niche so that your post would be uplifting to your audience as they learn to like and trust you. I hope that helps!

      If when you join WA, you can meet me inside for further direction for building a successful website that would be around for a long time. you will also have a community to work with you as well and the owners Kyle and Carson are always available to answer any questions and to help with your training.


  5. It’s very nice of you to want to give some details here on how to make some success with Clickbank. I think it is really nice of you to do this one because not everyone knows how to become successful with it. Your tips are really good. I agree that Clickbank is one of the best online marketplaces. I will use these tips and also share your post with friends. Thanks.

    • John is great that you got some value in this post and thank you for the feedback and kind words. If you need further assistance in moving forward, you can reach out to me within Wealthy Affiliate, and I would be happy to work with you and show you what is working for me and many Affiliates here. Talk to you soon!

  6. I like those products on Clickbank that are fully developed and I do not have to add anything to improve their quality. The no inventory part is a great plus as I do not have to worry about what could run out. I believe Clickbank has the highest paying commission rates. Over 50% is something I wouldn’t want to pass. I am currently using reviews to promote my products and I can say it is working well. I am still on my way to building an email list. Thank you for the tips on how to go about it. These are really helpful suggestions that will help scale my business. Thank you for taking the time to present this.

    • Hi, Carol, thank you for the feedback. I am happy to know that you got some value here about Clickbank and its wide range of digital products that are paying high commissions.

      Great to see that you are thinking about building your list. In the future, this would turn out to be your number one traffic source if you build it right.

      All the best.

  7. Hi  David, I found this article very interesting, I am just learning about affiliate marketing, and have little knowledge about Clickbank, do you know if can do Clickbank if you are from Canada or only available for the US. This information could help others that might be interested. I like how you made a list, it makes things easy to follow along.  

    You seem to have some experience with the subject and that reads nicely, and you answered those who made comments – I liked that.

    Overall you have me interested in Clickbank and I so I think the blog is doing its job.

    Have a good day and thanks for sharing your knowledge


    • Hey Kim, yes, it is available in Canada. It is great that you are in affiliate marketing. it is one of the easiest ways to build a business online from home. If you need further assistance on your journey please do not hesitate to ask, I would love to lend a hand.

      Thank you for the feedback and kind words.

  8. Clickbank is a huge market for any affiliate marketer and most people like to get started with it because of the high commission rate attached to most products on there. There was a time I promoted a product that offered to pay even 90% commission to me. I think this is a good way to get started for any affiliate marketer but then, one has to be wary of scams.

    • Thank you for your insight here Shelley, and we need to do our due diligence when picking a product to market on Clickbank. 90% was a high commission, would love to know if it is still around? Thank you for commenting.

  9. Very good article about Clickbank. I heard it before but I did not join because according to the previous article I read, it is better if you have a considerable number of website traffic or email list. On the other hand, I joined another program than which has the same offers and commission rate. If you are familiar with Jv zoo. I want to join Clickbank but I just worry about what products are good and what is not good for your readers. I think it is better if you can make an article on how to choose the right product which your readers will love. 

    • It is always good to choose a product that you have a passion for and one that you already bought and have a piece of good knowledge about it, rather than going for the ones with the high commissions.

      Clickbank has a great knowledge base in choosing the right product. The ones with higher gravity tend to be more popular and have a better conversion. I hope that helps!


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