Marketing Your Own Business – Using Offline Strategies!

Want to start marketing your own business using offline strategies? And watch your business explode exponentially online?



When you think of it, this is not as crazy as it might seem, even to an Internet marketer looking to get more eyeballs on their products in a different way than the World Wide Web.

Marketing is about people and products and where there are people there is a market. With over 7.2 Billion people in the world, you need to zero in on where YOUR market is

Internet marketing strategies are about bringing people who are most likely to buy your product/service to your website to learn about your offering and perhaps make a purchase.

Offline marketing strategies can be done exclusively for that particular method or can be done to complement online marketing. In this article, we will cover billboards, classified advertisements, postcards, car stickers, t-shirts, and other brandable objects.

Marketing Your Own Business - billboards advertisingBillboards

These come in different sizes and are subject to regulation in cities in order to avoid crowding. The basic principle in the use of this medium is a bold, catchy but brief caption, a little copy, and the URL of your business.

They should be placed in conspicuous places. No doubt, you have seen some billboards on busy highways, traffic intersections, and shopping centers.

Some of the people who see the message on the billboard will surely visit the business indicated on it. That is the idea.

With smartphones able to access the Internet at any time having a website and phone number on the billboard gives your prospect instant access at that moment.

Instant access is a key marketing point in today’s busy world. When people want something they want it now, not tomorrow.

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Classified Ads

Apart from the full-page and half-page advertisements, magazines and newspapers usually have sections for small advertisements offering various goods and services to their readers. These are classified advertisements.

It is a good place to put out a brief message on your business. The business address must be added so that interested readers will know where to go to.

If you have room add your website here as well. It is interesting that Craigslist is one of the most visited websites in the world.

Craigslist is one big website full of classified ads. You can even complement your offline classified ads with a link to your Craigslist ads if you have space and money to fit it in.

marketing your business using postcardsPostcards

Letterboxes often overflow with letters including personal correspondence, the obvious direct mail, magazines, newsletters, seasonal greeting cards, and postcards. Direct mail is more often than not sorted out and thrown away.

However, postcards are treated somewhat differently. They are picked up and people usually read them.

Why not propagate the message about your business with the address included? Or again use your website to your advantage by directing your prospect to an offer that has an expiration date.

One thing I have always liked about postcard marketing is the only one who can see it is the reader of the postcard. If you have a special offer you do not want out in the public, keep it out of the paper and off of your website. This makes it very personal to the person reading.

From a cost standpoint, it is hard to beat postcards. This is one of the least expensive ways to reach as many people as your budget allows.

Marketing Your Own Business - is getting results

Car Stickers

You must have seen these on the back windshield, the bumper, or even the body of the car. Again a brief message and the business address and website address will suffice.

As the car moves around the message is seen by people who may be motivated to buy from you or visit your business location for more information. Get these out to the public and let them be a passive form of offline marketing.


This is a personal medium because it is worn on the body. The t-shirt is branded with a pithy message about your business.

It often provokes a discussion about your business as those who are close enough to read your message may ask questions. This is an invaluable opportunity for a face-to-face explanation of your business.

Another thing you can do here is to sponsor a local youth group sports team. Put your business on their shirts as a form of advertising and to build goodwill for your business in a local community.

Marketing Your Own Business - using billboards Pens, Mugs Towels, and Other Items

Anything that can be branded with a message is fair game. Pens, mugs, towels, hats, refrigerator magnets, etc. are all eligible. The aim is to put your message and your business website where people can be enticed to take action.

Is this effective?

The thing about this type of advertising is, that it gets your business out to the public. You never know when someone will see it either.

Refrigerator magnets can be most effective for a top of mind awareness advertising because people will go to their refrigerator to find it if they need it.

This is really effective for trade businesses such as HVAC, handyman, plumbing, and so on. Pizza businesses use these to their advantage all the time.

Final thoughts

Offline marketing strategies are inexpensive and can be executed quickly. The brevity of their message is their power.

And in these days of information overload, in which everyone is in a hurry, they are a practical strategy to drive targeted traffic to your business and bring more sales. You never know when someone will see one of your offline marketing strategies and visit your website or pick up the phone and call.

The key to using offline strategies is consistency. Make them part of your yearly advertising budget and then get started.

These are pretty much set-and-forget marketing. Ask people when they call or come into your business how they heard of you and see if anyone refers back to one of your offline methods.

What next?

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6 thoughts on “Marketing Your Own Business – Using Offline Strategies!”

  1. I like this ‘offline’ approach you wrote about here. Its different to the usual, SEO, Social Media strategies and all that. I like it and it made me want to read on and I agree with all the points you made. It definitely is useful to have advertising in the real world as well as online to maximise your earning potential. Good article and good work.

    • Dominik, I glad that you feel that way about using offline strategies to get our business out there. We often speak about getting your audience to put a face to your emails and business, well why not show them your face in person and just give them the information.

      Today I am receiving more subscribers to my list just by handing them my business cards and leaving my website and a little note on in my vehicle that is visible. This summer I am going to work on t-shirts and maybe sponsor kids soccer team. Give it a try, you will be surprise, at least you will be donating to  good cause. All the best.

  2. Hi David,

    This is a very good post and I especially enjoyed the part about paid advertising. I have done this in the past and find it very good at gauging where your strengths lie when marketing your site.

    I need to be more relevant with where I send my traffic to – that is, the ad directed to a specific page that answers people’s questions…

    Anyway, more grease to your elbows!

    • Hi Stella, thank you for the comment. glad that you get some value here in this post. There are so many places we go during the cost of the day and forget that it is an opportunity we can use to present our business.

      People no longer have to wait till they get home to research the information, because of the use of smartphones today. So yes, remember to hand out a business card or leave a flyer on the windscreen of your vehicle, you will get people to check out your offer.

      Having a capture page to capture people’s name and email is your best bet. Later when it is built, you will see that it would be your number one source of income. Talk to you soon.

  3. Dear David,

    Thanks for the post and recently I started advertising my website in classifieds and when I read what you said “It is a good place to put out a brief message on your business. The business address must be added so that interested readers will know where to go to.” it motivates me.
    May I ask is that possible to advertise in classifieds from any country that is I am from India will I be able to advertise in the USA? Please advice.

    Your Friend,

    • Paul, back in the days using classified ads were marketers main source of advertising. Now that we get SEO conscious if not all, most of these Marketers stop using those form of advertising. A group of people that will never see our offers.

      If your audience is worldwide, then advertising on classified ads in any country is not a problem. Is the same as Social Media Marketing. I suggest that you pick an area and check the response of your advertising and if the response is good, then continue to use that method. If not, then change it. Hope that helps.



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