Online Forum Marketing Tips | Doing It The Right Way

Online Forum Marketing is where you use a public or private discussion forum to promote your product or service. Here I am going to highlight some forum marketing tips.

Forums have been around since the beginning of Internet marketing, and really were a form of social media marketing long before we had Facebook or Twitter.

When it comes to Internet marketing the best online forum is the Warrior Forum. Let’s use it as a basis for how to do online forum marketing the right way.

What I’ve learned during that time there is a right way and a wrong way to do online forum marketing.

In this article let me offer some helpful online forum marketing tips so you can maximize your time and get better results if you’re wanting to use discussion forums to promote something.

Since this is a blog that focuses money making tips I’m going to talk about the Warrior Forum and specifically how you can use it to promote a business opportunity there.

online forum marketing tipsJoin The Warrior Forum For Free

The Warrior Forum claims it is the #1 Internet Marketing Forum & Marketplace. I know that is true!

Here are their most recent statistics as I write this article.

  • Members: 1,272,566
  • Threads: 744,630
  • Posts: 8,752,970

As you can see the Warrior Forum is a very active Internet marketing forum. You can join it for free and this is very easy to do.

If you have a different niche you want to promote and make contacts in, do a Google search like this: “your niche + discussion forum”.

For example, if I am in the health niche I would search “health discussion forums”.

Find relevant forums that are active. There is no sense in joining a forum where people are not hanging out and participating in the discussions.

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Set Up Your Profile

Spend enough time to do this correctly because people will look at it. There are members who have had their profile page viewed all the way back to 2000.

What does that mean to me?

People in an active forum use it to find out things about products, services, and other members. That is one of the keys to doing forum marketing.

Think in terms of passive promotion. You never know when someone will check you out.

Signature File

This is the key to getting people to look at whatever you are promoting. Try and join discussion forums where they will let you link to one of your pages.

Most forums will not let you link to affiliate pages. The one you link to needs to be a real page of yours.

I’ve tried different things over the years, but generally, I try to drive traffic either to my homepage or to a specific page that has an offer I want to promote.

The easiest way to set up your signature file is to study how other forum members are doing it. Use these ideas to create a catchy signature file of your own.

Related Video: Forum Marketing – How To Use An Online Forum Effectively To Get Traffic To Your Website.

topics in online forums for marketing
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Forum Marketing

It’s interesting that in forum marketing you are never directly promoting anything. The fastest way to get your membership canceled is to promote your products and services directly in a thread post you make.

Marketing in a forum is done through your signature file or profile page. The way to get more exposure for your signature file is to participate in as many discussions as you possibly can.

Do not just make random short little posts either. Put some thought into what you’re going to write and make it meaningful to the other members.

This is a great way to enhance your reputation and build credibility. The thing I like about the Warrior Forum is they have a stat counter that shows how many posts you make.

Other members look at this number, and the more active you are the more chances you have for someone to click on the link in your signature file. However, don’t just make posts to bump your number up.

This can actually hurt you. Members can tell the difference between the quality and quantity of posts. Strive for both!

Plan a certain amount of time every week to participate in forum marketing. When I first started out I tried to do five posts every day, and once I got into the routine I found this was easy to do, spreading it out on different forums.

You should get your own schedule and try sticking to it. As you begin to develop a reputation in the forum you’re going to make friends and it can really benefit your Internet business.

Other Benefits Of Discussion Forums

1. Education. When I first started doing Internet marketing back in 2002 I spent a lot of time in the Warrior Forum just reading and learning what other members were doing to make money online.

You’re not doing any marketing when all you’re doing is reading, but some of the tips you pick up are free and can make you a lot of money in the future.

2. Blog article ideas. One of my best sources for new article ideas comes from finding the most active threads in the Warrior Forum.

This makes sense because the active threads are what people are interested in right now. These are the ones you want to write blog posts on. Reading through them will give you a basic outline for writing your articles.

If you hire a freelance writer use the thread titles as article ideas and give them to your writer. You can even provide the link to the thread which will help them write you a high-quality article.

Put these in a swipe file and refer back to it when you need article ideas. Popular threads tend to stay relevant for a long time. I have seen threads that are 5 years old get bumped back to the top of the various forums in the Warrior Forum.

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8 thoughts on “Online Forum Marketing Tips | Doing It The Right Way”

  1. Hi,
    Until I read your post I never thought or had any idea about forum marketing. Very useful information. I have to have a look at the warrior forum and other forums related to my niches I have two websites, one health & wellness, and another one affiliate marketing. Can you suggest any other Forum names other than Warrior?

    • Prabakaran, thank you for the comment. Glad that I was able to provide some value here about Forum Marketing. Good to know that you are going to take a look at the Warrior forum, please read their rules and regulations if you do decide to join. They can easily ban you for spamming very quickly. But is a good source to get content ideas for writing.

      It is to find forums in your niche by doing a Google search. You can narrow it down by the amount of members each of the has. Choose the one that has the highest memberships. These forum can use up lots of time so please be careful. Most of your time should be writing quality content with competitive keywords. hope that helps.

  2. What’s up David,

    I’ve heard about forum marketing for some time now and I think I created an account a few years ago, but I never got into it.

    Quite frankly I was little discouraged by all the veterans and their vast knowledge of online marketing.

    Now that I’ve got some experience and understand the benefits of forums, I’m gonna give it a try.

    Not just to promote my business but to learn and get blog topic ideas.

    Thanks for inspiring me to get into forum marketing!!


    • Hi Diana,

      Hanging around the forums is where I gain most of my knowledge about Internet Marketing. As you rightfully said, the experts hang around there especially in the Warrior forum.

      Just keep control of the time spent there, cause just like social media, you can find yourself using up a lot of time there. Take notes, cause like you said, lot of your blog ideas can come from there.

      Glad that you get some value here, and that you going to take a look at forum marketing and use it to grow your internet marketing business. feel free to come back to this site anytime.

  3. Thank you for all the tips you have given about Online forum marketing, especially how to create your signature file. I have been posting the wrong way for a long time and now I know the reason why I was getting rejected.


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