Online Part Time Jobs From Home – And My #1 Recommendation

Many of the online part time jobs from home are not really jobs. They are more like tasks or actions you complete for money. Others could very well be jobs where you answer to a boss or have a supervisor over you.

In this article, we will look at both ways through the lens of a worker and an entrepreneur, and I will share with you what I did, which has now turned into a full-time business.

You can go about working from home part-time in a couple of ways.

It’s important to think about whether you view yourself as a worker or an entrepreneur.

1. You can find a part-time job where you can work from home.


2. You can start a home business and work for yourself.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Flex Jobs

Flex is a paid membership job board website. As a paid member you will be able to access real jobs from real employers.

You can find these available on a part-time basis, freelance basis, or even flexible jobs that you can do for pay. Some of these even come with benefits after a certain period of time.

These jobs are laid out by category with flexible options and contain a satisfaction guarantee with new jobs added on a regular basis. If you’re interested in working remotely, or in a telecommuting way Flex Jobs may be what you’re looking for. If you are a freelancer you can also find jobs that allow you to work for yourself for a specific company.

Flex Jobs offers a lot of free job-related information as well as access to full job listings. However, if you want to get in and view what they say is approximately 34,000 jobs from 4700 companies you will have to pay a monthly membership fee of $14.99.

This can be money well spent if you’re continually looking for part-time jobs you can do. Then if you find something that takes care of your job searching, of course, you can cancel your membership.

You will no longer pay for it with the option of coming back and reinstating your membership at a further time. The website again is

Online Part Time Jobs From Home - Developing the skills


What skills do you have? Part-time jobs at home will require a specific set of skills depending on the jobs you are hiring.

For example, there are companies that hire part-time homeworkers for various jobs requiring skills.

My List Of Online Part-Time Jobs From Home:

1. Happiness Engineer. Provide customer support via chat and text. Good for people who do not want to talk on the phone.

2. Kelly Services. Customer service job.

3. Apptipical. Customer service, phone interviewers, tech support

4. Accutran Global. Transcription and related services.

5. Bookminders. Book-keeping jobs.

6. Dot Dash. Freelance writing and much more.

7. Zynga. Social online moderators and more.

8. Ascend. Medical coding and transcription.

9. Search engine evaluator. Evaluate social sites using your phone or laptop.

10. iTutor. Teaching jobs from home.

11. VIPKid. $14-$22/hr. teaching English online.

Now, keep this list handy, and I hope one has applied to you, and I wish you all the best. But keep in mind you can follow what I did, and work with a community of people that are willing to see you excel, and I will be there to guide you as well.

Want to learn how I earn my passive Income working from home?

Click here right now for our review, my personal help, and instant access to our free training videos where we'll show you exactly how we did it ourselves starting out as complete beginners without ANY prior knowledge or experience in marketing online whatsoever!

Let’s proceed…

Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, you will work for specific companies or establish your own business doing work for companies. This is popular with small business owners and there is a never-ending supply of work if you have some of these skills.

  • – administrative
  • – technical
  • – social media
  • – creative
  • – writing
  • – customer service

Virtual Office is a source for finding virtual assistant jobs.

You can learn more here as well: 30 Sites Offering Free Training for Virtual Assistants.

Online Part Time Jobs From Home - freelance writing for a blogFreelance Writing

There is probably no bigger opportunity online right now than freelance writing. There are many ways to get started here, and it may serve as a long-term business for you, as it did for me.

One way to get started making money right now is to write for a content mill website. These programs hire freelance writers to write content for other websites, blogs, email autoresponders, reports and so on.

Here is the reality of writing for content mill programs. This is low pay and hard work. By low pay, I mean minimum wage or a little above it.

Your ability to crank out content will determine your hourly rate. The good thing is you are learning a skill you can later go on to charge much more for your writing in your own business.

There are many content mill sites you can get started making money with right away. Some of them include:

  • – Iwriter
  • – Upwork
  • – Hirewriters
  • – need an article
  • – Ineedarticles

And many more. Google makes money writing for content mills.

Amazon, Facebook & Google

When you start signing up chances are you will be contacted by someone who says they are with something like Amazon Jobs, Google Jobs, or Facebook Income.

In my opinion, these are usually a company selling you access to what they claim are jobs working for these large companies. I would say avoid these.

So look out for these and don’t make the same mistakes I did. The internet is full of schemes and people who are waiting to exploit you.

Online Part Time Jobs From Home - affiliating marketingAffiliate Marketing

If you want to go the entrepreneurial route here is what I recommend. Learn how to get started making money as an affiliate marketer. My choice was the beginning of my huge income business.

There are many ways you can go about doing this. If you want to work for some of the larger companies such as Amazon or Google, join their affiliate programs.

Although you’re not working with them directly, you will earn money performing specific actions and getting paid for those. For example, Google runs a paper-click program called Google AdSense where you are paid 68% of the click on an ad that Google sells.

Sharing With You What I Did

As an Amazon Affiliate, you get paid to sell digital and physical products. Join their affiliate program, as I did, and earn money selling products where Amazon provides the product and all customer fulfilment. Amazons collect the money and ship the products as well!

You can also get involved with Amazon in dropshipping using a program such as retail arbitrage, or Fulfillment By Amazon. I discuss in detail the process in one of my articles. You can go to the search box and find that article.

These are all legitimate ways to start your own real business and earn money working for yourself. I want to offer you a free training program conducted by Wealthy Affiliate and you can have access by clicking the link below. This is what I did when I was looking for an online part-time job.

  1. Join Wealthy Affiliate for free and meet me inside.
  2. Begin your training and follow the simple steps in the videos.


If you are interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

Related Video:

Working Online From Home - A Proven 4 Step System

See the 4 steps to working online from home & earn residual income

12 thoughts on “Online Part Time Jobs From Home – And My #1 Recommendation”

  1. Hello David,

    Thank you for writing this article and gathering all this information in just one place. I have been looking for different ways to earn money online and I found your post very helpful. I have already read about some of these options, like Freelance Writers or Virtual Assistants, but I didn’t know most of the websites you mentioned in the skills section. 

    I also wanted to thank you for preventing us from joining things like Amazon Jobs, I had no idea about that and this will help me from being scammed or something similar. 

    Regarding Affiliate Marketing, I think it’s one of the best options and I have figured that out thanks to Wealthy Affiliate too.



    • Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Happy that you found my post and got value from it about working from home part-time to earn an income.

      There are a few skilled ones that are available online, and there are ones to stay away from as I have mentioned. I always suggest affiliate Marketing is the best approach, cause the field is huge and payment processing is so easy and always deliver on time. Wealthy Affiliate will give you all the ammunition you will ever need to get up and running. so feel free to reach out to me if you need help. 

      Talk to you soon.

  2. Hi Bishop,

    Wow! What an excellent article you have written with lots of important information about “Online Part Time Jobs From Home”

    Really this is some great information and I think being a virtual assistant would appeal to me. I like the way you distinguish the different type of jobs offered on flex Jobs, and one should not ignore the paid membership, cause once they get what they are looking for, they will not be needing the membership further.  

    For a long time, I wanted to start an online part time job at home. For that, I was looking for a proper guideline and a good opportunity. After reading your article I think I found the perfect platform for me in Affiliate Marketing.

    I would take a closer look at Wealthy Affiliate, cause I like that I can join for free first and take a look at what they offer. This might be the best platform for an online part-time job, and help me to be an Affiliate Marketer. It will be very much helpful for people. I will share this information with my social media following and relatives so that they can see if it is a good fit for them as well.

    Thank You!

    • Thank you, and you are very much welcome. Like that you see what you were looking for and willing to give it a go. GThere are great opportunities out there if we take time and research.

      Lots of major companies are offering jobs that anyone can do from home, and Affiliate Marketing is a big one that most companies are getting better results from. amazon and Walmart just to name a few.

      Glad that you are willing to share this article with your social media following, and if you need a hand with getting you up and running with the training bin Wealthy Affiliate, please reach out to me, would be happy to lend a hand.

      Talk to you soon!

  3. Hi,

    Thank you for sharing such a great article with us. I was searching for an online part time job from home. But in vain. Because I didn’t find the best website. From your article, I came to know about Flex job com and I think it will be the best platform for finding real jobs. I am glad to know that Flex Jobs offers a lot of free job-related information as well as access to full job listings. 

    Thank you for sharing this article with us. I will share this with my friends and family.

    • You are welcome. Flex Jobs had helped a few people that I recommend to and it ends up working out for them. In whatever country you are located you would be surprised that there are programs that are available to us if we do our due diligence and seek the information. We all should start in our local communities and ask questions.

      Good luck with your journey.

  4. Hi Bishop,

    IThank you very much for such a detailed article. What a fantastic piece with all the necessary information. I was looking for a part time jobs from home to earn some passive money, but I couldn’t find the perfect platform. 

    So, in this regard, I was looking for a guideline. After reading this article, I have found the perfect platform which is affiliate marketing. I believe that the affiliate marketer is the best platform for earning money. 

    There are lots of affiliate marketers, but among them, WA is the best. I am going to join WA as a premium member. I have also gained all the precise details of this purpose. 

    This article is beneficial for those people who are looking for a part-time job as you have highlighted the section so nicely. But I have no particular skills. Is WA still suitable for me?

    I will share this article with my friends and relatives so that they can find the perfect part-time jobs for them.

    • Earning a full-time income from home is everyone dream, and the best approach is to start part-time as I have almost 10 years back. The problem is joining a company that would not close its doors on you.

      I said that because that had happened to me in the past when I was just about to go full-time. Glad I did not. I was eager to find the perfect company that would give me that luxury and soon after I found Wealthy Affiliate, and six years after, the rest is history.

      Yes, Wealthy Affiliate is the place for you to begin your journey. You can join for free and test drive the system to see if it is a good fit for you. I will be to guide you along the way as well. The easy step by step video would show you exactly what you need to do, no skills are needed.

  5. What excellent information for anyone trying to get into this industry. I have been around for quite a bit and bought into the hype that most of the people are selling on the get rich quick. 

    The wealthy affiliate looks like a system that works. No hidden costs, plus a trial period to test drive before a commitment is good.  I can benefit a lot with this system and would agree with you; this is one of a kind system from what I have seen. 

    For me what makes it such a consideration is the training. I know there is a way to make it on the online business and I need to learn how to. the 9 to 5 is not working so well. 

    • Glad that you got some value with this article. Today a lot of people are searching for ways to make an extra income from home, to help with the bills or for other reasons, that the normal 9 to 5 job would not be able to handle.

      The platform I am using is Wealthy Affiliate, and the training is working for me, and it will do the same for you if you work it. it not only given me some extra income in the past but has grown to a full-time income from home.

      Once you are inside, feel free to contact me, and I will get you up and running in no time. The community here is here to help, so feel free ask any question and we will be glad to point you in the right direction. See you inside.

  6. Hi; Online Part Time Jobs From Home is a decent and helpful way for people to work and make a meaningful life possible for themselves. Considering the many ways you can save money when you are working from home. You save on transportation, Clothing, and cosmetics.

    Flex Jobs is an ideal place to start looking for a Work from home job that you are skillful at doing. However, to get the required online Skill and a job opportunity at the same place one suggest that Wealthy Affiliate have the answer.

    Can I do a Flex Job and Wealthy Affiliate Skill training at the same time?


    • Is funny that you mention saving on clothing and cosmetics when working from home. just last week my friend told me that his sales went up while working from home when he started to wear a suit and made calls to his clients.

      One of his clients told him that he started to sound more positive that is the reason he decided to invest with him. so we have to be careful about the image we portray on the phone when we are working from home. But that you for the input and the savings one acquire when they do not have to travel to go to work.

      Wealthy affiliate training is more practical and does not acquire much strain on the brain, so your time can be flexible as you do the tasks in the training. the flex job skills will all depend on what skills you would be seeking. Only you can answer that. Hope that helps!


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