Opinion City Review – Can You Make Money-Taking Surveys?

In my Opinion City Review, I am going to give you an overview of this business and explain why you should stay far away from this company, and give you an alternative.

Surveys exist because your opinion matters to various businesses and corporations that sell retail. What people want matters to these companies as they strive to beat the competition and make the most money they can.

One of the companies these corporations turn to is Opinion City. This is a survey-taking company that helps those corporations get the data they want. Just continue to read our review to find out all you can about this company and if it is a scam or not.

Opinion City Overview

  • Product Name: Opinion City
  • Website URL: https://www.opinioncity.com/
  • Owner: A & A Marketing
  • Price: Free to sign up
  • Overall Rating: 60 out of 100

One of the first red flags you encounter with Opinion City is that it does not list its owner or founder. The company goes to great lengths to hide its owner’s identity and it takes a lot of searching to find out that A & A Marketing is behind this scheme. That company’s reputation is less than stellar.

Opinion City Review

There is a photo of a cute woman on the landing page and her name is Alyssa. She is called the consumer trend investigator. What actual role she has with the company is unknown. She claims that she investigates different survey sites and has the company send you the best ones only.

Whether that is true or not remains to be seen. What this does mean is that Opinion City is a funnel for other survey sites and does not actually offer you anything in return for signing up.

One of the things you have to be careful of is that when you sign up you are agreeing to share your e-mail address with their partner companies. It is best to make a dedicated e-mail address because you will be spammed a lot. Setting up a separate email address is a good way to keep your personal and business emails separate.

Opinion City Product Overview

This is the second red flag you will encounter as you consider signing up to work with Opinion City or not. It has no products to sell to you or to anyone. This is a funnel company whose sole purpose is to get you to take surveys from different research companies. Your membership may be with Opinion City, but it doesn’t stop there.

Their landing page does not talk about a product. What is talked about is their purpose in finding you the right survey companies they deem to be legitimate and getting you over to them. They are the middleman in this process.

How Opinion City makes its money through the many referrals it sends to the different research companies it is affiliated with. The one good thing we found about this company is that it does not have any hype or unrealistic promises on its landing page.

That doesn’t overrule the red flags already found including that the Alyssa you meet on the landing page is a stock image and a fake. So far there are just too many red flags to feel good about this company.

The Good & the Bad of Opinion City

This is another area of something positive about the company that makes it worthwhile to sign up. It is also the place to find a lot more red flags that tell you to find your online business opportunity elsewhere.

The Good:

  • No hype on the landing page
  • Free to sign up
  • You are sent to survey sites to fill out surveys
  • It’s an affiliate website
  • No one has anything good to say about the company

The Bad:

  • Hidden owner
  • Fake names and pictures
  • Unrealistic earning claims
  • Agree to share your e-mail
  • Not a survey-taking site.

There are just too many bad things about this company to list here. Which is another giant red flag about Opinion City?

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Who is Opinion City For

My Opinion City Review and who is it for

The consensus is that it is for those people who like to share their e-mail addresses with complete strangers. If you do not mind getting a lot of spam then you may enjoy signing up with this company.

It is also for those who have lots of time on their hands and nothing better to do. Signing up is not going to lead you to a place where you can make a lot of money. If you like to share your opinion when you qualify for a survey then you may have found your business opportunity.

Other than that signing up with this company may not serve you well or be worth your time and effort.

Opinion City Tools and Training

Unfortunately, there are no tools or training available for you to participate in. Since there are no products to sell or skills to obtain, you do not need to have any tools provided or any training for that matter.

All you are doing is signing up with a funnel website. Then you are sent to research marketing websites to see if you qualify for a survey or not. It doesn’t take much training to experience that process.

No tools or training are advertised. If you are looking for some you will be disappointed. You are basically left to your own skill levels and capabilities.

Opinion City Support

Like tools and training do not expect to see any support either. While there is a contact us page it is highly unlikely you will receive much in the way of support. The contact page says you will get an answer back in 24 to 48 hours.

If you believe that we may have a bridge in New York City that has recently come on the real estate market to show you. What you may experience when looking for support is a lot of pressure to sign up

There are notices stating that there are only so many spots remaining to be filled so instead of helping you, they are trying to get you to sign up. Once you do, you are on your own.

Opinion City Price

This is one of the highlights of this company and its only positive aspect that we could find. It costs you nothing to sign up except a few moments to enter your name, and e-mail address and click to agree to the terms and receive additional e-mails from the company.

There is also one good thing if you want to call it that, anyone from any country can join. Whether they qualify for surveys or not remains to be seen. From our research companies prefer to have surveys filled out by residents of the US, Canada, and a couple of other western native English-speaking countries.

No Out Of Pocket Cost

With no money out of your pocket, it may be tempting to sign up. After all, any money you make will be pure profit. Some of our research indicated that you may receive exaggerated claims about how much money you can make by filling out surveys.

We can say they are exaggerated because if you are lucky enough to sign up with a legitimate survey-taking company the most you usually make is between $1 and $5. Anything above those figures will be exaggerated.

Since you do not get paid by Opinion City, we cannot talk about the compensation plan. That is up to the companies you are sent to and to make any money through them, you may have to fill out a lot of surveys over quite a few months.

Final Thoughts Of Opinion City

My Final Evaluation

I am going to be nice and simply state that you are wasting your time signing up with this company. It has too many red flags, and we have not discussed all of them, for it to be a company we could recommend.

Fake photos and people on the landing page, hidden owners, a funnel website, and pressure to sign up do not add up to being a good company to be associated with. If you like filling out surveys you are free to give it a try but do so with both eyes open.

There is one thing that has to be pointed out, you can spend 20 minutes or so filling out a qualifying form only to be told you do not qualify. You do not get paid for your time.

Opinion City at a Glance

  • You are signing up to fill out surveys
  • Have fake people trying to earn your confidence on the landing page
  • It is a funnel website to other research companies
  • No compensation plan
  • No training, tools, or support
  • It is free to join
  • Can make unrealistic income claims
  • You may not qualify for surveys

Final thoughts

If you want to have a say in the many ongoing and upcoming trends, filling out surveys is one way to accomplish that objective. Opinion City is just one of the myriad survey-taking companies out there and it is not in the top tier of those companies.

While it does send you to some top-tier survey research sites, Opinion City is merely a funnel page where they make money for every referral they send to those additional survey sites.

It is free to sign up, but you get what you pay for. You will not be paid by this company and there is no help to get you paid when another company does something unethical. You are on your own and that is not good nor is it ethical, professional, or good business.

Keep your eyes open if you sign up.

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