Can You Earn With Paid Social Media Jobs For a Small fee?

Social media has helped us connect with our family and friends and has also provided jobs to many people. Just like being a social media manager. That’s why Paid Social Media Jobs offer you a chance to become one. They claim that you can earn as much as $700 per week for a “small” fee.

Are Paid Social Media Jobs legit? Or is it a scam? Can you earn that much money? Let’s get all the answers we need and more in my Paid Social Media Jobs review.

  • Product Name: Paid Social Media Jobs
  • Founder: Annie Jones (fake)
  • Product Type: Freelancing plaform
  • Price: 

$27 Paid Social Media Jobs lifetime membership fee – This fee gets discounted to only $17 when you try to leave the sales page.

Before you check out, you will be offered the following upsells

  • $37 Social Media Arbitrage
  • $47 Launch A Digital Product Business program
  • Plus more hidden upsells inside the platform
  • Best For No-one

Paid Social Media Jobs is a job listing website to apply as a social media manager. You have to pay a fee to access the platform and spend more money unlocking advanced courses and other upsells. The job links are affiliate links to legitimate freelancing websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Guru. It is a website that directs you to legitimate freelancing websites to search for social media manager jobs.

  • Ratings: 0/100

What are Paid Social Media Jobs?

Paid Social Media Jobs is a freelance platform to help you find social media jobs. This means that you can become a social media manager for business owners that don’t have time to manage their social media accounts.

Paid Social Media Jobs, also called PSMJ, is rebranded as Paying Social Media Jobs. It has also changed its website from to

You will meet Annie Jones in a sales video when you visit the website. She tells how she became successful after meeting another woman who showed her how to earn money from social media jobs. You see, before she was heavily in debt and being a single mom with a young family to support, it was difficult for her to get by.

Now she earns hundreds of dollars per week, basically telling us that her life changed. Her work involves logging into Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, reading and replying to comments, and managing daily posts. Annie Jones tells us that you don’t need any skills or previous experience. As long as you know how to use social media, you are good to go.

However, this is the only thing we know about Annie Jones. There’s also no other information about her on the website. There’s no About Me page or anything that could prove that Annie Jones is a natural person. The woman in the photo is real, but she is most likely not Annie Jones.

Paid Social Media Jobs claims that with just a $27 training fee, you have the opportunity to earn much as $700 per week through their program. But it is important to note here that social media jobs are considered freelancing jobs. This means that you can find these jobs anywhere online without paying for anything.

Moreover, you can also find other social media jobs and websites such as Paid To Send Email, Paid to Read Email, or Paid Online Writing Jobs with the same scheme. And from my research, these websites are often accused of being scams.

But let’s not jump to the conclusion that Paid Social Media Jobs is a scam. Based on my research, there are good things about it that could say it is legit, but many red flags could tell it’s a scam. Read on to learn why.

How do the Paid Social Media Jobs work?

Paid Social Media Jobs claims that it works as a platform that connects job seekers to businesses looking to hire you. After registration, you will get access to a job board where you’ll see a list of social media jobs available. You can choose which jobs you would like to do and get paid after, supposedly. Aside from that, Paid Social Media Jobs offers several training modules and advanced courses for a fee.

Here’s how to register with Paid Social Media Jobs:

  1. Sign up – Signing up is free, but to gain access to the platform you need to pay the $27 fee
  2. Access the jobs dashboard – You can search, or filter for the freelance jobs you want
  3. Get access to training modules – Watch training videos and pay for other courses

Paid Social Media Jobs offers training modules that teach you about social media and being a social media manager. Here’s a list of the modules and their overview.

  • Module 1: Understanding What A Social Media Manager Is

This module talks about what social media jobs are, why businesses hire people to help them, and how to understand social media clients.

  • Module 2: How To Get Started As A Social Media Manager

This module discusses how to find social media jobs, what freelance marketplaces are, and how to be an expert on social media management.

  • Module 3: Finding Clients

This third module talks about the types of businesses that can hire you, finding your clients, best practices on social media management, and how much you will make as a social media manager.

You will also have the option to take up advanced training that covers topics about social media marketing, converting leads into buyers, how to promote yourself, how you can double or triple your fees, and many more.

There’s also a separate course called Social Media Job Arbitrage. Here you will learn how to outsource social media jobs to other freelancers. However, this course is locked. You need to pay a fee to gain access to it.

Paid Social Media Jobs also have two bonuses which are ebooks and videos. They also have member support which is a database of FAQs.

As you can see, Paid Social Media Jobs has set up a pretty convincing website. They do have training videos that you may find helpful. But you may also find similar courses and topics on YouTube that you can view for free.

Furthermore, the jobs available are dated. And the links to other websites are affiliate links to popular freelancing platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr. So this means that “Annie Jones,” or whoever the actual owner of the website is, earns commissions each time someone clicks the links and joins the freelancing platforms.

Can You Make Money with Paid Social Media Jobs?

Of course, you can make money as a social media manager. It is a legit job, after all. However, the reality is far from what Paid Social Media Jobs tell you.

For example, if you look at the pay rate of social media jobs in Upwork, you’ll find out that the average hourly rate is around $20. But if you’re a beginner, you most likely earn about $14 per hour or sometimes lower than that. Your earnings will depend on your skills and how many hours you put in for work.

The bottom line here is that you will not make $700 per week, especially if you’re a beginner. There’s also intense competition for social media manager jobs. You need to learn specific social media management skills to get a higher chance of getting hired and earn a better pay rate.

How To Make Money With This Company?

Unfortunately, you could be spending money with Paid Social Media Jobs instead of making money. Aside from the access fee, you will be pushed to purchase their paid training modules and other upsells. In the end, the only person making money here is the website owner.

After investigating Paid Social Media Jobs, I found out that the cons outweigh the pros. Let’s check them out.


  • Training modules about social media management and social media jobs are available
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • 60 days refund by ClickBank


  • Annie Jones is not real
  • Fake Annie Jones’ story and photo
  • Fake news clip and testimonial
  • Get rich quick promises
  • Jobs can be searched using Google
  • Similar training and upsells can be found on YouTube or other platforms for free
  • No legitimate payment proofs
  • Spammers and other scam sites promote Paid Social Media Jobs

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Any Negatives? Beware of Lawsuits

I didn’t find any lawsuit against Paid Social Media Jobs or its fake owner. But you will find negative reviews about it online. Unfortunately, despite the bad reviews and red flags, there are still unsuspecting victims falling prey to whomever the person behind this website is.

Is Paid Social Media Jobs a Scam?

Yes, Paid Social Media Jobs is not a legitimate company for me. It screams scam right from the beginning. There are too many red flags that can blow up its cover. This scam website aims at people in need of money looking for legitimate jobs online. And there are many scam websites like this, and sadly they are still victimizing people up to this moment.

My Final Thoughts

If you have encountered Paid Social Media Jobs and other similar websites like it, take your money and run. If you want to apply for a job as a social media manager, you can go directly to legitimate freelancing platforms. And if you would like to learn about social media management, there are tons of informative videos on YouTube you can watch for free.

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