Professional Blog Writers – content outsourcing 101

I use professional blog writers for several years to write my articles while I focus on traffic. I know many big-time bloggers that outsource some of their content just because of the time savings.

There is nothing wrong with this, and in my view, it is smart.

If I were you and going to outsource blog writing, I would want answers to a handful of questions. Briefly, let me address those right now!

1. Do you write about my topic?

Before I hire a blog writer, I would want to know if that person writes about my blog topic. Content writers will write about everything, but you’re better off finding someone well-versed in the theme your articles will be written on.

I like writers who write in my make-money niche on affiliate marketing, social media, MLM blog articles, network marketing articles, home business articles, and various Internet marketing themes, including social media marketing, home business, earning money online, and so on.

These topics will be right on target for the product I am promoting to maximize my target market and grow my Affiliate base. Although it is a hard niche to target because of the competition, you can be successful and set yourself apart from your competitors if done right.

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2. What is the cost?

There’s no sense spending a lot of time determining if you’re going to hire somebody if you don’t know what the article’s cost is. In my case, I buy 400-word articles for $12 and 1000-word articles for $30, and when there is a special, I stock up!

You can also find packages where you can buy 10 articles at a time, 20 articles at a time, or 30 articles for a good discount off of the regular price.

If you are so inclined, you can also use a content mill such as Hire Writers, iWriter, Crows Content, Up Work, and even Fiverr.

I like working with the same writer for many reasons and encourage you to outsource that way if you want a quality blog that you will have for a long time.

3. What is the turnaround time?

I’ve read horror stories about this in the past. In my case, I see a turnaround of single article orders in 48 hours or less.

Blog article packages will take longer, but generally, my writer will email me one or two articles right away to get started posting them. Then he will send it way ahead of my posting schedule. In that way, my publishing will stay consistent, something that Google favored.

Related Video: How To Easily Outsource Your Content Writing

4. Do You Publish For Others?

outsourcing professional blog writers to write your content

Some writers do this, and others don’t. My writer saves my articles as a draft; then, I will go in and add my touch if necessary. I have my images and my alt tags and the description added. I use Yoast instead of all-in-one SEO, So I will make the necessary changes to show how I want my article to show up on Google pages.

This is good because when you get comments, you will be versed on what your audience is reading to relate to them accordingly. Some outsourced writers will pre-publish by changing the scheduled date to a date in advance, so you know your blog has automatically been updated, and you don’t have to remember to do it yourself. I use to do this in the past when starting. But because of the constant Google changes, I decided to do the publishing myself.

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5. Do you promote my blog posts?

They can do that, but you need to talk about what you want to be done. My personal opinion is you should join a service, set up an account with them, and market your blog somewhat yourself.

Even if you only join a handful of social networks, it’s worth your time to become more active on social media. This way, you can respond to people when they make comments and begin to establish some relationships, which is how blogging can really help your business.

This is good for building your own brand. That is what blogging and social sites such as Facebook and Twitter can really help you do!

Regardless of your business model, the one constant thing is you. You are the affiliate marketer, network marketer, direct sales rep, e-commerce business, and so on.

hiring professional blog writers to write your content

6. Can we talk before I order?

When you use your own blog writer, absolutely you can talk first! You can often set up a time to do that on the phone or via Skype.

You can chat or text, or you can email them, and they will get back to you quickly. Most keep their smartphones with them at all times to react faster to questions people are sending.

I understand you may not want to invest any money in outsourcing blog writing until you’re comfortable with your writer. That actually works both ways because I want to be confident they can give you the kind of articles you want.

When you begin to work with them, you can email your writer, but the content site itself checks all messages because they want to monitor what you’re saying. They do not want you directly contacting the writer because that cuts them out as the middleman who makes sales.

Final thoughts

Let’s answer this question again. Should you outsource blog writing and hire your very own ghostwriters for your blog?

In specific instances, the writer may be better than you can do yourself. I see this a lot with people from other countries who do not speak perfect English.

Others do not see themselves as writers. I always say write as you talk, but that may not be where you want to spend your Internet marketing time.

You may be too busy to write, which is another reason to outsource blog writing. However, if your blog is very personal, you may want to control 100% of its content, and outsourcing is not a good idea. Just keep in mind that you have to be consistent when posting articles on your blog.

This ultimately comes down to each individual to determine what is the best option for them. Still, I can say that outsourcing blog writing has worked out very well, and my articles are being posted consistently every week.

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2 thoughts on “Professional Blog Writers – content outsourcing 101”

    • Alena, thank you for your honest feedback. Business builders can be a good thing if you take the time to give value to your audience. Never sell but tell. All the best.


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