Shopify Affiliate Program Reviewed | Businesses On Steroid!

One program that has gathered a lot of momentum in the past couple of years is the Shopify affiliate program. As an affiliate marketer, you have access to literally thousands of affiliate programs to choose from.

If you were to research high-paying affiliate programs the Shopify program would show up because you can earn up to $1500 in commissions from one sale. Compare that to an ebook sale and you can see why this might catch your attention.


Let’s go back to the beginning and look closer at Shopify as a business and how you can take advantage of its affiliate program to create some great commissions for yourself.

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What Is Shopify?

Shopify Affiliate for your e-commerce store

I have to admit I had heard of Shopify but had never looked closely at it until today. As the name would imply Shopify is an e-commerce shopping website.

They have been around online for 10 years now, since 2006. They have helped people start over 90,000 stores. They obviously have the experience to get the job done and are way beyond the startup phase when many online businesses start and then go out of business

The business platform allows you to create your own online store that you can customize to sell products on the Internet. This is a good business model to get started in if you want to sell physical products as well as Digital Products and services.

One problem people have always had in the past is how they developed an e-commerce store to sell physical products in. The other problem is where do they get the products to sell. Shopify handles both of the problems for you!

They do a good job of handling two primary problems people have when trying to develop an e-commerce store.

1. No technical ability is needed.
2. Save a lot of money.

Shopify Affiliate Program - working from home

As you can imagine trying to set up an e-commerce store is technically challenging for the average person. Most people wouldn’t even try to do it unless they could use some sort of template.

WordPress has come a long way in providing blogging templates that can be used to build an eCommerce storefront. However, this can still be challenging, so many people consider whether they would just like to hire somebody to do it for them.

Most people who are looking to start their own online shopping store are doing it because they need to make money. Oftentimes they do not have a lot of money to get started upfront, so when you add in the cost of a website developer it’s enough to stop most people from going forward.

Shopify eliminates both the cost of hiring a website builder as well as the objection that you need technical ability to do it yourself.

How Does It Work?

With Shopify, you can handle the following aspects of your business through them.

  • accept credit cards
  • design your own store and easily make changes to it
  • upload products
  • manage the ordering process and view transactions in real-time

There is no limit on the number of products that you can sell on your own Shopify store. You can build your store as a member with packages ranging from $29 a month to $79 a month. As you might expect there are more features and benefits with each level.

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Become A Shopify Affiliate

Shopify Affiliate Program - Using Shopify for your Affiliate Marketing

I know that many people who are in affiliate marketing do not want to do e-commerce, but rather just want to sell affiliate products and services.

Let’s look a little closer at the benefits of becoming an affiliate for Shopify.

1. It’s free. It doesn’t cost anything to join their affiliate program. I personally view this as a big benefit because oftentimes today to sell high-ticket affiliate products you first have purchased the products before you’re allowed to sell them. That’s not the case with this program.

2. Marketing materials. As an affiliate, you will have your own affiliate link to promote to sign up new members.

You need to have your own website or blog or Facebook or LinkedIn account to get approved. You want these anyway because social media is a good way to market this affiliate program. They provide you with banners to promote as well.

3. Earning money. You earn 200% of the merchant’s subscription fee. You can make up to $358 per sale on standard plans and up to $2,000 on the Enterprise plan!

Payments are issued 100% for month 1 paid and 100% for month 2 paid off the customer subscription. You are paid via PayPal.

4. Partner program. This is different than the Shopify affiliate program.

The partner program is for agencies that are working with specific clients. They might be building their client a new website or app and want to incorporate products into it from Shopify.

Is The Shopify Affiliate Programs For Me?

I’ve said many times in the past I still it’s best for you to be an affiliate for any product you personally use. In this case, that would mean you need to set up your own store and sell products as a Shopify merchant as well as refer new members.

If that doesn’t appeal to you perhaps you should look into doing a joint venture with an existing member. Joint ventures have always been a good way for people to combine their skills and time to help each other make more money.

You could handle the affiliate marketing side of the business while letting them run the online store. Depending on how your business arrangement is set up you could split the profits accordingly.

Of course, if you prefer you can just become a Shopify affiliate and promote the program directly without being a paid member. There are many instances of successful affiliates who do not have their own store.

If you need my personal help on how to get started, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

Related Video On Shopify.

PS: Please leave your comment or questions below, I would love to get your feedback.

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2 thoughts on “Shopify Affiliate Program Reviewed | Businesses On Steroid!”

    • Hi, Annie is only when one of my Team members ask me about Shopify I decided to take a closer look. This is the reason for me writing this review. It definitely deserves to worth taking a look. Thank you for the feedback.


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