Is Starting An Internet MLM Home Business Harder Today?

If starting an internet MLM home business were harder more people would not do it. This article is a different way of looking at the topic of using the Internet to make money with your own MLM home business.

Millions of people do a Google search on how to start an Internet home business every month. I have no idea how many people actually get started, but I don’t think it would be exaggerating to say thousands or possibly even millions of new Internet home businesses are started every month.

Why is that?

When you get right down to it it’s extremely easy to start a home business using the Internet.

Part of this can be explained by looking at the various business models that people use to start their own business online, including MLM.

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MLM Home BusinessStart An MLM Home Business

It doesn’t take very much money to start an MLM business of your own at home. This is certainly less expensive than starting an offline business or purchasing a franchise.

Not only is it inexpensive to start a network marketing business, but it’s extremely fast. I think this is one mistake that people make.

In the old days of network marketing, people would join an MLM business based on a referral from a friend or a relative. There was virtually no research done because you trusted the person referring you to their business opportunity.

All it took was filling out an application and writing a check for the cost to get started. In most network marketing opportunities you were also encouraged to purchase a starter kit that contained marketing materials and products for personal use and demonstration.

Flash forward to today!

You can get started even faster by using the Internet. Every distributor has their own website with a sales page where you can join.

You’re still encouraged to purchase products for personal use and demonstration, but that’s not required. Most marketing is done online. You are given a replicated website that has your name on it and is coded with your identification number.

In reality, it only takes a few minutes and you are in business for yourself, or are you?

You may have the necessary tools to get started, but what you don’t have are the skills. More specifically, Internet marketing skills.

working on my MLM Home Business at home

Why Do People Fail At Network Marketing?

The failure rate in network marketing is still high, although it is improving thanks to the Internet.

People who have failed in the past are making money now.

However, there are a few reasons that some people still continue to fail and that does not need to happen if they would learn and do these things!

1. Lack of Internet marketing skills. The bottom line is if you get enough people to your company provided the website you’re going to sell products and sponsor new distributors.

The problem is the World Wide Web is cluttered with billions of pages. In the network marketing niche, there are millions of competitive pages you are trying to move ahead of.

It really doesn’t matter what type of Internet business you start. If you don’t develop at least one or two strategies for driving traffic to your website or blog, it’s going to be difficult for you to succeed.

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2. Time. Most people who start a network marketing business do it on a part-time basis.

We all lead busy lives. Often this can get in the way of really working on your network marketing business. By working, I mean spending most of your promoting your website or blog and following up with prospects.

This is where it so important for you to automate as much of your business as you possibly can. Hiring me as your freelance MLM blog writer is one way to develop your brand and enhance your credibility.

3. Don’t want it bad enough. I have never seen an industry where so much effort was put into helping people improve their attitudes and learn how to set meaningful goals.

When you think about this really does make sense.

It seems like many people who fail in network marketing don’t really want it bad enough. I say that having grown up around an MLM business since the mid-1970s where I watched my parents develop a successful Amway business of their own.

They set meaningful goals, read self-help books and listened to tapes, and spent a consistent amount of time every week working on their business. This is not something that many people are willing to do when you get right down to it.

working on my mlm home based business

Let me give you an example.

The greatest self-help book of all time is “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. I wonder how many people have started reading that book yet never finished it?

Maybe even you!

4. Jumping around. One other problem I see that causes people to fail in network marketing is they jump from one business opportunity to the next.

I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with being in more than one MLM business when done correctly.

However, the reason the people jump from one opportunity to the next is that they think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.

They think the reason they are not succeeding in their current network marketing business is that they are in the wrong business.

In reality, they would be better off looking in the mirror and understanding that the problem is themselves and not the business opportunity.

5. Build a portfolio. Is it possible to be successful in more than one network marketing business? It certainly is if the product line of the MLM opportunities you join is completely different.

I love the TV show Shark Tank. These guys talk about building a portfolio of successful businesses.

However, they will often bow out of bidding on a business opportunity because they currently own a similar business and feel that it would be a conflict of interest.

Once you learn how to do Internet marketing you can build a portfolio of MLM businesses, or other online businesses in different niches. For example, you might be in an MLM business that sells coffee products. You then might join a big-ticket product that provides Internet marketing training and self-help products.

You might branch out and buy niche websites in different niches making money with Google Adsense. This is an affiliate program and your websites would not be competing with your MLM businesses.

As you look at all of the different kinds of MLM business opportunities, and other niche businesses available today, you will see there are many ways you can build a portfolio of non-competing businesses if that is something you want to do.

Final thoughts

The reason people fail when starting an MLM home-based business opportunity is that it is too easy to get started. People do not have a lot invested in terms of time and money at first. When things get a little tough it is easy to quit because they do not have much to lose.

If you are interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on building a successful business online. You can get access to hundreds of training videos, 24/7 support, professional consultations, private access to training guides, tools, and much more.

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12 thoughts on “Is Starting An Internet MLM Home Business Harder Today?”

  1. I agree, that it is too easy nowadays to start a home business and not a lot gets invested, which is why people don’t take it as seriously; they won’t be losing much money if ever it does not work.

    However, what I would also add is that we are so used to our paychecks getting delivered without FAIL every single month / bi-weekly.

    People expect this to happen with their business as well, which is unrealistic. A business, be it online or offline, takes time to grow. It could take months, even up to a year to see any profit at all.

    • Reyhana, glad that you see my point and understand why it is much easier to start a business today than before. The things that we had to do to build a website in the past is not that hard anymore. With a few point and click, your website is up and running for the world to see.

      Getting  paychecks are great, but what about the day when the company says that your service is not needed anymore? There goes that paycheck that we were accustomed too.

      I believe you are right that they look at the business in the same way, but if they are given the right approach, they would see it differently. I believe those get-rich-scheme programs are the ones that cause them to believe in this manner. People are getting the picture more and more that building a business requires time.

      Thank you for your comment and insights about starting a business today.

  2. Great point of view. I have been approached by different MLM companies and at the time had chosen not to do it. Now that the internet is available as a resource, I think it would be so much easier and offer a whole lot of potential that wasn’t there before.

    I think your point on “the grass is always greener on the other side” is spot on. When it comes down to it, the grass is as green as you make it to be. I think that is wise to follow, while keeping an open mind for opportunities to expand your business portfolio at the right time and place.

    Great input!

    • Cameron, glad that yo see my point. What ever you are doing, keep doing it if it is working. But from time to time, if you come across a MLM business that you can leverage from, by all means give it a go after some investigation. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Hope this helps!

  3. Great Post! I think that Wealthy Affiliate is not just an MLM. A Lot of MLM companies out there are scammers. WA provides you with an opportunity to build you own website an run your own online business rather than having to promote their company like most MLM companies.

    WA also has their own Affiliate programme but they actually have a product to sell (the training etc) . I think it is a good business model because they are honest and open about the challenges you will face and the opportunities you can expect.

    • Renton, the reason I joined Wealthy Affiliate is because of the flexibility of creating your own brand and not promoting their company as you so mention. Anyone can use Wealthy Affiliate to build their own business with a platform that supports it.

      The Affiliate program within Wealthy Affiliate provides full-time income for many, and still have room for many others coming aboard. i would recommend any one that starting out to begin with Wealthy Affiliate, and the veterans that are struggling with their business, they can use it as well to boost their business. Thank you for your insight.

  4. Hi Bishop, 

    I agree that it’s extremely easy to start an Internet MLM home business nowadays as compared to previously where you can only do it only on offline. Further, the initial investment setting up an online business is inexpensive, the only expense incurred is to get a website and hosting plus an email autoresponder if you do email marketing.

    You have provided a great point of view, even nowadays Online Business has grown like a mushroom, but the failure is still relatively high due to their own mentality, lack of Internet Marketing Skills and quitting too fast.

    People expect to make money as soon as they start up their online business which is unrealistic. You need to devote your time and effort into it. It may take months to see a Profit.

    Best regards

    • Zayn, thank you for your input and agreement that starting a MLM business online today is much easier as in the past.

      Like anything, the skills is required to build anything successful. And I am happy to know that their is a community like Wealthy Affiliate to provide this service to anyone who wants it.

      Yes, with time and the right training, anyone can own a successful business online. Thank you for the comment and positive input.

  5. For some people is easier to quit than spend more time and effort to get the success are looking to have. A business require time to grow up, sometimes months or a year, patience is needed to success. Your point “the grass is always greener on the other side” is the excuse for people that don’t persevere, “the greener” mostly depends on us 😉

    • I have been in and out of a lot of business and never had any success. Looking back I believe the reasons for my failure is what you mention, I never give any of them time. The training was a major factor as well, because most of the programs did not offer any training.

      Glad that I found a community that gives me all the training and support to assist me in building a successful business that would last years down the road that I can leave for my children. Thank you Wealthy Affiliate.

  6. Hello David, thank you for the  post. While I am not a fan of MLMs< I do agree that it is easy to start an online business today compared to in the past. I also had friends and relatives that went into MLMs like Amway and Mary Kay. They were not successful and had their basements full of products that they could not move. I also totally agree with you that to be successful you do need to put in the time and effort. 

    • Harvey, thank you for the comment and insight about MLM business. I myself had my time with MLM, Prepaid Legal Services, and it did pay off for me.

      Glad today with the online world it is easy to start a business from home and earn a decent income once you put in the work. Wish you all the best and feel free to stop by from time to time.


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