Tools For An Online Business – For Better Results

If you want your business to compete on the World Wide Web, there are tools for an online business you will need for several things to be successful.

These include a business model, products, marketing, customers, email follow-up, branding, and possibly several other things.

What I want to talk about in this article are the tools for starting an online business that can have a huge impact on whether you are successful or not. This is by no means a complete list, but rather a good starting point.

Tools For An Online BusinessStart A Blog

Many online businesses today use their blog as a website. However, many companies already have a website set up and need to add a blog to it.

A blog is one of the most powerful forms of social media marketing. It’s a great way for you to update what’s going on in your business quickly and in a targeted way.

I call blogging a form of social media marketing because you want to promote it all over the Internet in as many Social ways as possible. I will get more into those here in a minute.

You can start a blog separate from your current hosting if you want to. One way to do that would be to use a free blogging platform such as Word Press or Blogger.

A better way is to set up a separate subdomain called a blog and add content to this folder. Depending on how much content you have on your website, you may want to move your site and combine it with your blog.

Let your blog theme be the platform you now use for your website as well as new blog articles. Use a WordPress theme for this.

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Online Marketing

Hopefully, I have convinced you to start a blog. Now you need to look at ways to promote it. Your blog is your primary marketing tool and adding content to it is the first step in marketing your online business.

The easiest way to do this is to bookmark your posts on various social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. What you’re working on here is to establish a social media presence that also includes adding followers and friends.

Social media marketing is the most valuable tool for online business because this is how people interact with each other on the Internet.


Set up a YouTube channel for your online business. Add videos to your new YouTube channel and then post those back on your blog.

This is an easy way to get interaction between YouTube and your blog and a great way to use YouTube as an online marketing tool. Because YouTube is a free shared video site, some of your videos can end up on other people’s blogs, or be posted to their own Facebook or Twitter accounts.

Email Marketing

Set up a sign-up form on your blog.

Capture your prospect’s name and email address and store those in an autoresponder.

An autoresponder is an automatic way to send an email. It’s a great way for you to market your business on the Internet to people who are expecting to hear from you.

An autoresponder has to be subscribed to, so you’ll never be accused of spamming somebody via email. Over time, you brand yourself as an expert in the niche of your online business.

An autoresponder is a great way to enhance your reputation and credibility. It’s also an excellent way to build relationships.

Email marketing is an excellent source for selling products and enrolling members into your business opportunity if you have one. The other great thing about an email list is you always own it, and it can be a valuable asset for future business.

Google Analytics

You can join this service for free and install a small piece of code on your blog. This is an excellent way to track where your blog visitors are coming from, and what they do once they have landed on your blog.

You can see what keywords they are searching for to find your blog. This is a good way of determining additional keywords that you should try to rank for in Google’s organic results so you can increase your blog traffic.

Another great thing about Google Analytics is using the demographics that Google provides for you to enhance and personalize the experience of your visitors. Google provides training on how to do this, and it is a worthwhile skill and tool to have for your online business.

In my opinion, you should set up accounts with Google Adwords, Bing, and Facebook. Depending on your budget you may or may not use one or more of these pay-per-click advertising methods.

Of course, Google Adwords is the largest pay-per-click advertising source for generating traffic to your website or blog. Bing is less expensive and may be a good way for you to get started.

Facebook Ads can be targeted so they show up on Facebook accounts of people that might be interested in what your business has to sell. Getting training on any PPC advertising is necessary unless you hire an SEO company to handle this for you.

Blog Content

One other thing I want to point out is to consider hiring a freelance writer to create your blog content for you. Many times this is a better option for small business owners who are busy and don’t have a chance to keep their blog up to date.

The great thing about hiring a freelance writer is you can keep your blog up-to-date in a hands-off way. Many freelance writers will also include the marketing of your blog. This can be an excellent way to increase your presence online and eventually rank for organic searches related to the theme of your business.

Jaaxy (A keyword Research Tool)

When writing content for your blog, your goal is to find competitive keywords that would cause you to rank and google so that people would be able to find your content. This is why you need Jaaxy to be ahead of your competition. This would be your very own keyword research tool on steroids.

There are lots of free research tools you can use as well, but when you join my recommended community below, Jaaxy would be included in your starter membership. It gives you all the low-hanging fruit keywords to go after plus you will have a community to help you choose the right ones.

Web Hostings

This is a must for your business if you want a sustainable business website and one that Google favoured in the search engines. Bluehost is one of them that gives you good service for your money.

With my recommended platform, they give you a free domain as you begin your training to see if it is a good fit before you decide if that is the business you had in mind.

My Final thoughts on tools for an Online Business

These are several tools for an online business that should be used at the bare minimum. The key to making sure this happens is to outsource as much of your marketing as possible so you can concentrate on doing what you do best for your business!

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4 thoughts on “Tools For An Online Business – For Better Results”

  1. Hi

    I’ve been reading this post and you’ve got me thinking now about if it’s really possible to make money online. I’m a little sceptical after been bombarded with get rich quick schemes every time I search for a legitimate business. All the up sells and so on. I will take a look as you don’t seem pushy this is a definite no no for me so thanks.

    • Gary, thank you for your comment. I was sucked into some of those get rich scheme business. I did make some money, but it was not constant. And they keep asking for more money with new products.
      Wealthy Affiliate is teaching me so much, wish I had strumbled onto it years back.
      Glad you make the decision to take a look if you need clarification with anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. I take this business, and I will do whatever to see others succeed. All the best.


  2. Nice list of tools to thrive on online business. I use Google Analytics daily and track my blog’s growth. I need to use email marketing soon.Could you please suggest the best email marketing service? I found this post very helpful and hope that it helps folks like me to benefit from aforementioned tools to grow their online business.

    • Thank you for stopping by Sethu and approving my list of tools for an online business. Yes, Google Analytics work best for tracking your blog. Email Marketing is good for building your list, but please be careful on the information that you are providing for your audience on a continuous basis.

      Some marketers are guilty of spamming their list by repeatedly asking them to buy stuff, that is not what building your list is for. Please provide quality information to your audience and focus on building trust and filling a void. Mail Chimp is a free autoresponder you can use for email marketing. Aweber is the one I use with a monthly fee that is charged according to your list. Get Response is a good one as well.

      Glad you find this post very helpful and hope it help you to grow your online presence. Please feel free to come back to my website cause it is being updated weekly by adding tips on making money online that works today. all the best.



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