Top Affiliate Marketing Programs – Plus My #1 Recommendation!

Searching for the top affiliate marketing programs can be very difficult with all the scams it has circulating on the Internet.

I want to look at specific affiliate marketing business models and the exemplary programs in those models so that you would have the knowledge and know what direction you should go.

When new affiliate marketers first get started, they know they want to make money, but they do not know how to get started. In this article,

pay per click - Top Affiliate Marketing ProgramsPay Per Click

This is perhaps the easiest way to make money as an affiliate marketer because your website visitor is not required to do anything other than click on an ad provided to you by the affiliate merchant. The most extensive affiliate marketing program in this business model is Google AdSense.

If you’ve done any research on the Internet you’ve you’ve no doubt come across websites with Google ads on them. Google sells the advertising, and you place a small piece of code on your website that makes the ads appear. When people click on these ads, they earn a percentage of what the advertiser spends.

Pay-per-click affiliate marketing is big business. Google pays out over $1 billion in commissions to their affiliates every year.

Sometimes affiliate marketers find their Adsense account has been suspended or cancelled. This is a fact of life and may have you looking for other PPC options.

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Other top pay per click affiliate programs to check out include:

– Adversal
– Chitika
– Infolinks
– Pop Ads
– Shareaholic

It is ironic that if your Adsense account has been terminated, you can do a Google search to find more pay-per-click affiliate programs, but that is the fastest way to start your list.

Pay Per Lead 

what percentage of your lead convert to sales

This business model is also referred to as cost per action. You must get your website visitor to perform a specific action such as filling out a lead form or downloading a piece of software.

You earn a set amount of money when the visitor performs the required action. This is an excellent way to earn part-time income on the Internet.

The best way to get started is to join an affiliate network and find offers for specific affiliate merchants. Offer Vault is a great website to learn about cost-per-action affiliate marketing and find networks to join. Max Bounty is another great affiliate program to join for CPA offers.

Here is a crucial point to keep in mind regarding pay per lead or cost per action affiliate marketing. Join a network and let them find the affiliate offers for you to promote.

This is the main thing I like about this form of affiliate marketing. Networks handle the offers, and you promote them. Having multiple affiliate merchants in one place is excellent!

Pay Per Sale

Initially, this was the first business model used in affiliate marketing. Amazon is generally credited with starting one of the first affiliate marketing programs, and today they continue to run one of the largest on the Internet.

The nice thing about joining an extensive affiliate program such as Amazon is you can find offers to promote both physical products as well as digital products such as ebooks, audiobooks, and so on. This works well on niche sites.

ClickBank is another top source of pay-per-sale digital products. They are considered to be a network, and they handle everything for you.

This lets you find ebooks and other offers to promote. You make the sale, and Clickbank pays you for it.

2 Tier Affiliate Programs

Get paid to complete the required action from the merchant and recruit affiliates to do the same. For example, you may earn 20% on personal sales and 5% on the sales of your affiliate recruits.

This is the 2 tier pay plan. It does not pay you any levels more profound than that which helps separate it from network marketing programs.

Start Your Own Affiliate Program

John D. Rockefeller is quoted as “saying “I would rather earn 1% of people’s efforts than 100% of my own “efforts,” Affiliates who want to make money on the efforts of others can go beyond a 2 tier affiliate program and start their own affiliate program.

This comes with benefits and disadvantages as well. The main disadvantage I have always seen is most affiliates who join a program never do anything with it.

As long as you keep most everything automated and have a good customer support system in place you can overcome that to reap the big rewards. You can hedge your bets so to speak and be your own best affiliate which is earning you 100% commissions!

Many affiliate marketers start out with the other business models first and then some work their way into starting an affiliate program later after they become more experienced in how to promote the top affiliate programs online.

Which of the five above do you find more rewarding?

Final thoughts on top Affiliate Marketing Programs

If you are really interested in creating your own home business, check out my #1 recommendation on how to build a successful business, you’ll get plenty of support, training, websites, and access to 24/7 live chat where people are always online to help you. And I will be your private coach until success finds you. Get started for FREE today.PS: No credit card is needed!

Related Video: 5 Affiliate Marketing Tips and Tricks – How to Increase Affiliate Sales

Please leave your question or comment below, I will love to get your feedback.

17 thoughts on “Top Affiliate Marketing Programs – Plus My #1 Recommendation!”

  1. Great post David! I like how you went through the different methods so that everyone could understand about PPC advertising. Also, I really like the graphics you chose! Overall very informative post, keep up the great work.

  2. I love how you layed it out about the different types of affiliate marketing. I guess I’m like most and thought there was just the 1. Its good to read and get a better understanding of the difference so a clear decision can be made. Thanks for your insight and expertise on this post.

    • Leah, thank you for the comment and kind words. Is always good to educate your audience so that they see the whole picture and make a better decision.

      There are so make ways you can work from home online, but Affiliate marketing is the best way to build a full-time income from home with no hassle. Talk to you soon.

  3. Hi there Bishop
    Thanks so much for sharing these top affiliate marketing programs, as a blogger, I know how hard it can be making money online and one is always on the lookout to find what works best.
    Now you mention PPC which I really like, although some will not agree, I feel PPC is a good way to make money especially when a blog is still new and not making a lot of sales.
    To me personally, I do not use pay per lead but after reading your post, I feel this is something I should look into.
    Affiliate marketing is sure a great way to make money from home and the best thing is that one does not have to deal with clients or returns.
    Now you mention Clickbank on your post, this is a program I have never tried as one reads negative reviews about ClickBank products, what do you think is the best way to weed through low-quality products at the ClickBank marketplace that most reviews do complain about?
    Really informative and pleasant to read.

    • Roamy, the possibility from working from home with different Affiliate Marketing programs is a great opportunity today. PPC can really move your business in the right direction fast, if the marketer learn the skills. This is one of the few lessons that are describe in details within Wealthy Affiliate training program.

      I will always suggest Affiliate programs as the best choice, because of the simplicity in setting up. Clickbank has change over the years to better serve the marketer. The higher the gravity score would be the best way to determined if that product is good or not. hope that helps.

  4. Nice post David
    I love how you took your time to explain the various ways we can earn from affiliate marketing that even someone who is new to it would understand. For me I think pay per sale is still the best, there is nothing greater than getting commission from a sale made. This pay per lead you talked about do you know of any nice platform that one can sign up with.
    Thanks once again

    • Thanks Bibian, for your comment. Glad that you get some value here on Top Affiliate marketing programs and the benefits. I will agree with you that pay per sale is the best. 

      There are quite a few pay per lead programs out there, but the one I will recommend is eTeachers. You can check it out here. Hope that helps.

  5. Nice article Bishop!

    I currently use Adsense and, as it hasn’t generate a lot of income due to my site still being fairly new, it does add a nice touch to the website. You can manually add each ad or have it set to auto, with many different shapes and sizes available as well.

    I will have to look more into some of the other options you provided and potentially incorporate it into my site. 

    • Thank you for stopping by Brandon, and thank you for your kind words. Traffic to your website is key, and as you build your content by providing value to your audience, you will attract more visitors and build a decent revenue with Adsense.

      Please take the time and look over the various ways that a person can earn an income on the internet, And why becoming an Affiliate Marketer should be their main source.

  6. For me, the most rewarding is Pay Per Sale, at least for beginners. Because you can learn how to become a good marketer who gets the customer to buy the product. And you make some money.

    But after a while, I think I will invest in Pay Per Click and my own affiliate program. I didn’t think of this until now, but yes, why not? It would be awesome to have my affiliate program and have others get the customers to me!

    • Pay per sale is my choice as well, and sometimes all is needed is one or two successful ad campaign that is attracting customers, and you can make a considerable amount of money with just a single niche like pet or golf supplies.

      Affiliate Marketing is long term and can easily replace your full-time income if done properly. when i started I did not think that it was possible, but as I went through the training at Wealthy Affiliate, My website started to attract visitors, and the sale started to role in.

      Pay per click is a good way of earning an income once the traffic to your website started to grow.when building a business online, trial and error is going to come into play, and once you see what is working, then you can focus on that one thing, to make you a successful. Thanks again for your input here.

  7. So far, I have just been learning affiliate marketing. My website is filling out nicely, but I’m really hesitant to put ads on there. I get annoyed by other websites when they have a lot of ads interrupting the content and then pop-ups that interrupt my reading. I don’t want to ruin the experience for my own readers, so I have just not signed up for ads.

    Is there a way to control where the ads go on each page and how many are there? I know I can’t control what ad is displayed to each visitor, but I might consider it if I can limit the ads to designated spots. Even then, I’m scared to cheapen my site or annoy my visitors, especially as I’m just starting out. So far, affiliate links and images have been my go-to, but even with those, I only use them when they coordinate with my content and I’m specifically talking about a product.

    So, what are your ideas on this? Is there a classy way to do ads without interrupting the content flow? 

    • Theresa, you are on the right track by not using ads on your website when starting out. Later down the road when you are getting tons of traffic and your website gains authority. You can consider using them. but for now, it will cause readers to leave your website and that will hurt your search engines rankings.

      Your website is yours and you can control where you need your ads to run. But the type of ads will be control by Google depending on the niche that you chooses. And even then sometimes ads are being display that has nothing to do with your website. And that is what annoys the readers which can hurt your readers experience.

      Your best bet is to stay away from ads when starting out. I had it once and decided to get rid of it, and my rankings went up because of that decision I made. Hope that helps!

  8. Hey David!

    Thanks for this information. It has really helped me understand the different ways to make money online. I have been wondering what was the difference between PPC (Pay Per Click) Marketing and PPL (Pay Per Lead) Marketing and your explanation has helped me to understand them better. Now my question is, which of these models is best to start off with and which is a good to incorporate as my business gains traction and starts growing?



    • Glad i was able to show some clarity here with the difference you can earn money with your website. This is what is working for me today by giving them time to manifest.

      When starting out, you best bet would be Pay Per Sale by joining an Affiliate Program such as Amazon as I mentioned. This would give you a wide knowledge on what to choose that you feel comfortable with.

      Pay per click can be very costly if you do not know what you are doing. In Wealthy Affiliate Training, they break it down step by step on how to approach PPC. If done right, it can speed up your success and build a huge income that you can scale easily.

      Pay per lead can be done at a later stage after you have test the two I mention above. So start with pay per sale by joining an Affiliate program, ans as you make money, use some of that money to test ppc to increase sales and income. Hope that answer your question.


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