Vasayo MLM Review | Is Vasayo MLM A Scam Or Legit?

This Vasayo MLM Review is a multi-level marketing company based out of California. They sell a wide range of vitamins, supplements, and personal care items. Vasayo was founded in 2001 by Dr. David Rizzio, M.D. He is still the CEO today. Vasayo sells over 30 different types of nutritional products such as vitamin D3, B12, Omega 3, and many others.

Vasayo Review Full overview

  • Product Name: Vasayo
  • Founders: David Rizzio
  • CEO: Dallin Larsen
  • Product: MLM Business Opportunity on Health and Wellness
  • Price: $399.00
  • Ratings: 4
  • Recommended: Yes, if good at recruiting

Please keep in mind as you read my Vasayo Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Vasayo. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might even be helpful to read other Vasayo Reviews.

What is Vasayo?

The company focuses mainly on selling its products online. However, they do offer free shipping within the United States. Vasayo products packages come in several forms including tablets, capsules, liquids, powders, and even skin creams.

Their most popular product is called “Microlife”. This is a daily multivitamin that contains 20 different vitamins and minerals.

The History of Vasayo MLM

The company claims to offer a unique opportunity to earn extra income from home. Karree Larsen is the founder of Vasayo. She also serves as its president. She is an American entrepreneur who lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children.

Karree started working at age 16 when she worked for her father’s business. At age 18, she quit college to work full-time for her family’s business. In 1996, Karree left her job to start a new venture. She wanted to create something that would help people live healthier lifestyles.

Her first idea was to make a line of natural body lotions. After trying it out herself, she decided to give it a try. Her first product was called “Luscious Lips” which contained lip balm and moisturizer.

In 1999, Karree launched her second product called “Fusion.” Fusion was a combination of vitamins and minerals designed to be taken every day. After launching Fusion, Karree began looking into other ways to market her products. She found out about network marketing and decided to join one.

At this point, Karree had no experience with network marketing. She joined only because she thought it sounded like fun. Karree became interested in network marketing after reading a book called “How To Make Millions In Network Marketing” by Robert G. Allen. This book inspired her to get involved in network marketing.

Karree attended a seminar where she met Dallin Larsen. Dallin was the owner of a successful network marketing company called “Profitability Resources”. He invited Karree to attend his next seminar. At the seminar, he told Karree about how he made millions through network marketing.

How To build a team with Vasayo?

He explained that there were three main reasons why network marketing works so well. First, you can reach your target audience without spending much money. Second, you don’t need any special skills or training. Third, you have a low startup cost.

Karree liked what Dallin said and decided to become a part of his team. Dallin Larsen is the current president of Vasayo. He is also the founder of Profitability Resources.

Dallin has been involved in network marketing for more than 15 years. He has personally earned over $1 million dollars. His success comes from building a strong team of distributors. Dallin believes that if you build a good team, they will do all the hard work for you.

If you are just starting out in network marketing, you should consider joining a team led by someone who has already built a large team. You will learn valuable lessons from them. When you join a team, you will not only receive support but also advice on how to grow your business.

The best teams usually consist of 10-20 members. You should choose a team that fits your needs. A team that consists of 20 members may be too big for you. On the other hand, a team consisting of 5 members may not provide enough support.

The most important thing to remember is that you should never feel pressured to buy anything. If you want to sell products, you must earn your commission.

Is Vasayo a scam or legitimate?

Vasayo is a legitimate MLM (Multi Level Marketing) program as you would see in other Vasayo Reviews. If you want to join the Vasayo team, you’ll need to provide personal information. Once you’ve done that, you’ll receive a welcome kit containing several bonuses.

These include access to training materials, a bonus report, and a free sample of Vasayo’s proprietary nutritional supplement. You can also choose between two levels of commitment: Silver and Gold. The more you invest, the higher your status will be within the organization.

How Does Vasayo MLM Work?

The basic idea behind Vasayo MLM is to have people pay for commissions on products they already use. For example, if someone buys Vasayo’s protein powder, they might get paid a commission when other people buy it too. To make money with this model, you need to convince people to try out Vasayo products and then sell them to others.

The main difference between Vasayo and many other MLM companies is that they don’t charge any fees to join. However, there are some costs involved in running an MLM business. One of these costs is hiring salespeople. Since Vasayo doesn’t charge any joining fees, they’re able to keep their prices low. In addition, Vasayo offers its own product at wholesale pricing.

This is one of the best MLM leads companies in the industry and they supply quality targeted MLMs leads which means the business is quite effective and efficient! Also, I love the fact that they supply the most reliable prospecting lists and high-quality services and this price is definitely reasonable!

Can you make money with Vasayo MLM?

If you want to start making money with Vasayo MLMs, you need to become a distributor. As a distributor, you can sell Vasayo products directly to customers and earn commissions. There are different types of distributorships available. Each type comes with a certain level of compensation. Here’s how much you can expect to earn depending on what kind of distribution plan you select:

  • $100 – $200 per month
  • $300 – $500 per month
  • $600 – $1,000 per month
  • $2,000+ per month

As you can see, the higher your monthly earnings goal, the lower the amount of time required to reach that goal.

What Are My Chances Of Succeeding With Vasayo MLM as a business opportunity?

First, you can recruit family and friends into the company. Second, you can find people online who are interested in starting a home-based business or looking to grow their existing business. Third, you can purchase leads from lead generation firms so that you can contact potential prospects.

Is Vasayo MLM Opportunity Worth It?

Yes, Vasayo is worth trying because it has been around since 2002 and is still going strong today. This shows that the company knows what works and what doesn’t work in the world of network marketing. They offer great products, a solid compensation plan, and outstanding customer service. Plus, they offer a 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied with the results.

What are the pros and cons of Vasayo MLM? 


  • High Product Quality
  • Great Compensation Plan
  • No Commissions are Paid On Recruiting New Members
  • Limited Number of Products Available
  • Unlimited Income Potential


  • Low Customer Service Level
  • High Minimum Order Quantity
  • Limited Training Provided
  • High Initial Investment Required
  • High Cost Per Lead
  • High Commission Rates
  • High Minimum Payout Requirements
  • High Exit Fee

What are the products of Vasayo MLM?

Vasayo sells health products, wellness products, beauty products, vitamins, supplements, skin care products, and weight loss products.

Vasayo’s mission is to help people live healthier lives with its product packages. Their goal is to provide high-quality products that deliver real health benefits. In pursuit of this goal, Vasayo has been working diligently to develop innovative technologies that improve the absorption and utilization of vitamins and minerals.

They play a vital role in maintaining our immune systems, brain function, hormone production, energy metabolism, cardiovascular health, skin integrity, and much more.

Vasayo MLM Compensation Plan

Vasayo mlm Review - Vasayo Compensation plan graph

There are 18 levels in Vasayo’s compensation plan. Rank 1 allows you to become a brand partner, which gives you access to the program and allows you to make money from it. You don’t even need to recruit anyone else.

The levels from being a Brand Partner, Qualified, Executive, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Pearl, and Blue Sapphire Partner. Blue sapphire is at the highest level. all these levels require recruiting active customers, and affiliate members and have different group volumes at each level.

After the brand level, the next level requires that you recruit at least 2 partners and that they generate at least $800 per month in sales. This level is called executive brand partner because you will now have to recruit another person to join the team, and that person needs to generate $1,600 per month in sales.

If you want to reach the highest level in the program, you must recruit 8 brand partners and 4 executive brand partners. At this stage, you’ll earn a bonus of 20% of your monthly commission.

Any Lawsuits with Vasayo MLM?

The company was sued by the Federal Trade Commission for failing to disclose material facts about its compensation plans. However, the FTC eventually dropped the case after Vasayo agreed to make changes to its compensation plan.

Are there any testimonials about Vasayo MLM Company?

Yes, many people have made good money with Vasayo.

What are others saying about Vasayo?

  • – “Vasayo is one of the best skin care lines out there.” -Amazon reviewer
  • – “I am very happy with the product. It works well and doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin.” – Amazon customer
  • – “My face feels smooth and soft!” – Amazon customer
  • – “The Microlife Renew serum is amazing. My skin looks better than it ever has in my entire life.” – Amazon customer
  • -“This is the best thing I’ve used since starting to use micro life products.” – Amazon Customer
  • – “I love how much my skin loves this stuff.” – Amazon Reviewer
  • – “I’ve tried many different brands of serums and moisturizers and this is hands down the best one I’ve found.” – Amazon reviewer

Is Vasayo A Pyramid Scheme?

Vasayo MLM Review  - MLM Business

Vasayo is one of the fastest-growing companies in the world today. They offer a very unique product and business opportunity that allows people like yourself to make money online without having to spend hours each day posting ads and recruiting members into your downline.

What makes it different from other MLM businesses?

Unlike most MLMs, Vasayo offers a high-quality product at an affordable price. The company also provides excellent training and support to help you build your business. In addition, Vasayo pays out 90% of every sale directly to its distributors.

Final Thoughts

If you want to start making money online, then Vasayo is definitely worth checking out. You can join today and start earning commissions right away.

Selling goods through an MLM company may be an effective way to generate some extra cash, but it is not a viable business model that can provide you with a full-time source of revenue. In fact, the figures show that only 1% of participants make a full-time living from their MLM efforts.

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4 thoughts on “Vasayo MLM Review | Is Vasayo MLM A Scam Or Legit?”

  1. Vasayo is planning to close in a few months to restart and “restructure” the company. One of the founders claims he wants a more passive role. They are going to erase everyone’s down lines and points. By July of this year this company will be added to the failed MLM trash heap.

    Be wary of the new company too. These people lack integrity.

    • Hey David, David here, Lol. thank you for the info, I will adjust my review when I see fit to do so, but feel free and drop by for any updates and insights you think would help.


  2. It wasn’t a few months. It was February 18. Doors closed, not a month after the convention in January. This action is what gives MLM a bad reputation. The top leaders were probably most hurt by this bc several had changed their whole lifestyle based on the promise of a long future with this company-basically forcing them to jump on the new business wagon. I didn’t jump. And I hope for their sake, they remain successful in their on right.

    • Yes, I saw that they are closed for now, and Daniel Picou is now in charge. Not sure if they will stay closed for good or if they would open back up under new management and owner. The Youtube channel is also closed.

      This is the reason I stay away from MLM companies. What happens to those people who build a full-time income and depend on that revenue on a monthly basis to pay their bills? What a bummer! My alternative. Check out for free.


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