VigLink MLM Review – Can You Make Money with VigLink?

My VigLink MLM Review shows why having the right tools in place helps you make more money with your websites. When you have one tool that saves you a lot of time and effort it is always a wise step to sign up and get on the bandwagon.

To find out all about this tool continue to read our review. It is filled with the facts you need to see how this tool will work to your benefit.

VigLink Overview

Name: Viglink
Price: Free + commission
Owners: Oliver Rupp
Overall Rank: 95 out of 100

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind as you read my VigLink MLM Review, that I am not a member or an affiliate of VigLink MLM. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any opinions and conclusions may not apply to all persons or situations. So read this review in its entirety and you make your own decision. It might even be helpful to read other VigLink MLM Reviews.

If you are into affiliate marketing this may be a tool you should look into using. It has over 30 thousand merchants signed up and you do not have to connect with them all individually.

The VigLink method does it all for you and if the merchant already has a whitelist, you are automatically added as an affiliate. Not only do you get a commission once someone buys through your link, but you are also automatically accepted as an affiliate.

Basically, VigLink is a monetization service for bloggers, etc., while being a service to vendors who use the affiliate method to make sales. While it does not promise you will make a lot of money, once it monetizes your website, and people buy, you do earn some money.

Viglink Product Overview

Viglink mlm Review for affiliate marketing

Not having a product to sell is not all bad. There are other forms of products that will help you start making some money off your website without you having to do a lot of writing, research or selling.

That is the VigLink way. The product they offer you is not tangible or needed by everyone. It is needed by affiliate marketers as it helps link them to over 30 thousand vendors who offer commissions for every sale.

Their Sovrn //Commerce’s Product Suite works behind the scenes on your website to make sure your product links are fully monetized. Plus, the system helps you hyperlink keywords and link them to high-paying vendors

The suite comes with 3 tools that do all the work for you. The first is called VigLink Convert which turns non-affiliate product links into affiliate ones. Then there is VigLink Insert which handles the hyperlinking duties for you.

Finally, there is VigLink Anywhere which goes beyond your website and handles the same type of duties on your social media accounts. To get all the details just go to their website and read up on what they can do for you

The Pros and cons of VigLink MLM

To get a good idea about any company make sure to read about its pros and cons. When the cons outnumber the pros then you have one gigantic red flag. This is not one of those situations


  • Free to join
  • Pays monthly, with no minimum threshold
  • Supports multiple platforms
  • All automatic and simple process
  • Search Engine Friendly


  • Need a good website with traffic
  • No control over certain facets of the program
  • Needs javascript to work
  • Doesn’t solve a blocking technology
  • You only get 75% of the commission

Who is Viglink for?

Viglink Link mlm Review - monetize

This program is for those people who do affiliate marketing or want to do it. It is a great way to monetize your website and add to your manually placed affiliate links. You do not have to worry as VigLink only activates non-affiliate links and leaves the rest.

Then if you are a blogger and want to earn some money through your effort, this is a good program to install on your blog. It is automatic so all you are doing is linking to the program and it does the rest.

Finally, it is for merchants who want to make more sales. With the broad advertising base that comes with VigLink, you can get your products out in front of more people without having to spend a lot of time or money doing it.

VigLink MLM Tools & Training

The good news about this product from VigLink is that you do not need any training to put it on your website. All you do is place the needed link on your web pages and let it scan your website to find unaffiliated links and keywords.

It is an automatic system that works to help you make more money than you already are. The only tool you need is their technology and you sign up to be a member of their program.

This system signs you up so you do not have to do it all manually or individually. It is a necessary tool for those who are serious about monetizing their websites. The fact that you do not need training doe snot mean that it is a bad tool to have on board.

It is a good tool that works with you making sure you are getting the most out of those links you have already put on your website

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VigLink MLM Support

You may wonder why you would need support if this tool is so easy to use and does everything automatically. One reason to have support is that not everyone is a technical genius and they may need help to put the tool on their website.

Or as the case may be, and it does take place, this tool sometimes sends people to a broken link and they can’t access the product you are representing. Then you may need help to rectify the situation.

The good news is that the VigLink website has a support button that you can click to get help. There is also a contact button if you have other questions about their product. You are not left alone to handle any difficulties that arise when you place their tool on your website.

Nothing is perfect in this world so be prepared to have a few problems when using their affiliate tool.

VigLink Price

There is even more good news coming your way here. The sign-up at VigLink is absolutely free. You do not have to pay any money to get access to their tool. That fact may lead you to ask how does VigLink make its money.

While the sign-up is free you are still going to have to pay the company some money. They take 25% of every commission you make. That still leaves you with 75% of the commission you may have never received if you did not use the VigLink product to monetize your website.

75% of something is always better than 100% of nothing. The commission is well worth it as the VigLink tool helps you gain more chances at making more money. The thing to remember at this point here is that VigLink is not using a lot of hype or unrealistic promises to get you to sign up.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme as you may only be paid a few cents on certain commissions. It will take time for the tool to fully optimize your website and for people to start clicking on your new affiliate links.

Referral Program

Viglink mlm Review referral program

The other way you make money and not have to pay any out is to sign up with their referral program. For one year you get 35% of VigLink’s commission split for each referral.

You do not have to pay any money out to do this and you get paid a little bit even if you write a good review with lots of referral links in those reviews. It is a lot to think about.

My final thoughts on VigLink MLM

This looks like a win-win product that is not out to hustle you out of any of your hard-earned money. The company has over 30,000 merchants it works with so chances are you will gain more affiliate links.

With its easy application and automatic system, you can only benefit by signing up and taking advantage of its offer. 25% is a little to pay when you have not been making any money off those product links.

This is not a scam and there is no hassle in getting paid. Your payment comes at the end of the month and it is sent to you through Pay Pal.

Also, there is no minimum threshold to worry about. It looks like a good deal for everyone involved.

VigLink at a Glance

  • It simplifies your affiliate linking process
  • It is an automatic tool
  • Easy to add to your website
  • It is free to join
  • You get lots of support
  • There is no training as none is needed
  • It works with over 30,000 merchants
  • Adds to your commission payouts
  • Monthly payments with no minimum threshold

VigLink MLM Summary

What you have here is a viable tool that helps you get the most out of your website or websites. This tool from VigLink is fully automatic and all you do is install it on your website and let it go to work.

Once you have done that the tool searches your web pages to find unaffiliated product links and affiliates it with one of their 30,000 vendors. It also helps hyperlink good keywords so you get maximum help where you need it.

One more thing! It is free to sign up. That makes it worth investigating as well as using.

The only payment you make is 25% of your new commission. It is a fair split of the money you wouldn’t have received without this top affiliate marketing tool. Check it out today.

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