What Is A Guest Post? Can It Help My Business?

What is a guest post? and how effective it is for my business for my blog and receiving organic traffic to my website.

A guest post is a useful and worthwhile technique. When you’re looking to get quality backlinks they could lead to more direct traffic and improved search engine rankings.

I like to think of a guest post as a successful content marketing strategy for your business. If you blog as I do, you need to get your blog out online where people can find it.

With that in mind, let’s talk more in detail about what a guest post is and how it can definitely help your business!

Relevant Audience

When you’re targeting a relevant audience and traffic to your business’s website, guest posting is a great idea you’ll want to implement. The key is a relevant audience which is a big clue.

You will not want to guest post on blogs that do not have something in common with your blog. Guest posting on a health site when you have a make-money tips blog like mine is not a relevant audience.

If I was a guest posting I would be looking for blogs in Internet marketing, home business, or earning money niches. This way when I write the blog article people will find it interesting. They will be more likely to click the link back to my blog in my author’s bio at the end of the article.

Brand Awareness

Guest blogging traffic is important, but it may not be the only goal of your post. There are quite a few reasons to get started with guest posting including

– improving your brand or product awareness
– attracting new and potential clients
– get high-quality backlinks for your website
– developing new relations
– connecting with businesses in your network

And a lot more!

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What Is Guest Post In SEO?

Guest posting on blogs is currently an effective marketing tool used by SEO professionals.

What Is A Guest Post? Can It Help My Business? - Finding website to post on is a good marketing strategy

They use this technique to maximize their advantages in comparison to the competitors in a niche.

Knowing that SEO professionals still guest post is important. Why?

Because these are people doing this for a living. If they think it is important shouldn’t you?

How To Get Started With Guest Posting

The first step of the guest posting process is finding suitable blogs you will contact to publish your post. Remember that only high-quality and popular blogs should be chosen.

During your search for these blogs with high quality and high traffic, it is important for the long-term goal of getting a good backlink leading to increased traffic and hopefully a larger customer base.

When your post is published on a low-quality blog it is probably a low-traffic blog as well. You will not get that many readers. It won’t generate much new traffic for your site.

When the content on a blog is of superior quality it attracts more readers and possibly new subscribers.

Here is an article that is worth reading if you want to use guest posting on your site. I hope that helps!

How to Earn Money from Blogs (before you have significant traffic)

Relevance On your Blog

In fact, a well-designed business blog adds more weight to your guest post and vice versa. Bloggers who are all about the quality are going to want your guest post to be of high quality. Assuming you can write at that level it is really a win-win situation for both of you.

The second step entails creating effective guest posting strategies that will help your business easily get noticed. All you need to do in this step is good research.

Study search engines and other sources for business-relevant sites where you want to post your blog. A good number of sites to shortlist for your posting should be about 5 to 10 sites to start.

After researching and identifying the right sites for you to work with, the next step will be to research the content to be published on their blog. You are probably thinking about growing your brand, right?

The objective of every business is to see it grow to the next level. Figure that bloggers you want to write for are being contacted about posting on their website a lot. This is ok because they are likely to be willing to give you a backlink in exchange for high-quality content.

Some may have a page set up with guest blogging instructions. If not a quick email asking if they accept guest blog posts, along with a link to a high-quality article from your blog, may get a reply back.

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Improving Your Brand

Guest posts help you grow your brand in several ways.

What Is A Guest Post? Can It Help My Business - improving your brand by guest posting nis good for SEO

One of the main ones, as I mentioned earlier, is SEO.

Considering guest posting for the SEO benefits is basically a valid reason. If your guest post reaches top-tier blog sites, it automatically drives a lot of targeted traffic. This helps to get your business brand in front of the relevant audience.

You do this just like blog articles on your own blog. You put your target keyword in the title and again in the body. You also sprinkle in related words in the body.

Write longer articles of 2000 words to improve your own SEO as well as that of the blog you are guest posting for. Because of the time, this can take this is another reason to target only high-quality and ranking blogs to write for.

My final thoughts?

Many businesses use guest posting to build brand awareness and credibility. Also, they drive more target traffic while increasing their ranking in search engines.

While there are several reasons to include posting on other blogs in your marking strategy, you should have your own valid reasons for doing so. What is your main goal for guest posting? Think long and hard about your answer and focus on it.

I think we can all agree that the main objective is to get your content out in front of a larger audience. If there is stiff competition in your market, your primary goal in doing this kind of marketing is exposure with a good backlink as the end game.

Finally, here is an added benefit I always appreciate. Although getting a lot of comments and shares on your post does not always help your marketing, it’s nice and probably good for your ego too! 🙂

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14 thoughts on “What Is A Guest Post? Can It Help My Business?”

  1. Dear Bishop,

    I totally depend on organic traffic for my blog posts, and one of my mentors advised me to focus on other traffic sources. So recently started to focus on social media platforms and one of my blogging friends advised doing guest posting.

    I wanted to do some research to find more information on Guest posting, and your post provided me with helpful insights.

    After reading your post, I realized the many benefits of Guest posting and how it can increase my traffic and help in branding. I am determined to focus on guest posting, and you have really given a lot of value in this post.

    For sure, Guest posting will take us from Author to Authority.

    Thanks for sharing!


    • Guest posting has given value to some of my Team members and some find their traffic has increased because of it. Others have made a few dollars which helped them offset some traffic expense, without digging into their hard earn cash from their full-time job.

      So guest posting does work if done correctly, especially when starting out on a new website. I had done it in the past only for a short time. Thank you for your comment and I hope it works for you moving forward. is always good to see a returning face. Which you all the best Paul.


  2. So that’s what it means! I have a few bloggers emailing me to ask me if they can guest blog on my site, or if I can guest blog and I was wondering what it all meant and why they want it. Correct me if I’m wrong but besides getting our business to get noticed, I think it also helps in building our name in the industry. 😀

    • Riaz,

      You are right, it does help with branding, and it can help to keep your site active with content as well. Keep in mind people would pay you to post content on your site, and over time it can add up to offset some of your advertising bills.

  3. Thank you for such an informative post on guest posting. I have been trying to build traffic for my site quite sometimes now by joining some group that has the same niche as me and we try to do a guest post together. I have also tried answering quora as much as I can and I leave my link on it just to get the exposure. 

    I also make sure to ask my readers for comments so that my audience knows that I am credible and always want to answer their questions, in the hopes that this will lead to building credibility. Hopefully, someone will approach me for a guest post soon.

    • If you stay consistent and keep writing engaging content, the traffic would come. Your main focus should be finding low competitive keywords and write articles on those low hanging fruit keywords. Guest posting is an addition but only comes when your website is very engaging on the net.

      Quora is a good place as well but do not get in the habit of leaving your links. I started a few months now and to this day I never left my link, but I try to answer most of the questions and a few people ask me what I do. And if they need to know about an area to help in their business, I refer them to one of the members at WA on their take on that topic.

      The community here at Wealthy Affiliate has training on just about any topic in the online industry and I can leverage their training and be awarded for it with my affiliate link. This I find very rewarding but I keep it to a minimum and try not to abuse it.

  4. This is the first time I heard about guest posting and how it is done. But I think I have a relative idea about it. Is it the title post of a different blogger (usually with picture) right below the end of written content by the website owner? Do you have to pay your chosen blogger if you want to guest post? I hope my question makes sense.  Thanks for all the explanation about this another type of marketing strategy. 

    • At the end of my article, I left a link on exactly how it is done and how to go about it. here is the link again.

      How to benefit from Guest Posting.
      And no, they actually pay you for posting articles on your website that you can edit to keep the flow of your brand. Please look at the link above to have a better understanding. Hope that helps!

  5. Hi, Thanks for this informative post. It has made much more sense about guest posting aspect to us.
    I personally think that reach out to authority sites in order to get accepted guest posting is a bit hard. As some site owner has its own writer team and would never accept the blogger to post its blogs.

    David, I have a question with respect to post sites: Is there any tool to find out which Sites allow us to apply for a guest post?.
    I would be much appreciated If you could respond to my question.
    Thanks in advance.

    • I have used them in the past and they were really helpful, Goins Writer. And there were a couple who approached me that I allow to guest post, but I give them the keywords, which I got paid for but helped me out to keep my content writing consistently. That was my only motive cause I could not find the time to write back then.

      One of my Team members uses this as well, you can find out what are their criteria. https://www.thehoth.com/guestpost/

      Hope that helps!

  6. Oh, I think it’s a quite good tip for bloggers.

    I’m blogging now then I really want to drive a ton of traffic. 

    Only thing I knew was SEO. There are so many competitors and I don’t know how to do with SEO tools…

    Well, after reading your article, guest posting is another way to drive some traffic to my blog.

    I’ve never thought about this method. 

    Well, there are also detailed methods and guides in this article so I think I’m going to find a huge tech blog for backlinks.

    Thanks for the good tips 🙂

    • In the past, I had no idea how it works until someone approaches me and was willing to pay me to post content on my site with I having full rights of editing the content to suit my brand. I only did this for about three months and it did help with boosting my traffic by keeping my content writing consistent, something that Google and the search engines love.

      Happy to know that you received some value here and are willing to give it a go. Let me know if you need further help in getting set up on the right approach and what to look for.


    • Yes it is, these strategies, With AI presence it can really ramp up your content getting more traffic to your website.es helped my Team and I in the past and it is still working today. Thank you for chiming in.



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